Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

What? Saying something isn’t evidence doesn’t mean it’s not evidence. Terran players have lower average MMR. Terran players have greater veterancy (they have been playing longer). Terran players play as many or more games on average. These are all indisputable facts. Even Sentry won’t deny that.

If you were actually remotely concerned with the truth, you’d ask for sources (which I’d be happy to give), but you haven’t. You just wish to deny reality.

Those are your words not mine.

This discussion is getting absurd. You are the one making assumptions and claims. Yes, if you have any valid sources, please include them.

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What is my assumption?

Can get all data here

sc2pulse.nephest. com/sc2/?season=52&queue=LOTV_1V1&team-type=ARRANGED&us=true&eu=true&kr=true&cn=true&bro=true&sil=true&gol=true&pla=true&dia=true&mas=true&gra=true&page=0&type=ladder&ratingAnchor=99999&idAnchor=0&count=1#stats-race

He’s not even talking about feminism, it’s literally you just generally being a dick. Being racist, sexist, whatever, completely unnecessary and completely irrelevant. And frankly it only makes your “arguments” weaker too.


I was being racist? Please explain.

I didn’t say you were being racist. I was pointing out the fact that racisim, sexism and all that rubbish makes arguments - in your case the line I quoted specifically, in addition to the (sexist) line below

Severely weakens your arguments.


You gonna tell me that’s not an argument tactic you’ve heard from like every woman you’ve dated?

Frankly speaking, it’s entirely irrelevant to the point. I also can confidently say that I haven’t, since my wife literally has never once said that to me.


Fair enough. My fiancé hasn’t either. Hence I said “Like every woman.” Meaning not all of them, but I don’t think I’m going out on a limb to say you’ve likely experienced that in the past.

Look, we bash men and masculinity all the time. The only difference is that it’s culturally acceptable. I’m okay with it I find Hypersensitive to get defensive about such things. I just think we need to have our shoes on the other foot some of the time.

Okay, I’ll bite. How would you respond to someone who consistently ignores previous evidence, then says “stop bringing up old sh*t.” It was a pretty obvious parallel to me.

Frankly speaking? I don’t know how exactly I’d respond because I’m not in that position. I usually at least try to understand their PoV. Whether I agree with it or not is another thing - and if they continue to be belligerent, stubborn or whatever, then they’re allowed to have a different opinion, and I’ll agree to disagree since their PoV and evidence hasn’t changed my mind.


You are making assumptions and claims everywhere in this thread. I don´t have to repeat what you already have wrote.

Great finally you decide to link the data after more than 200 post. But this is just data. Data can be interpreted in different ways. We can´t be sure what these data means. We need an expert to analyze the data and tells us what these data means. Maybe the data just means Terran is the most popular race to play.

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You brought Up the Same Point Like 10 Times over and over and i Said everytime: it was an assumption without looking at the Data. But we looked at the Data and can conclude this assumption is false.

Meaning this Point is over. There is no Need to bring the same Point Up 10 Times :smiley: you try to distract while being a dick. You have No Arguments for your assumptions so you Just try to annoy people.

On a Sidenote: there is rather a stereotype about women digging Up old Sh!t…which is what you are doing, so i am confused that you Draw that “obvious parallel” to me. Which again Leads me to the conclusion that you have No clue about anything and you cant even get your sexism right. Smh. What a shame.

I’ll bring it up as many times as I’d like. In other words, until you actually address it.

Whatever man. You dont even state what i Need to Adress. You jump to 1000 Points. When i Adress this, you Come Up with that etc etc. This is Just nuts. No one Knows what you are ranting about. The only Thing i understand is that you are angry about Bronze and silver being 50% terran.

Get Help. I dont mean this as an insult. You really should get some Help.

  1. Address that Terran players are not new
  2. Address that Terran players are not, by any metric we can identify, casual (or if they are, identify one metric that defines them as such - for instance total play time)

So i need to make general statements about the whole population and across all leagues?

Ok, idk what we can conclude out of that and why you need those statements but ok.

The average terran player is not new

I never said terran players are more casual; they just have more casual players. Those 2 statements are pretty different. There is no real definition of a casual gamer so the most common used is a player that isnt really good at the game but doesnt really care / doesnt play the game that often. So in my eyes definetly a bronze/silver player.

no, terran players are not more casual; they only have more casual players.

so idk why you are assuming things like terran is much harder than any other race.

Cool. You made a claim. Now define a metric that proves it and post that. For instance, maybe games played doesn’t prove it, but time played (if Terran games were significantly shorter).

Why do you believe that casual games are shorter?

No, I believe casual players would play less time than less casual players. So, if Terran players played the same number of games, but they were shorter games, then it would be a metric we could use to define that Terran players were more casual on average.