Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

Congratulations. You’re more adroit at finding obscure Starcraft statistics. But it was me that proved Terran players had played for longer on average.

How was it mental gymnastics? It’s literally the exact thing you were trying to prove, just it came out the opposite. That’s what made you angry. You were literally trying to prove that Terran players played less and I proved they played slightly more.

You still dont realize that it was a 1 time measurement that doesnt Count for eternity right ?

I Said it can be because of it. But when i gave you the Numbers it turned Out to be Not true (as i have Stated in Like literally the Last 5 replies by now) but you Chose to use mental gymnastics to somehow See anything Out of it. You remember that you used to nonstop Talk about that 1% Activity difference (and btw those were rounded Numbers so we cant be Sure) and pretty much inflated Them to the Point where you Made Up a weird calulation that in fact every terran should get 30% more mmr ?
Thats what i would call mental gymnastics.

But yeah you distract again.

Terran is Not Harder because you say so.

That terrans Play the Game for longer on average is literally the baseline of terran being the Starter/ Tutorial Race. Gj cpt obvious.

I’ve checked it several times. It’s always similar. It’s never once been less activity.

So, if they’ve played less time, they’re newer, if they’ve played longer, it’s a tutorial race…

Like straight up, do you hear these argument bouncing around in your head before you crap them out on to paper? Please tell me that sounds just as stupid to you, right?

So, now we have:

  1. If Terran play less, they’re casual, but if they play as much or more, they’re still casual…
  2. If Terran have played less time, they’re “new,” but if they’ve played more, they’re playing the “tutorial race”
  3. If you split them BY MMR, they only have slightly less MMR

Ever heard the saying “damned if you do, damned if you don’t?”

Yeah but since we checked the Data i havent Said once that they Play less so why do you Bring Up this Point Up after 1.5 years ?

Dang. You Went full mental.

Its hard for you to say: OK i Accept that t is Not harder.

You Switch topics over and over :smiley:

I’m literally responding to what you just wrote.

you cant get your Point across.
For the Last 10 replies i Always Said that i dont Care about those old Points at all and you Just use Them to distract and you still Bring Them Up and then act Like i would Care about what bs you wrote.

Terran is Not Harder only because you say so. Now get a Hobby and leave me alone.

Of course you don’t. They disproved you at every turn, so you immediately moved the goal posts. You argue like a woman “why are you bringing up the past (I don’t like being proven wrong).”

Are you trying to abandon all remaining credibility on purpose at this point?


I know it upsets you that I’m right. That doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

Anybody who thinks “you know what will make my point? A little casual sexism.” automatically loses the debate.


Oh God, feminists are the stupidest creatures on the planet. Don’t even start.

Another distraction ? I feel Like the “discussion” is pointless. Its Not about t being hard anymore its only about you trying to Piss me Off because you are angry that No one with a brain believes your mental gymnastics.

I mean at least im admitting when im wrong.

Please list ONE time where you admitted you were wrong. You never even owned up to Terran players being more experienced. You literally just said that proved they were the “tutorial race.” (which, please, explain that nonsense, I could use a laugh).

Be honest, no matter what the evidence says, you’re going to say Terran players are inferior.

Im not. You fail to See the Point.

That lower League terrans dont Play fewer Games ?

Your memory isnt the best huh?

I mean what Kind of bs Argument is that ? :smiley: how would anyone know that ? Hahahahaha

Which Race do you Play in the Tutorial and in the beginning of the campaign. Terran. So terran being the Tutorial Race is factually correct. You First learn the Game by playing terran.

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You stated that them playing the game longer on average proved they were the starter race.

This is a totally different claim.

That was what? A year ago? You JUST said this:

And cant’ seem to remember it.

I dont get the Point of your Post. Is there anything meaningful you want to contribute?


Then move on.


My point is that every piece of evidence that exists points to one thing, but you deny this, because no matter what the metric is you’ll say it proves your point.

Terran plays fewer games, casual. Terran players play the same or more, means nothing.

Terran players have been playing less time, they’re “new.” Terran player been playing longer, that makes it the “tutorial race.”

Literally find ONE metric. Just one. Of ANY statistical validity. You can’t do it. But it doesn’t change your mind. It’s like talking to a Bernie Sanders supporter.

There is no evidence of all your claims. The author have given up so why do you continue???

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You assume something