Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

Implying that there’s other skill levels where it’s not balanced, right?

What do you mean with other skill levels?

The balance team wants to balance the top level. But they care a bit about non pro level design aswell, thats correct. They especially changed the priority for carriers, now people below gold can fight well against carriers.

But all in all they actually care about pro level and right now they say its not really balanced. But obviously that doesnt have anything to do with diamond or gold level players. Its not the reason they lose a match.

Man, I was looking over this and I have to say, if there was ANY possible way to change your mind, you would’ve, by now.


What does this list that you created yourself to do with anything?

Its not like i said the things you wrote. You just twist the words and understand what you want to undestand :smiley:

Did I? It’s not word for word, but I captured the essence pretty handily. Think back to the moment when I proved to you, unequivocally, that Terran players could not be newer. It was a mathematical impossibility. Did you acquiesce that you’d made a mistake? Or did you double down?

Nope you didnt.

For example

I never Said it doesnt have anything to do with Skill. I Said its correlation Not causation. Meaning to some extend it improves your Skill but its Not a 1:1 Ratio. It is 1 Side of the Story that improves your Skill.

I never even Said that. Wtf. Not even Close. You Just make Things Up at this Point to distract that you have 0 Arguments to actually believe what you say. You Said idk 3 Times now that i Said that and everytime i corrected it by writing what i actually Said.

You are delusional, manipulative and angry because No one believes in your stupid Arguments.

So yeah. It seems there is nothing more to add. You dont even Talk about the Argument anymore and rather try to insult people. So we can lay the “discussion” down until you Come Up with some valid Points.

I think to this day you dont know what variance means ?

To clarify:

What Does Variance Mean?

The simple definition of the term variance is the spread between numbers in a data set. Variance is a statistical measurement used to determine how far each number is from the mean and from every other number in the set. You can calculate the variance by taking the difference between each point and the mean. Then square and average the results.

What you Always do: you Look at 1 avg value and thats it. Thats your way of seeing Things. Maybe a little bit too simplistic?

For example with variance in a Data Set those 2 Things can be true: terrans are playing the Game for longer time (expected since its the Tutorial Race) but also terrans have the Most amount of new Players (its a Ratio btw…a fraction of the total Population). That is also expected because terran is the Tutorial Race. If you AVG that the First Statement would outweigh the Second (depending on the Ratio) but with variance you could indirectly See that If you compare the variance with the Other races. Not that we actually did that. I Just wanted to explain to you that 2 Statements that might Seem to contradict each Other could be true. But i dont expect you to actually get this. It might be too high for you. Just wanted to clarify that a normal Person would understand this.

In all example you brought Up you Made it very clear that you dont have a clue about what you are talking about. Your height example was false. Believing 2 Equal bmi would actually mean the Same. At one Point saying that terrans should have flat Out +30% mmr. Etc etc. You Just believe what you want to believe and make Things Up.


Just going to leave this here.

You cut out the rest of my answer. I said if we actually can see a difference then it would mean something but we dont see a difference.

You take a great amount of effort to snap things out of context to lie. Its amazing

This answer is so amazingly objective that you can’t make heads or tails of it.

And this is just: we don’t have 100% of the data. WHICH IS TRUE. I have said that a million times. Furthermore, it would be impossible to actually prove what is and isn’t more difficult. BUT, to state, flat out, that playing less games suggests Terran players are more casual and pointedly refuse to admit that playing more means “nothing” is just straight up delusional.

I know you know it’s true.

But…i did state it would mean something IF they in fact played more. But they dont. I dont know why you keep repeating the same old stuff that i explained to you 1000 times by now.

If terran players would in fact play more and get worse results it would be ONE valid argument. But this still wouldnt be a “silverbullet” because like for everything else in reality there are dozens of possibilities.
However. luckily they dont play more or less so we dont need to argue about it.

Dude, you flat out said that them playing less would make them more casual and the fact that they don’t play less means nothing. That’s delusion. Those two thoughts cannot coexist within a rational mind.

Except that i didnt

Please Read:

IN EITHER DIRECTION. Cant you read ? Ive Always Said that :smiley:

But yeah. Case closed. Terran is Not Harder because you say so.

It’s evidence that Terran players aren’t inferior just because you said so.

Dude, this has been going for for almost 200 posts now in just this thread and you still can’t even correctly identify the arguments being made. Give it a rest already, its embarassing.


But i dont say they are inferior. O.o what is wrong with you.

I only say that there are more terrans in lower leagues which is factually correct.

YOU however conclude that based on that terran must be Harder.

(Actually its the Other way round: you concluded t is Harder but Then i Said terran only has more ppl in lower leagues)

Not directly, but saying they’re “just casuals” is the same thing. That’s been every argument you’ve made: Terran players are “somehow inferior” whether it’s that they’re newer or play less, but the numbers have always come back the same: Terran players are roughly the same, if anything, they play more and have played longer.

From said metrics, you derive that Terran players are still somehow inferior, even though every metric states otherwise.

I’m easily smarter than the both of you combined. The only difference is I disagree with your brain dead conclusions.

You can’t correctly identify the arguments being made and you can’t see the contradictions in your own posts. The evidence is against this conclusion.

Case in point. Every metric clearly does not say otherwise, since you keep going on about how terran players are performing worse.

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Fine, I’ll give you that, but this is the exact variable we’re trying to determine the cause of.

If you were trying to determine the causes of, say, why Black Americans earn less, you wouldn’t just state “they’re all just crappy” and then go about your day. That would be lazy and racist.

Ok Mr Same BMI Shows Same result or Mr Splitting by height means they have the Same height.

So far you actually presented nothing by yourself. You Just use the Numbers I GAVE YOU. then you used mental gymnastics on it but it wasnt very effective.

I Said multiple Times by now that we cant conclude anything Out of Activity or Something Else because the difference is Not high enough and its a vague Statement Overall. It can be an indicator tho but its Not a good Argument.

I Just say there are more terran Players in Low leagues. You however State that those shouldnt be there and they should be higher and therefore concluding that t is too difficult.

Also i dont say anything about the whole Population. I dont say that ALL terrans are inferior or casuals or whatever. However you say your conclusion is correct for all of terran.

Good thing nobody has done that then.

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