Final Balance changes, releases Nov 26th!. Feedback+Analysis+Review

Yeah, there is no way any amount of Carriers can be cost-effective vs Corruptors, as long as the opponent can keep making them.
Corruptors are made specifically to counter Carriers and Battlecruisers, after all.

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All we know for the time being is that they intend to neff Disruptor in the next Patch. Just look at the wording…

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They shouldn’t have touched Adept Glaives either.

Carriers should be more competitive with the IT removal, voidray buffs and tempest HP change.

Disruptors are already competitive.

Colossus do need a little buff to make them better in ZvP and PvP

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True, but honestly, I never build a single Adept, and would trade the unit for a HT Energy upgrade (either extra max Energy, or faster regeneration).

Maybe they will do the decent thing, and give us Reavers.

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Hey, there is a Tactical Jump bug I learned from another people some days ago. (New bugs of the new balance patch - #33 by UYScuti-11233) I thought he reported himself, but it seems he did not do so. Also, the Mothership’s Time Warp not affecting beam-type weapon bug is not fixed.
I just made a new post in Bug Report myself:

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Post it on the general discussion forum too. I’m going to look for bugs myself and add to it!.

Yes, it is a complete sentence.

What are you REEEEEing about?

can’t wait for zergs to have to turtle harder then ever before because all our offensive options keep getting taken away from us.

Like what. Infestors?


lets see. weve seen overlord drops nerfed, we’ve seen nydus nerfed, whats next? every time zerg has a strong early aggression that isn’t COMPLETELY ALL IN, it gets hit with the nerf bat. meanwhile terran can open with hellions, hellion banshee, hellion reaper, hellion bc, 2 medivac push, bio tank, etc.

That’s always due to Protoss not being strong enough to stop them or Protoss suffering from design issues warp gate is causing.

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No, often the abusive units (Nydus, etc) are a problem for Terran as well.

Really it’s just that Zerg has the strongest economy and production, the fastest army on average; and units that are particularly dangerous if they ever get inside a base (Roaches, which are unusually tough and cheap, Zerglings which have much higher DPS for their supply than anything else, etc).

I mean, Zerg is the reason why every map in StarCraft I and StarCraft II has to be designed so that it is reasonably easy to wall-off the main and the natural. Obviously letting Zerg units get into the enemy base too easily is going to cause issues.

I don’t think warpgate is the problem, most of the problems with early gateway units is that they tend to be really strong in the early game vs terran while be really weak outside of all-ins vs early game zerg. I think the roach and by extension the ravager are the cause of this issue. Edit: Roaches tend to bully protoss until they get immortals or other units that are more effective at dealing with roaches.

on the other hand, they should be able to have SOME OPTIONS beyond “defend until late game”…

Edit: What is the reason we can no longer have starting locations that aren’t high ground in SC2? Is it addition of marauders, roaches , stalkers starting at 6 range? Or is it that the map creators haven’t created a map layout that allows for non-highground Main bases to exist?

They do though:

  • Ravager aggression.
  • Attacks on the third and later expansions.
  • Watching for opportunities to get into the main/natural.
  • Overlord drops.
  • Nydus at Lair.
  • Mutalisks at Lair.

Edit: Took a break and cleared my head a bit.

Brood War maps were always designed so that you could wall the natural. Usually you could completely wall the natural with 3 buildings (at least for Terran); so having a natural on the high ground did not matter. Units that could exploit the high ground simply wouldn’t reach you before you had a wall or a bunker/cannons up. The main was usually safe if you defended the natural because there was no blink or cliff-jumping mechanic.

StarCraft II maps always have a main ramp that is easy to wall off, but the natural ramp is much wider. Mechanics like Blink and Cliff-jumping can also make it possible to assault the main when the natural is walled off; so the opponent still has to consolidate units/defenses at the main before he/she can secure the natural.

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Hmm, they don’t seem to do that well against BCs… I guess we just need to give them MORE armour!

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