Final Balance changes, releases Nov 26th!. Feedback+Analysis+Review


  • Lurkers affected by Blinding Cloud will now only fire to melee range.

Previously, Lurkers under Blinding Cloud could not target enemies outside of melee range, but their spines would still fire to maximum range if they attacked a unit at melee range. After this change, Lurkers will effectively only shoot out a single spine if an enemy is within melee range. As a result, we believe Ultralisks will become a more competitive option in late-game ZvZ.

Great change. Ultralisk were so meme worthy in that Serral vs Reynor ZvZ.

Nydus Worm

  • Removed the Propulsive Peristalsis upgrade from the Evolution Chamber.

We heard the feedback that the changes we proposed for the Propulsive Peristalsis upgrade, which reduced load and unload times on the Nydus Worm, would be unimpactful. As we’d like to avoid introducing upgrades that see little use and fail to encourage positive gameplay, we’d like to trim this upgrade from the upcoming patch.

That’s good, Zerg already has plenty of Hive tech upgrades as is.

Splash damage will now properly be applied to units affected by Anti-Armor missile.


  • Fixed an issue where Abduct and Interference Matrix could still interrupt a Tactical Jumping Battlecruiser in certain situations.
  • Updated the Tactical Jump visual glaze.


Terran’s relationship against Disruptors with reduced Liberator range.

If ravens cost 150 gas instead of 200, Terrans could mix them in mid-late game against Protoss to IM those units.

The resulting strength of Nydus Worms, especially when combined with Swarm Hosts.

You solved the Nydus worm problem, now rework the SH again. Locust should get 50% less damage, 50% less attack speed, 50% more HP and have a faster cooldown. SH should be meatshield spawning support units designed to crack turtles not completely destroy entire bases with locust alone.

The strength and prevalence of Lurkers in ZvP and ZvZ.

Protoss and Zerg can handle 8 range Lurkers fine, by the late game where the Hive tech upgrade comes in both races have counter units.

If you want a simple change for the Lurker to make it viable in TvZ, I know a very good one that will give you BW nerd chills against Bio.

Numbers tweaks we could make to the new Microbial Shroud ability.

It’s a great ability that has so much potential and is better than the IT by a long shot. The release iteration it’s in is just lacking a little and could use some buffs.

The strength use of the new Resonating Glaive ability.

Stim lasts 11 seconds and is instant. The new Glaive upgrade only lasts 6 seconds after you do a successful shade and shade takes 7 seconds to happen.

Before Adepts had the 45% attack speed Glaive they had more HP and a shield upgrade. Now they don’t have either and no attack speed upgrade Glaive, RIP Adepts because the fire rate on them is so slow.

Just let the Adept attack air, increase the HP to 80/70 or 80/80 to help with the mid game survival especially against EMP and don’t touch Glaives. Or rework Glaives into a +1 range upgrade that also allows it to attack air.

This new Glaives upgrade isn’t even implemented correctly. It should be added to the existing Glaive upgrade(+15% faster after shade attack speed for 6 seconds).

This new Glaive upgrade overlaps with Zealots because it promotes shading on to enemy armies, but Adepts don’t have the HP or fire rate(after 6 seconds if you get the glaive upgrade) to survive long enough.

The strength and role of Zealots, both in general and against kiting Terran Bio units.

The Zealots are better as a unit, and not a unit that you simply warp in a bunch of and roll over things with a single A click.

Zealots are better at staying up front and getting on top of the enemy units.

The end-game dynamics of each matchup.

Increase the Ultralisk push priority from 10 to 11, to fix all pathing problems with it once and for all.

Buff the Colossus somehow so it can be better in ZvP and PvP.

The Tempest either needs to be 4 supply again or it needs a slight attack speed increase. Right now it fires slower than a sieged tank.


  • Observer movement speed decreased from 3.01 to 2.63.
  • Gravitic Boosters upgrade now increases movement speed by 1.31, down from 1.51.

What has this poor unit ever done to you?


I’m looking forward to the patch overall!.

But those poor Observers and Adepts.


and poor zelots- basicly toss get nothing and nerfed


and poor zelots- basicly toss get nothing and nerfed

Adepts are nerfed, Observers are nerfed. Zealots and Tempest both got buffs and nerfs.


Forther nerff on the line. Disruptor is next. Moronteam forgor that Lib-Range reduction (by 1) was balanced with Tempest range reduction.
Now they want to nerff Disruptor.

GJ Morons!


When this post goes live, the Balance Test Mod will have been updated with these changes.

I just went in game with the balance mod on a map and it hasn’t been updated at the time of me making this post.

The mod is still v1.64

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The Zealot and Tempest both were overall nerfed. Well, the Tempest is more like a side-grade that doesn’t matter what so ever…

Zealots might be more sticky but if they aren’t killing as fast that means they’re taking more damage.

They need a health buff.

The Adept change is just bad…

Observer nerf is biased AF

Rest of the changes seem reasonable…but I am wondering if the balance team even knows what they’re doing with Protoss.


The idiots consider not enough the Tempest nerff but now thet will reduce the Disruptor Range by 1 so terrans can leapfrog with their SiegeTanks without fear.
This has been the wet-dream of a known whineterran called Ruff.

I am speachless.
Totally disgusted.


BW Zealots were 100/60. They could give SC2 Zealots(which have 100/50) +10 more shields to be like them.

It’s very bad, like really bad for the unit.

Auto-winning games by building detection as Protoss is no more.

Grug no like blue tribe, blue tribe scare grug with hurt lights.




Grug no like being watched by something grug can’t see. Grug frustrated with blue tribe “observer”.


MyOh, my condolences. Ruff beat you on Balance-Team and now he Chairs it!

He is the King of the TownHall.


“I tried to rush 4 starport 1 base BC against Protoss and I lost all my SCV’s to Glaive Adepts, better nerf them” - RuFF


That looks a lot like the original sh

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The original SH was a little different

well it’s intendet design was to tank dmg keep busy with steady stream of units

if they intent to keep the harass role it need to be nerfed fighting the army the locust has higher dps than a hydra btw no wonder they destroy bases and armies if you can’t retreat

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It has higher DPS than most units in SC2.

the adept change would be more interessting if it would have increased atkspeed while shading giving the abillity to stutterstep and shade backwards in frontal fights

obs nerf =brain dead

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It shouldn’t be.

They said that they are looking into the Disruptor vs. Liberator case; but I don’t think that will be a problem at all because the Liberator is a flying unit that still has a significantly long range.

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That’s it, I guess I’m gonna take a break of SC2.

The strength and role of Zealots, both in general and against kiting Terran Bio units.

We all know what that means boys… Next patch they will revert the speed while not adding back the damage.

Terran’s relationship against Disruptors with reduced Liberator range.

Yeah next patch we will have nerfed Disruptors yay.

The strength use of the new Resonating Glaive ability.

Wouldn’t be comical if they changed the atk speed to 45% again but with the timed effect before shade?