Final Balance changes, releases Nov 26th!. Feedback+Analysis+Review

imagine the protoss players face when the liberators he pokes at with his tempests delete his golden armada

They do not. You have obviously never tested this nor played a game where it was relevant.

Of course they can. The Corruptors simply leave the moment the player notices that the Void Rays have activated the charge ability and come back once the charge is finished and on cooldown.

They are both 6 range units, so the Corruptors should never be much closer than maximum range and they should never take much time to get out of the Void Ray’s range. The Void Rays do not have the speed to contest this.

Furthermore, the Void Ray charge ability is like Stimpacks, it is a single button press to activate Prismatic Alignment on all selected units. It is nearly impossible to micro Void Rays well enough to charge them the second they come into range without activating all of the Void Rays that are not in range yet.
If the Protoss player tries to advance so that he/she has more range to work with, then the Zerg player can just keep backing up and fighting in volleys to counter it, since he/she has the longer cooldown to work with anyway.

42.857% of the Void Ray’s DPS against Corruptors comes from Prismatic Alignment. Void Rays only win when they are charged; and it is not particularly difficult to abuse that.

That’s because you need a lot of Liberators for the air attack to be worth it.

Coincidentally, it is often worth it to build up a lot of Liberators for their ground attack in most match-ups. Depending on how the game plays out and how good you are at keeping your Liberators alive; you can end up with a fleet that can deal with air units; albeit the Terran player will always have other anti-air units mixed in anyway.

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Well I just tested it.

Void rays 2/2/0 and corruptors 2/2, no micro, the void rays with no prismatic alignment win cost for cost every time

The moment corruptors start attacking the void ray user can turn on prismatic alignment at any time and then several corruptors will die basically instantly since the void rays will be in a flower

Corruptors win for supply every time.

By trying to match costs you are stacking the deck in favor of the Void Rays, which you can only do by ignoring Zerg’s economy and production advantages.

You are sticking around too long.

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Whyyyy is the stupid adept chance going through?

I want competent adepts

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What you’re suggesting is that corruptors never attack a flower of void rays then. Corruptors simply cannot attack void rays and expect to trade anywhere close to well. Even if the corruptors come in for one volley too much will be lost within that timeframe

They attack, run out the second that the Void Ray’s ability is activated; then come back. You are grossly overestimating the Void Ray’s damage for less than a second.

So you want Zerg players to go broke trying to match void rays with corruptors supply for supply?

If someone gets 80 supply of void rays the Zerg player is not going to build 40 corruptors. That is trying to throw the game

They won’t go broke.

If you match supply at the beginning of the fight, then Zerg wins with a surplus of Corruptors every time.

If someone is going that far, then throw in Infestors (Fungal) or Vipers (Parasitic Bomb) to weaken the Void Rays. Then you won’t need as many Corruptors.

You should see a doctor. There is something seriously wrong with your brain.


I’m almost certain no Zerg player starts pumping out corruptors to match void rays supply for supply when they see void rays being built. That is a recipe for disaster.

Nobody really builds corruptors to fight voids in the first place.

Corruptors cannot engage into a void ray flower.

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Hydralisks with Viper support can be better against Void Rays specifically; but Void Rays are sometimes pumped out as an answer to Corruptors that the Zerg player has already built to deal with Carriers, Tempests, etc.

Zerg can just make more Corruptors and abuse the Void Ray’s cooldown to crush that army anyway.

They absolutely can.

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here’s my idea abou SH+Locust
keep all the same (cost, damage, HP, downtime, etc)

but, give SH a leash range to locust only when they’re in the air.
if somewhat locust pass those range (by moving the SH) they immediately landed down with the direction towards the SH. When landed, locust no longer bound to their respective SH.

ex: SH-cliff-target all in the same distance and locust in the middle of cliff,
if flying locust pass the leash range the locust gonna be landed on cliff edge of SH side

that way, its gonna be reduce the effectiness of SH “delay attack”.

What Zerg player starts ramping up corruptors production when they start seeing void rays produced.

Zerg players have an excuse to build more investors when they see void ray production and you’re saying that they can build corruptors instead?

No they can’t. They will get melted

Either way, you won’t ever see pure void ray in the late game.

If the corruptors retreat, the carriers interceptors can get a lock and kill a few corruptors whereas the corruptors didn’t actually do anything

It’s hilarious that they lower the cost of Infernal Pre-Igniter, when zerg has 2-5 upgrades to unlock per unit, so they add 2 more upgrades that must be researched after Hive…

List one Zerg unit other than the new infestor that has more than 2 upgrades.

It takes 5 carriers to one shot a corruptor; how many corruptors is “a few”?

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I did and they diagnosed me with…autism.

P.S It’s funny how some terrans are triggered when somebody gives them some of their medicine. They even try to diagnose you…

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