Favorite Buffs + Units Combo

Yes, this is going from our favorite buff stacking to our most controversial buff stacking. I will open a thread.

Now, until a certain good natured fellow fixed it, the ultimate power combo was clearly Vorazun cloaked Raynor units. Couldn’t be beat, literally.

I’m mostly playing Karax P1, and I’m starting to think I’m not the only one, from the fact nobody seems to like having his units repaired by the repair beam :laughing:

More sad, yet completely expected: nobody find it great to be under cover by Zeratul P1 trick :stuck_out_tongue:

Not necessarily all that useful, depending on your ally, but a Kerrigan / Abathur combo will give Abby Omega Worms as well.

This also applies to Kerri’s P1; while she can’t make them anymore, Abby still can, so with proper coordination Kerri P1 has no drawback at all.

Karax P1 and Swann P2 would have a lot healing on structures for sure. (And add some SCV to it)

That’s cuz Karax P1’s beam doesn’t affect units? So why would people care? It’s like P3 has no Chrono Field or Wave or Boost, nobody bats an eye about it either…

This is likely cuz 99% of P1 Zeratul players use this function stupidly:

  1. Super cloak while a wave walk past them and end up making it destroy their base.
  2. Never use it when pushing into base.
  3. Not using it to save a clearly out-matched engagement.

Most players seem to only care about getting their dumb-ball together ever so slowly then sparingly use it on their own army. No wonder people don’t like it. It’s almost as if there is 0 cooperativity :thinking:

The lesser known bug-combo of 2x Infested Structure broodlings on Omega Worms from Kerrigan/Stukov, to add to that.

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Considering Zeratul is a commander with a built in 50% projectile reflect on a common 1-2 supply shieldguard after his own maxed artifacts, doesn’t really surprise me.

He has really powerful abilities that are sometimes pretty close to borderline unused even though it’s just a tab or control group away.

That said, i don’t actually know or see a lot of players who use him, but if you measure commanders by how they’re misused, you get people who can’t defend themselves on shoddy mass tempest or mass bc builds who aren’t using them thoughtfully but using one of the slowest comps.

I guess they have niche noncombat uses like locks, but aside from p3 raynor aside from like mutations, for a normal mission that can easily end psuedo soloed before their building starts mass producing and the lackluster pushing power i’ve never really been too overwhelmed with them in pug play, but i think there’s just a apm limit to just what some units perform.

When you have a slow moving flying unit, they aren’t good at covering allies, many times i tend to lean on commanders with great mobility to cover ally bases, and i like to prefer solid commanders with fun to use abilities or a least some micro potential.

But i guess it’s true that there aren’t a lot of cases where not knowing the niche units of every off meta pick can’t come in handy especially for mutations or specific pathing/cheese strats.

It’s just the average time in most pugs i get a “def me, i will tempest/battlecruiser rush then we win”, i groan lmao. But coop is more of a casual have fun with friends or pugs thing to me.

It’s a old game and i think sometimes the discussions can become quite heated for a frankly 10 year old game with no pve cash prize tournaments, but some of the discussion on data stats are quite informative and good stuff tbh.

As far as me, i kinda like strong individuals but in terms of synergy. Hmm.

Glass dps[Zerglings /Marines/Han Reapers] + Artanis Guardian shell: Not much for the artanis, but a classic coop combo. Stimmed marines with 14 dps/supply, zerglings (18.2 x 2 = 36.4 dps/supply ± armor shredding or triples). Etc.

A zergling without a bubble is a pretty meh unit. A zergling with bubbles can rip through objectives and ground based enemies surprisingly fast. 5 Second aoe fears from Sirius can also have the same effect, (though, the grenade might defeat the need for a ally to even be there haha. )

Hmm, Then next up, I consider Kerrigan without p1 to be one of the most mobile commanders by FAR easily in the game. A good kerrigan using nydus worms can easily shift + # keybind as many nydus worms as she wants. Being able to go anywhere while storing her army inside and sniping, as well as providing extreme mobility for her ally commander as well while also providing detection. For instance on timed games like Temple of the past or malwarefare/mist opportunities, the entire map can easily be covered in vision, for shorter maps it can make travel extremely quick, and it can greatly benefit lower mobility commanders such as perhaps Ground based raynors and artanis, but just about any comp as well really.

Abathur benefits extremely well from any strong partner who is able to bait into traps for them such as 60 s Dehaka/ 180 s tychus / 240 s Kerrigan/Nova, though he also can lure quite well on his own with a roach or morphing one of his drones into a more sturdy shield. With his ability to constantly deep tunnel anywhere in sight for 15 s, he can pair extremely well to heal with ease sniping biomass with a dehaka for instance or popping into ally buffs / tychus 4% hp/sec revitalizers (green zones), to heal his units extremely quickly.

And when a 3x 1500 hp tunneling brutalisks can teleport anywhere on the map, as well as feast upon all the biomass their partner left behind, it can be some insane coverage.

Commanders who can also cover each other to allow split pushes with multiple strong armies as well can also be great. This might be people who can control multiple army groups with keybinds who while not needed for coop can do some interesting potential things. For instance on some lone wolfs, using spare slots to put a nikara on a ally while setting up heal zones while also minicam snapping to watch your ally and use aoe healing pulses as needed while microing or minimap commanding another 2-4 outlaws and setting up healing zones wasn’t bad. But lots of people just used pre nerf lw tychus as a move single unit control hero. P3 can still be used with split pushing very easily to provide a 4000 hp meatshield tank for glassier armies when you see a ally attacking a wave, or defending objectives or split pushing etc.

Mind controlled arbiters can also be used to provide global cloaking and a teleport that can also kidnap your ally, though it does not self cloak and seem to be a much rarer unit to spawn. (I can’t tell if it spawns more on oblivion express airtoss or just rarely in general), but it’s a pretty rare unit with some interesting mind control abilities.

Ally or Mind controlled battlecruisers with medivac jumps on Tychus are pretty good as well for mass mobility, as are vision scvs. If a map has them, it’s pretty easy to use one to teleport ahead of a attack wave and defend it, or use it for vision for other purposes.

Scans, in coordinated teams can also be used to set up vision teleports as well for attacks with vision based mobility commanders such as Raynor + dehaka/Tychus or even artanis warps. But i generally find it too much bother.

A oldie but a classic, Swann and raynor can always convert eachother’s tech buildings into tech reactors. And the same ALSO applies to raynor addons that swann lands on.

This means if a raynor wants, he could easily build like barracks and cheap tech buildings and a swann mass land on it to convert each in a row, then set on the final one to use it as their own. Raynor however, imo, tends to feel like he could use the resources less than Swann who seems like he takes a while longer to get going.

If you’re p0 raynor you should be floating too much gas and able to mule too many minerals past the 14 minute mark and 200/200 to care about using.

But it often was a fun thing to do and having 3-4 tech reactors definitely does slow down real estate usage. (though nothing building 4-7+ barracks with unit microing out of aoe for fast cutthroat missions can’t solve)

Karax energizers can be surprisingly powerful on hero units, as well as having the ability to mind control pretty much any mech unit. A +50% boost to movement speed + 25% attack speed is nothing to sneeze at, (especially for strong units / carriers, or for a karax who doesn’t use their army), can be nothing to sneeze at.

Unfortunately they have a pretty bad threat level for Karax’s own army and often get focused for their tickle beam. But i think it even works on hero units, and he can mind control entire mechanical armies very well with it very cheaply.

The odds lining up just happen too infrequently for most people to like bother getting used to it or wanting someone as bait to tank the hits, but i’ve seen a few karaxes mind control entire armies and keep them forever with a ally healing them to full.

Lol, that post doesn’t fit on my screen, and I’m on 1440x2560 (portrait mode).
I wonder how much of the content is on topic, that :mountain: is too big for me to climb.

This really meant “If everyone is indeed playing only P1, I understand why nobody would mentions the advantages of the repair beam on units”.

Had a fun game where I got Mengsk P2 with a P1 Karax ally on DoN (i wonder who chose that?).

Went ESOs because of some mutator issue (diffusion maybe?) And dear God ESOs go crazy when chroned and chrono waved. Definitely fastest ESO clear I’ve done (only had a dozen or so buildings left when the optional spawned).

My question is, can SFPs be similarly affected by chrono boost/wave? Bile Launchers?

Thanks for putting effort into this. I would not be bothered to do so much science with this, as all I needed was my personal first hand experience. At least we know why it kinda works with Double Edged.

Lol, I’m super nerdy that way :nerd_face:. Happy to help and find out.

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