Every Season new map pool

So, why isnt there a new map pool every season ? it shakes things up…

Even if maps were already used in past seasons, they should rotate every season…

Please change this current trash map pool

Every season is excessive and I don’t think there’s enough map makers to pump out that many. In an ideal world it would be every 6 months (2 seasons). One just after IEM particularly with unique map features then the more standard maps in the next rotation. They usually have 12 maps in a TLMC so they could have a map pool of 10 maps for variety, they already increased it from 7-9 this season.

Well they could reuse maps… doesnt have to be new all the time. Maybe 2-3 map switches per season. Then a complete map revamp every 2 seasons

Because every time the map-pool is changed, it has to be done through blizzard, which is a whole process in itself. I don’t know the details behind it, but there is a limited number of people who are on the sc2 team. Some of them communicate with the TLMC guys, others - or perhaps even the same person/people - communicate with the community balance team, and there’s a whole back and forth process that needs to be followed.

You could include some old ones if they had at least 1 month since they’ve been used. 2 carry overs, 2 old, 3 new. The bnet system should automate the process by letting people vote on the next map pool. Maps would be chosen at random based on how many votes they received; more votes means more likely to be selected. A Max of three consecutive carryovers would make sure that a map didn’t stay in the pool forever. Unfortunately that would require software changes to the battle.net system. They wouldn’t be difficult changes but there’s no way it’s ever going to happen.

Fun fact; you can, at the very least, vote on the finalists for the TLMC. Missed the most recent one though.

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Do we need some type of electoral college system for voting? :rofl: :rofl:

It’s not as big of a deal if there is roulette wheel selection, e.g. the vote doesn’t decide the maps, it decides the probability of the maps. You can also weigh the votes by league. Gms get 8x weight, masters 2x weight, diamond 1x weight, etc.

PS serral using 2 prong hydra bane vs clem, you know, the one Leenock would’ve won a gsl with if proxy 2 rax weren’t bonkers overpowered at the time. 2 prong hydra bane is the best way to play zvt by far. I’ve been saying it for years. The only thing I’d change is instead of a nydus, you put 3 infestors on each prong of the attack and fungal his army. After he over-extends and loses his army, then you attack. Serral’s solution was to get him out of position with a nydus, which apparently works well enough to beat clem. Roach=trash.

That’s not possible when you don’t have viable lurkers so no, those hydras will be chilling on creep while the terran is able to maintain his economy. Broods slow down the game too much whereas lurkers continue the tempo.

Lmao. Speak of the devil. I’ve understood the how high level zvt works for years at this point. I am just not willing to do it. It’s the same thing leenock was using in the gsl like 7 years ago. You legitimately have to have the memory of a goldfish to not notice how incredibly repetitive sc2 is at this point. It reminds me of a 5 year old watching episodes of Sesame Street on repeat.

What leenock did was more impressive than what serrals doing mainly because he relied on burrowed banes in combination with the 2 prong hydra bane, which required luring bio over the banes during strategic retreats. He could make it happen pretty regularly. 2 rax and a horrible map pool cheated that dude out of a gsl win. No way to get through maru on that balance patch.

My analysis program gave serral a ~70% chance to win this iem based on his average performance, but his peak performance is much higher (as I noted earlier), and in the final rounds of big tournaments his play is much closer to his peak than his average. Clem was the other favorite to win, but only had a ~15% chance. The fact he just 3-0’d clem, without breaking a sweat, means he almost certainly wins this tournament.

I am just going to stop watching pro play at this point. I will just run my software and know what’s going to happen a week in advance, lmao. Way too predictable.

Frankly, sc2 pro player reminds me of a mental disorder called scrupulosity. It’s just a very high intelligence version of scrupulosity. Scrupulosity is a type of OCD where people think repetitive thoughts, thoughts which interfere with their ability to function in real life, and they teach themselves to do this to avoid thinking “unclean” thoughts, which is why it’s a common type of OCD found in religious people. In mormon-ville, there were a lot of these people. Think of a monk who drives the long way around town to avoid the adult entertainment center that’s on the way to the monastery. SC2 pro play is about doing these repetitive rituals to memorize build orders to the point that wrong decisions don’t even enter your mind and you can react in a split second, from a mere glance, to any scenario. It’s like a high intelligence but souped up version of scrupulosity.

The key to beating scrupulosity by the way is to realize that you are bigger than your unclean thoughts and that your thoughts don’t define who you are. So you drive past the hooters house, have a glance or two, and move on with your life. Your brain is actually programmed to explore, and so OCD essentially shuts off the exploratory function in the brain out of fear. That’s why there’s such a dearth of creativity in the sc2 pro scene – they are programmed to shut those kinds of thoughts out so that they can do the “right” move as fast as possible. We’re watching religious nuts practice religious rituals, just a more modern kind of fast-paced and action-packed ritual. So now we get to watch the latest “goat” do the same styles and build orders as the previous goats 7+ years ago, mutatis mutandis, and anyone with a brain is like YAWN, BORING!.

There was a theory that as the internet came online and public education spread that people would become more secular and less religious. Lmao, were they utterly wrong. Religion has literally baked itself into human evolution, and we can thank it for sc2 pro players spamming highly repetitive build orders on repeat for 10,000 games. Welcome to the church of apm spam.

I remember some guy talking smack on the forum a year ago about how I was “hardstuck” at 5.2k and I am like who is this crazy who thinks it’s hard to be good at sc2. I am pretty sure it may have been pig but who knows honestly. Being pro at sc2 is very easy. First step, have a brain. Second step, use religious zeal to memorize build orders to perfection. Not a religious nut? Darn this game isn’t for you bro, you get to be hardstuck at 5200 mmr :rofl:. 5200 is a sigma 3 result so he’s like demonstrating he doesn’t understand basic math as he touts sc2 pro play as like this pinnacle of human achievement, lmao. Who on Earth even thinks that except perhaps a sc2 caster? Food for thought. It was the funniest stuff. You get to see some really interesting people on the internet, that is for sure, but definitely not the cream of the crop, brains-wise. I am calling the outcomes of tournaments with pinpoint precision and SC2 casters are trying to guess who will win and their predictions are all over the board. It’s not even my job to be an expert at sc2 pro play and I am beating the experts with 1/100th the effort. I win again, baby. :kiss:

Honestly it just gets boring doing all this winning. You stack all your wins and pretty soon you can’t even reach the top to put any more on the stack, so what’s the point? I think it’s time I move on and find something more of a challenge than SC2. It just gets boring after awhile, you know what I mean.

Who knew Batz would be the most satisfied when Zerg has the least amount of strategic diversity I can ever remember.

APEtoss is raging across the ladder with almost 2x the gm representation, they just nerfed zerg again (banelings), and my rank was untouched. It’s more than satisfying. Now I got a caster weeb raging at me in another thread because he’s so jelly. Lmao. It’s legit the QuirkyOrc clown from a year ago. This place is just a hoot. The forums are legitimately more fun than the game. It’s starting to feel like the old forums again. I used to have a long line of haters who would show up in every thread to voice their displeasure, and this place just hasn’t been the same without some losers to flex in front of. You can’t appreciate the sheer quality of my posts until these guys show up with their BIGbrain posts.

The problem is that I just kept winning too much. They realized they didn’t stand a chance, so they quit playing. Do you remember that guy, what was his name, nomufftotuff? Lmao. That guy was great. Where’d he go. QuirkyOrc has like 0iq compared to nomuff because he made a claim I could instantly disprove. Nomuff was way smarter than that. Beating his posts was actually entertaining. It’s just another boring W to add to the stack, unfortunately. I just can’t stop winning. I took a left down looser street and popped back out with 100 new wins. I am just a win magnet.

What’s more impressive is that Leenock was sticking to defensive standard hydra bane multi prong when Zerg had all the tools. While Dark and Rogue were winning games with fun things like burrowed fungal, roach nydus all-ins and roach 1/1 maxes leenock was chilling on creep with his hydras waiting to get his army deleted by seeker missile. XD

Hmm that rings a bell. I never went mass infestor even when infestors could melt armies with fungal alone, not to mention infested terrans. Now hydra bane is OP and I am still not doing it and instead going swarmhost bane. Imba exploiters gonna do their thing. The top priority for them is to win at any and all costs. I put maru in that category too. Do you remember the proxy 2 rax days with the cyclone followup, as well as the mass ghost and mass raven? It was impossible for a terran to lose without also having a stroke mid game.

By the way, to prove even more how BIGBRIAN pig is:


"This is such a good trade. These roaches are wasting your supply. You’ve got 82 drones; you want that army in lings and ultras, vipers, maybe infestors; broodlords, potentially, later … "

I was saying the roach is trash and that you make enough for defense or maybe a timing to hit a terran before his third, and after that you trade them out for value since they are worth less than zero, they are worth negative, and actively help you lose while taking up supply. What was your response? I can’t remember. Let me think. Oh yeah, “just make roaches and win you can do it I believe in you.” :rofl:

We gotta require permits for giving out forum advice so that people don’t go around telling noobs to make mass roach. The only reason to make a roach in the mid game is to turn it into a ravager.

Also Pig: Against the mobile cyclone hellion comp players are conflicted about what units to build. Some say you can stay on hydras but Gabe made them look like fools as the mech army was extremely cost efficient. You also can’t play the standard no carapace upgrades once the terran hits 3/3. Which game did I suggest building roaches again? What was your opponent doing?

It depends on the timings. You have to start out with mass ling and you get a big cleanup on his first cyclone move-out. You can stay on hatch tech for longer, so feel free to take a fast fourth and maybe +1 on the lings. After you get a cleanup, with a flank, you go into hydras. You keep about 20 lings, too, because they are good for counter attacks and reduce cyclone dps from over kill damage. Usually you can just push and his tank count is so low the third dies. It shows the lack of creativity in the pro scene because cyclones are complete trash but pro players really struggle against them. Cyclones are insanely bad units. Same for hellions / hellbats. I have no idea why a pro terran would use those outside of a tvt.

Terran lost a base and a bc for free but dragged the game out to 12 minutes by turtling with tanks. My contention was that the terran has no chance to win and he yet he can drag the game out none the less. Your solution was to make roaches, lmao.

These games confirm my point by the way. Serral is lightyears ahead because maru made basic early game mistakes, and maru refuses to tap out despite a 0.0% chance he will win. Giving terran insane defensive power was a big mistake because the only thing it does is prolong a game, it doesn’t change the outcome.

Do you want to hear something funny? Apparently there’s a video where Artosis finds out that Stormgate has the equivalent of banelings. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It’s obviously a sc2 clone. They brought almost nothing new to the table. They just remixed some of the units and abilities. One of the features in my rts game is that terrain manipulation plays a big role in the strategy. You can flood enemy bases with liquid and render their buildings inoperable by blowing up land dams, for example. If enemy units are on a land bridge when it collapses due to detonation charges, they take massive damage. There are bulldozers that allow you to move terrain around. Aka way more dynamic than EZcraft 2.

Coding a functional rts engine is hard enough without adding fluid dynamics, 3d terrain, and deformable terrain. I don’t blame other game devs for keeping it simple. Do you know how complex the pathfinding algorithms become in 3D? There’s a reason why they keep game logic 2D. You not only have to solve these problems, the solutions have to run fast enough that the average PC can run the game, and that’s crazy hard. 3D terrain makes the line of sight more complex. In SC2 a unit can see 360 degrees to a certain range. My units have a height parameter and they can’t see anything above their head. Whether they can spot up terrain depends on how tall they are and how tall the terrain is. One of the upgrades you can get for one of the mech units is a camera on a pole that buffs their vertical sight range by +2. Lmao.

One of the timing attack mechanics that exists is that there are land bridges that are narrow and easy to cross with the exception of being a choke. This allows for early game rushes but quickly become obsolete if the opponent can cut off the choke. The larger land bridges are harder to secure and require a mech unit that comes with a built in detonation charge and can deal damage to terrain. It takes a certain number of charges to break a large land bridge so that puts a timer on when attacks become risky to do over certain land bridges. Likewise if enemy units travel under a bridge and it’s destroyed they will take damage. You can block an attack or you can trap units in a bad spot or you can drop massive amounts of rocks on them and bury them. It’s an awesome game engine. The rocks become units with HP values that other mech units can pick up and move. You can place them to create obstacles, etc. It’s a lot of fun. SC2’s version of terrain is just way too basic. You have high ground, low ground, chokes, and that’s about it. How big of a rock your guys can pick up depends on their upgrades and how many guys can team lift the rock. Each rock has a weight so there’s a limit to what you can lift without upgrading since you can only fit so many guys around each rock. The resources are burried in the terrain, by the way, so you have to mine them open-pit style. The harvesters have to collect dirt, back and forth, over a large area that has a resource deposit and that means harvesters are hard to defend so they are tougher than SC2 workers to compensate.

Because the terrain is 3D, you can have battles on asteroid fields. You are legit on a 3D asteroid and your opponent’s on another asteroid. Gotta get the thrusters if you want your harvesters to be able to jump between asteroids. :wink:

OH, another fun strategy is that you can drop rocks in the paths of enemy harvesters to prevent them from moving, LOL. So get this. You are ahead in upgrades and your guys move a big boulder into your opponents next likely expansion. He goes out there and can’t mine because the harvesters movement is too obstructed. So now he has to spend detonation charges to get rid of it or he has to wait for upgrades to finish. Some resource patches are under water, but if you drain the water it floods other areas and changes the map layout. It can create new attack vectors or block you off from resources later on. This thing is a strategy game.

But yeah, streamers are all jumping ship. They are abandoning a sinking ship & swimming back to land. Neuro’s viewership seems to have doubled with stormgate. Goodbye sc2. The streaming viewership was already dumpster tier and professional streamers were praying they’d find an exit ramp that would allow them to take their viewers with them. Frankly I am amazed that SC2 viewership can sustain anyone full time. Neuro’s income got leaked and he said, when asked about it, he makes “about 50k”. Do you think he inflated it, or deflated it? If he gets 3k a month from subs, which I think is a generous allotment, then that’s like 35k/year. SC2 streaming is not a good career path imho. I knew it would be bad when I gave it a try but I wasn’t prepared for just how insanely bad it is. You get like $4/hour in ad revenue for every 100 people watching the stream. He’s put so much time and effort into being successful that honestly he deserves more viewership so I say go ahead and play stormgate man. Do right by your wallet. Let sc2 solidify into the meme it’s become. It’s 2024 and zergs are still doing hydra bane and terrans marine medivac and protoss are MIA because their players have dumpster tier mechanical skills – virtually nothing has changed in 7+ years.

Sorry but everything about this post is BS.

Your not considering variance and the fact that mistakes do happen throghout any game. And closer its played to perfection for both sides its less predictable.

Maru could have won game on Radhuset if he had the stupid Raven … 1 stupid Raven, i guess its too hard to make ?

Batz took his inspiration from The Boulder literally. What stops this game from just being a slugfest through map obstructions? I imagine you have things like engineers that can repair the bridges etc. The only RTS that did this that I can remember was C&C generals.

What kind of scope is this game? Seems like you can fight in space and on land at the same time.

At the moment it’s a decent contender to disrupt SC2s dominances but I don’t see it dethroning it. Their most recent tournament had loads of issues which resulted in the officials and players REEEEing at each other. The website that hosted the tournament constantly crashed and the seeding was all messed up. I’m wondering if the SC2 talent would be happy with what stormgate offers them, doubt it’s as good as what they’re getting atm.