Every Season new map pool

Im sorry as much as i love any RTS to succeed, i dont see how it could ever with that horrendous art style.

Im not in the least interested on that game because of the horrible art

Zerospace on the other hand tho, looks much better, but the gameplay system with multiple mercenaries and stuff, kind of weird …

Forget art, Frost Giant claimed marines DPS density was a mistake that they won’t make. If I can’t spam marines, I won’t be playing.

i really cant fathom why the hype train for that horrible piece of crap

Lmao, SLAMMER is an antagonist in the story. He’s a chaotic neutral. It took a lot of self control not to talk about it on the stream when people asked about how I came up with it. The program I wrote for the intro animation, for my stream, solved a bug in my game engine that had been there for forever. It was a technical mathematical thing that created instability in unit movements. SC2 doesn’t have this issue because SC2 units aren’t subject to real physics like my units are. So when an explosion goes over, the units go flying if they are too light, so the heavier units are more explosion resistant. The individual parts that make up the unit have an explosion resistance too, so parts can go flying if that tolerance is exceeded. The parts can be picked up by harvesters.

It’s a lot like a hybrid between Go and Starcraft. That would be a fair-ish comparison. Mining out the map changes the shape and layout of the map, because the harvesters remove material below them while the crews have detonation charges that remove obstacles (you can think of a harvester as going down, and a crew removing things above).

Some of the map material is converted to resources which builds units, and others are turned into rocks which the players place on their own in their own configuration. So the map’s layout goes down over time and the player configuration of the map becomes more dominant. But as the game goes longer, the opponent gains a greater ability to change the shape of the terrain, with everything from being able to move heavier rocks to tunneling machines that can go under them. So the units that do the mining (the harvesters and crews) play a much bigger role in the strategy than just gathering resources. They are a critical part of both offense and defense.

You harvest metal out of the ground and this is used to construct new units, but arguably the more important resource is the rocks. Different types of metal deposits give your units different tags. So you can harvest aluminum for a lightweight tag and your units move faster, or you can harvest titanium and your units gain an armored tag (tags only apply to the units that are constructed with those materials). Lead gives your units a heavy tag, making them more explosion resistant. Etc, etc.

The game concept isn’t finalized yet. Basically I work on it part time when I have the time to do it. I might add the ability to construct steel bridges for example. We’ll see. Right now the lava pits are a bit brutal because there are no ground units that can cross them, and flooding an area with lava is a bit oppressive without the ability to build bridges.

It started out as an asteroid mining game, so it can simulate a large asteroid field. The asteroids have their own physics parameters, so explosions can make them rotate and move. But it can simulate dwarf planets. Large planets aren’t possible due to CPU and RAM power of the typical PC. On larger planets the map confined to a square like what you have in SC2, but in that case the map is static and there is infinite depth to how deep you can dig. On an asteroid or dwarf planet you can technically dig a hole through it.

Oh and resources become more dense the deeper you dig, so there is a benefit to holding a territory for longer. Picking the location to mine is important, not just for combat strategy, but for production strategy because it affects what kinds of resources you can gather and what kinds of tags your units have.

Part of the backstory is that there is a capitalist war machine backbone to the economy of the galaxy, so you can also find resources that are worth currency and place an order for units that arrive via drop ship. It’s legit an amazon delivery for space tanks. You just bring the money to the landing pad and a few minutes later a dropship arrives with your order. That’s how the economy of the game works at the start. You have to order your first harvester from amazon.

Slight clarification. Lava cools when undisturbed and light tagged units can cross it. The same is true for water on cold maps. If the surface is disturbed, by a heavy unit or an explosion, it melts again and takes time to cool off before light units can cross it again. Another way the surface can be disturbed is if the terrain shape is changed in a way that makes the lava flow. If you have a lava lake that is contained by a dam, you can drain it into another area and this resets the cooling timer.