Emp AND the stim buff make pvt unplayable

It’s called physical proof and evidence backing up your claims and arguments.

And no one believes you.

I’m M with each race.

No it isnt physical proof.

Only you dont believe me because you dont seem to understand timings.

You are Diamond ranked on the account you are talking on right now.

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NA is my fun achievement hunting account.

You couldn’t even get your story straight and forgot to include the SCV pull which is something entirely different.

Then show me your account.

I do have my story straight tho. Maybe in your world pulling scv is something completely different. But in my world it is still the same build. I already said he was allining So what changes? What am i supposed to do different then?

If the awnser is nothing. Then you are basically lying.

How can anyone help you or agree with your points if you refuse to show the replays?.

By basically comprehending the words i am typing maybe? Thats why i am on a forum maybe?

I get it your need for me to show you the replay is literally more important then the imbalance it holds.

you are permanently trying to manipulate me. Thats extremely unhealthy behaviour. You put words in my mouth, about the things you assume. And worst of all your trying to name and shame me. Anything i say will be used against me by the destructive likes of you. And that is exacly the reason why i am going to stop any form of discussion with you. Because its useless. i am not going to show you any replays.

You have a childish mind who cries when he doesnt get what he wants. And looking at the number of posts youve made. Your incompetence in starcraft 2 heavily relies on you to be right at all costs. Even if its at the cost of the truth.

You are one of those people who made all these imbalanced things possible. You spoonfeed misinformation to the likes of blizzard. Either by character shaming, by league shaming, by personal attacking, any means necousairy to get you what you want.

I would advise you seek counselling.

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Protoss and Terran players could help you play better if you showed us what happened in the game.

To react like this and be so resistant to providing physical proof of the games means you are lying about them.

You are the one here who is being toxic.

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Asking for evidence that the games happened and questioning the narrative you are putting out is “toxic”?.

The way how you force me into submission by doing so is very toxic. Seek councelling.

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This isn’t 50 shades of grey.


I should ignore you. You are nobody but misinformation.

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Misinformation is creating whine threads with no replays showing that things happened the way you say they did.

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How can i report you?

How sheltered of a life do you live where you think that anyone that has a different option compared to you should be censored?

If only that was the only thing that was wrong here. No you are forcing your opinion on me in an unhealthy inhumane way. Go seek counselling.


What even is my opinion?. You say that a TvP happened but you refuse to show it and refuse any help or advice.

Because you are a troll.

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Never been trolling. Now a troll is creating a whine thread and going completely crazy on anyone that questions the whine.

You have been trolling from the getgo, from misinforming people, derailing threads, personally attacking me. Forcing stuff from people.

I need a way to report you.