Emp AND the stim buff make pvt unplayable

Could also work against Fungal and Parasitic Bomb if you wanna go there.

I’m saying people should do that against all AOE spells. Also fun fact about the SC2 pathing is that you don’t want to A move directly in front of your units because SC2 pathing is so efficient it makes everything ball up naturally. What you want to do is A move a distance away behind the enemy army so the units are more spread out for a longer period of the time.

Actually post the replays of the games right now. Because I can guarantee that either the games don’t exist or the chain of events happened differently than what you claim.

If you post the replays, you will get help from better players on what you did wrong. I can even link you some websites use.

But we all know you are never going to post the replays because they very likely don’t exist or that you don’t play SC2 at all. I knew you were an act because of how over the top everything was and how I made you break character several times.

Stop being a B and post the RE or else tap out and type GG.

If you spent the last two hours in game and learned how to properly use Disruptors instead of working yourself up here, your PvT might have gotten a lot better. But instead of learning how to play a “high skill - high reward”-unit, you simply want your old deathball enforcing, a-move Colossus back.


I am not going to show you anything with that kind of an attitude. You dont tell me what to do.

First you attack me personally make all sorts of claims about me and then you actually try to demand stuff from me? Lol.

I love how you are even making assumptions about the replays not existing.
I love how you pretend i am acting in any way shape or form. I love how your deduction capablities are so solid.

But wait they arent. Because this isnt an ‘act’. You pretend those timings dont exist. But if you hop in the game reall quick try to do exacly as i just described. you will see all the timings hit.

The only one who needs to stop the act here is you. assumptions on assumptions on assumptions. Its like you know everything about me. When you clearly dont.

All you have to do is post the replays if they actually exist.

We are the protoss man, we don’t whine like puny humans do, don’t embarass our bro-toss


Oh look one of those posts. The one where i am desperatly craving for my non existant amove.

Calling disruptors a high skill high reward unit would be true. If medivacs didnt load up units. If splitting didnt exist. If the time before it goes boom wasnt static. Sure then it would.

But thats not the case, disruptors are never used versus bio because bio just outruns it. Its the worst kind of unit to make to defend because if your boom doesnt go boom. you auto lose.


They are used all the time against Bio.

I have never seen a disruptor made first when an incomming allin is comming. Never. Because of the reasons i just stated.


Protoss has the tools to win if you don’t want to use them is your problem


It really doesnt, you saying they exist doesnt magically make them exist. Explain what you mean. And actually make an argument. Because right now what you said is baseless.

You are not going to manipulate me into showing you replays. You can try all you want. Not happening.

I get it manipulating is your way to get things.

But it aint happening.

So the games you played never happened at all?.

Wouldn’t your argument be more convincing if you provided replays?

They happened. Just not inclined at all to show someone as toxic as yourself anything.

Then show everyone else on the forum if they actually happened.

You keep trying to get me to ‘show’ you. Just keep trying. It wont work.

Everyone that legit knows howto hit timings can try it for themselves and see how broken it is.

So you have no physical evidence that the games happen the way you say or that they actually existed.

I do have them. Right on my pc. Just because i dont want to show them to you doesnt magically mean they dont exist.

You say that you supposedly got hit with a 2 rax all in and after that a 5 rax all in.

But you never show the game of it.

Because there is no purpose to showing the game. I already explained what happened. Is that so hard for you to understand?

I am not going to show you period. Get it already. You basically refute anything ive said towards your behaviour and you demand i show you. You are not worthy.