Do you remember MMR decay?

You’d be sitting there in GM league, get bored, and stop playing for 3 days. When you logged back in, you were in Diamond league! Man, those were the days:

Now everyone and their dog camp inside GM. They get their MMR above the promotion threshold then they play unranked or switch accounts. Don’t even get me started on the smurfing that occurs due to cross region play. You clown on this guy 10 times over to only find out he’s a Code S player practicing on a 5400 mmr account years later. The game’s glory days are over, unfortunately. Nothing will top the MMR decay days. Nothing will produce more salt than a GM losing to a diamond player. Back then the ladder was funny. Now it’s all serious with sweaty players doing cookie cutter builds like robots.

3 days off dropping to diamond? Weak Found a more fitting picture
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Definitely don’t miss MMR decay, it felt like a chore to play.

Yes I ended up in gold too but didn’t start facing gms until diamond league.

It hard countered smurfing though because you couldn’t keep your mmr up across multiple accounts. Smurfing is a huge problem now. If they bring back mmr decay it would solve the issue with 1 guy having 15 accounts in GM league / campers who don’t actively play and just sit in GM league.

If not MMR decay, they need to adjust their math for the GM threshold to account for camping. People are gaming the system. I played Haste. It said he was 5300 but at the victory screen it said he was 4900. They are obviously getting into GM then playing unranked.

Rather than a selection of the accounts with the highest average MMRs, GM is a selection of the accounts with the highest peak MMR. Those are two totally different things. MMR fluctuates and everyone is bound to go over the threshold on occasion just due to luck. There are those screenshots on reddit where some guy whose never been to GM before is promoted for example. Is this guy honestly GM when he’s literally never done it before once in his life? Probably not. Average performance matters a lot.

So, when considering players for promotion, it should add a negative weight to players who play the least. A 55% winrate with 100 games is much more impressive than a 100% win-rate with 10 games. They need to calculate the variance of MMR, then find what group of players is most likely to be in the top 200 given their MMR ranking and number of games played. This would be a “maximum likelihood estimation” for all the players as a group. A person with lots of games but close to the lower threshold is safe, and so too would be a high ranked player with only a few games. But, if you are a low ranked player with a low number of games it probably wouldn’t include you.

Why don’t they calculate MMR separately per matchup for crying out loud? Right now like half of my games are vs Protoss and so that dominates my MMR ranking.

First off props to y’all who can get into GM range … second … yes … the MMR system in SC2 is completely janked. As I mentioned in a recent post, I spent last season stuck in bronze despite the fact that I play at Platinum level.

Being that I’m a lowly bronze player who get’s excited when I’m matched with someone who can play the game (smurf) … this is a completely different pov I hadn’t considered.

Yup I sure do.

MMR decay was complete cancer because due to too long inactivity MMR dropped drastically. I remember reading some post on reddit of a guy who used to be in master league and after one year he couldn’t get out of silver because he needed like hundreds of wins to get back to his league (he received only few points for every victory but was losing dozens of points when he lost a game)

It was broken. Glad they removed it.