2v2 MMR league promotion bug is STILL NOT FIXED for YEARS??
I am playing 2v2 at around 3.9k MMR and I passed the threshhold for league promotion to M3 since 100 MMR. Why the hell didnt the MMR-Ranges still not be updated? What is going on at Blizzard? How hard is it to fix the MMR Ranges.
This is so depressing and actually makes me quit the game. Can developers (if there are any left for SC2…) maybe say something about this? The problem has been going on for SO long now. This is such a huge disrespect coming from Blizzard regarding all active players. They just dont seem to care at all. This is a rather small Bug fix and they just dont take the time to ad just it. So sad seeing Blizzard going down like this.
Blizzard !!!
Same thing for me at 4v4, this is the first time it’s happening for me. Tried leaving league and didn’t help.
Not sure if it eventually promotes you back up or am I stuck in bronze for remaining of season?
It seems that bronze has it’s range out of whack… I went Bronze 3 to Silver 3 to Gold 3 in 2 games just now…
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