Disconnecting lobby upon start

Hey all,

Definitely a strange one since it doesn’t impact all users in the Americas region. I’ll send up the info from this thread. Has anyone tested Americas region with a VPN or similar to verify any differences?

If you don’t have one it’s ok, just an offhand test. I cannot guarantee it will work and am also sending up the info regarding the region specific problem for tracking.

Thanks for following up with me!

Not all users complain in here. Most of the user they just left the game. The issue persisted for over 12 hours

NA server is broken, everyone in the Arcade channel currently is experiencing it. Widespread entire server issue. Someone said only co-op is working. But earlier someone said you have to start with 1 less than full for it to work but I can confirm that was a flat out lie.

I just tried with VPN connections from USA, UK, Korea and Japan and it’s exactly the same - issues on the USA server, EU and Asia servers seem to be working fine.

It seems like there is a problem with the logic on the US server to unlock and verify paid content. Every commander is set back to 5 (the last ‘free’ level), paid for campaign components or cosmetics aren’t there etc. The issue seems connected to the various threads on issues starting games and playing campaign - US server has been broken for many people for the last 12 hours or so.

For me, when I click ‘ready’ to start a co-op game, I get a message in the chat window saying ‘There was a temporary problem with your request. Please try again.’.

I noticed in the right panel that it says everyone is “In Game” while they should be in lobby

Hey there!

Please restart the game if you haven’t yet. Some changes were made that may improve the situation.

Let us know how things are going. Cheers!

Whatever you did worked for me!

Thank you for your hard work, on a Sunday too!

Appears to be a problem on both NA and EU servers.
When creating a customs lobby, and after starting the countdown, it hits 3 and the lobby destructs.


Same here! Can’t create or the lobby crash at 3 secondes…

Same here, unable to play a custom game against AI, crushes around 5 seconds into count down. Unable to play ladder also, getting:

There was a temporary problem with your request. Please try again.

I tried “Scan and Repair” - doesn’t seem to be helping.

Right before it boots me from the lobby the chat box says I’ve been promoted to lobby host and then says I left the game.

Same , none of the gamemodes works , lobby crash after hitting 3.
Its just sad , i wanted to play with some friends.

The changes worked for me. Regained my account’s access to Legacy of the Void, my Co-op levels were restored, I can seek ranked games again, and I can play custom games again.

Thank you!

Can confirm it worked.

Can confirm everything back to normal. Thanks Kaldraydis

Thanks Kaldraydis. it starts to works now.