
Design team: Queens are too powerful - they can heal and shoot up! They must be hyper immobile to limit their power to defense-only, or they will be overpowered. Thus the queen’s movement speed off of creep is now negative. That’s right, they are so op they will walk back onto to creep if you tell them to leave creep.

Also balance team logic: BCs have the highest base armor in the game, best anti-ground in the game, the ability to shoot while moving, the ability to delete enemy units from siege range with 1 click, the highest HP of all flying units, more HP than an ultralisk, the sight range of an overseer; despite all this, it needs to be the most hyper-mobile unit ever created with the ability to teleport at infinite range into the fog of war thus having the fastest movement speed of any unit in the game plus the ability to ignore terrain and static defense!



I was thinking about the BC, earlier. They tried to make warpgate units weak, due to the ability to warp in, when they’ve basically given the most powerful unit in the game (BC) the warp in ability.

But, the BCs is even better because you can warp it into your opponents base or w/e you so choose. It’s like they don’t know how to make the game interesting without just implementing stupid imbalances.

Playa’s balance team logic for how to make Toss more “balanced/interesting.” Allow the disruptor to attack air, too, and if the opponent gets hit by a shot, not only does he lose all of his units, but he’s not allowed to resume playing until he thinks of a funny joke to say. Talk about entertainment value… I mean balance and shiz.


This hyper immobile unit is as fast as speed-of-light bio zergs cry about.


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400 hp spore crawlers and unkillable Queens and you still whine batz lol


There isn’t any unit in the game that can travel the entire distance of any map in 1 second (except the bc).


I mean… ALL zerg ground units? Recall?

And TJ takes 3s.


Let me state it again:

There isn’t any unit in the game that can travel the entire distance of any map in 1 second (except the bc).


The BC, as is, is as broken as the invincible nydus was. You can’t ever go across the map vs anyone competent who is going BCs. The second you move across the map, a BC is spawning inside of your base…

When the nydus was invincible, you couldn’t leave your base vs anyone with a brain. They would just make nyduses… and you’d have to send your whole army back to deal with it.

Guess what happens when you’re contained in your base vs a guy taking the map and massing BCs? Yeah… his max ends up being 500x stronger than yours and you get to watch all your units evaporate, as they try to kill 1 BC before it teleports away.

I’m happy I play Toss, so I don’t have to deal with this nonsense nearly as much. I couldn’t imagine playing vs this unit every game. And, if you play as Terran… having to play viking wars every game. What a game. Terran air units couldn’t be more broken if Avilo were in charge of balancing them.


Ravens would be launching nukes with 50 energy if he were in balance team but that was still a funny joke


As an alternative Roach and Hydra tech can be swapped as long as lurkers are gated behind Lair.
If you look at other races anti air comes early except for Zerg(Queen is not a real fighting unit but bore people to death),this is a flawed design and should have been fixed long ago

You ignore what I said and lie second time.

Bc cant travel in 1s. Only nydus is this fast

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A rare sight, Zeus and Hades bonding together discussing how good the humans have it. Playa if they brought back an energy requirement for its spells and vision for TJ would you be happy?

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Which of these examples are true???

I mean why not give them the ability to move as fast as lings all games will be ended in favour of zerg within minutes. Mass queen rush would be a thing

As for the BC I yet to see a game even in pro level that a BC rush ended the game, and I still fail to see the point why there are no spores in your mineral line. Oh ye god forbid if zerg spend some resources on static defences yes? Which are not static after all since you can move them.

There are only 3 scenarios when it comes to BC rush, a) you scout with your overlord/overseer you see the fusion you drop immediately 2 spores in your mineral lines thus neglecting any chance for the BC to do any real damage.

b) You See the fusion and you drop a spire for corruptors once this unit is in play BC is neglected.

c) No terran in his right mind will teleport again when corruptors are in play or you lose the BCs. Chances are they will be “walked” into their destination at which point with creep/overlord spread you will see it coming from a mile away.

Again tell me why it is so hard to answer against a bc rush?

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BCs don’t warp in, they warp out.

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It’s way stronger than any gateway unit and it has way less restrictions on where it can warp to.

The disruptor is super underpowered vs terran. It shoots too infrequently and is far too easy to dodge in a myriad of ways. Siege tanks trump them 100:1.


Zergs defense is only as strong as the weakest link. Make the queen invincible and zergs will still die to 4 hellions. That’s a separate issue to how poorly designed the bc is. The bc is a nexus of a dozen unprecedented abilities. Give any one of these abilities to another unit and that unit would be strong and valuable for that ability (ex: the overseer’s sight range). There is absolutely no reason for terran to have all these abilities packed into 1 unit.

At least half of these abilities should be outright removed from the BC, or at a bare minimum moved to other starport units.

Give Ravens the ability to teleport. Give the banshee the ability to shoot while moving. Give the viking the ability to yamato.

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the double standard is that when terran has to play at the highest level of play to be viable they are told to “git gud” but when zerg has too they say its op.

No race has ever had a hero unit this powerful in the history of sc2.

All three races have been viably played at every level for the entire history or sc2.

Calling the bc what it is isn’t a double standard against terran.


hey tehbatz get online I miss spanking ur a55