Just drew this combo on Brutal+. I’m just dipping my toe in to mutators, so I’m wasn’t quite sure how the reanimators worked. Anyways, I was Swann, ally was Alarak (with no C). I quick set up some turrets, get my tanks behind, and night 1 begins. Lots of units, but passes without incident. Sun comes up, everything fries. It’s all good.
But then
A few seconds later
The horde returns
There was no gotdamn day. At all. The slavering, fetid armies of the dead, now immune to the daylight, resumed their march upon our base. The turrets glowed red, the shells of siege tanks were deafening, but there was no stop from the vile onslaught. A chill crawled down my spine as I realized this was the work of the reanimators. We were in it deep, and this was going to be the final stand.
But then my ally left for dinner so I didn’t get to finish. Is reanimators on Dead of Night known madness??
The game didn’t last long enough; my ally left right as day 2 was ending. Our defense was holding fine so far. My surprise was the complete lack of a “day” phase. I really want to play it all the way through. Defense missions with Swann are my favorite.
North America servers, if anyone wants to do a Final Stand. I don’t want to just rush the mission either. That’s cheating.
With Swann, Reanimators won’t be a big deal here. Just focus on defense while ally clears the map. No amount of zombies are dangerous for his AOE Turrets and Tanks.
My first thought was, you don’t get Void Reanimators on B+1?! But it’s one of those 0.9% chance mutators, and with DoN is even lower, so you’re rather unlucky with that combo.
Also, your ally could really have helped you by rushing out with Ala and killing that reanimator. Or he could clear the map quickly while you hold on def. Sounds like maybe he wasn’t ready for mutators.
Hope not in that order. You could have tanks out before night begins, reaching 8 tanks during 1st night. With some flames it doesn’t matter how many infested attack you.
As long as your ally makes units that can kill buildings it’s easy. But if your Alarak ally opens with canons, that would be tough.
My defense was holding fine, tyvm. Flamers in front, tanks behind (eventually putting spinning dizzies in front of the turrets) is my tried and true, conservative way to build a defense. I like the way it plays, dead of night is my favorite mission, and until it fails, I’m most likely not going to change it.
This really wasn’t a “got my butt kicked, need advice” post.