Co-Op Mutation #187: Onslaught

The infested horde refuse to stay down for good. They emerge from enemy buildings, their own corpses, and even right on top of your army! Destroy the infested structures to cleanse them permanently.

Aggressive Deployment - Additional enemy units are periodically deployed onto the battlefield.
Outbreak - Enemy Infested Terrans spawn continuously around the map.
Void Reanimators - Void Reanimators wander the battlefield, bringing your enemies back to life.

Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG (Arcturus)] Iswald (Artanis)
[CtG (Stukov)] Iswald (Tychus)
[CtG (Han and Horner)] [Lila (Swann)]
[CtG (Zeratul)] Aommaster (Zagara)
[CtG (Kerrigan)] Grayback (Nova)
[CtG (Fenix)] Ancalagon (Karax)
[CtG (Raynor)] Aommaster (Vorazun)

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Aggressive Deployment drops extra waves close to your army. If you have no army, it will drop in your base and possibly your mineral line.
  • Outbreak spawns Infested Terrans, Infested Medics, Infested Marines later, and later Aberrations from any enemy building.
  • A [Void Reanimator] is a ground unit that walks around the map and instantly revives a single random unit every few seconds.
  • The Void Reanimator has 200HP and 200 shields, runs around without any minimap indicator, and cares not whether you killed an enemy a minute or an hour ago. He will revive it.
  • If at any point in the game, you get a seemingly endless stream of enemies, try searching up their attack path. There are probably 2-3 Void Reanimators there.
  • Infested spawned from mutators do not burn out during the day time.
  • The Command Center float cheese is not advisable due to the lag that can be created by the Void Reanimators continuously reviving fallen units that do not burn out during the day time.

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mengsk def goood.

#187 Mutation Onslaught play list…

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Ok this one looks fun.

I’m thinking Mensgk + Vorazun also good for a quick clear.

This should be easy for Mengsk and H&H with long range bombardments so long as defense holds up especially to pick off the Reanimators.

I like to do fire chains with Blaze during the nights when playing as Tychus. It will be pyromania with Outbreak in play particularly if the enemy force is Zerg.

My question of the century… do Void Reanimators revive Stanks? D:


just did it on lunch with stukov mengst.

mengst handled defense while stukove went to diamond backs and ghelped a little out on defense

but I d/ced with about 40 buildings left.

Didn’t really take that much damage, bunkers/tanks where a pretty good defense and with enough tanks overlapping your base

I heard Mengk’s ESO can hit almost all the structures. Not sure if setting that up is practical with this mutation though.

Yeah you can. Just keep throwing down bunkers or pair with someone who can defend for you. It’s completely feasible - although I think H&H do it better with reaper spamtasm + airstrikes.

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H&H are better since air strikes are more targeted, faster to respond, and cheaper in minerals

That said, 10 ESOs fully stocked each fire once per 6 seconds so would probably do fine

Easy one. Did it with Mengsk and Artanis ally, and with Kerrigan & Swann ally. Nydus wall + tanks = nothing getting in your base, ever. I threw in some lurkers for good measure. Will try other commanders later.

Tried a few times as Karax and Vorazun, partner and I couldn’t hack it. Went had breakfast and ran some errands, to come back as Zeratul with a random Mengsk; went well and finished in the first 30 seconds of Night 4.

Now if we could just get the experience backrated.

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Got it first try (Vorazun + Karax)

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Well first Try aswell, but… i’Ve done it with a “mate”… playd as Swann, and he was Kerrigan LvL 7… It took me 49Minutes to finish, because the hope that he is doing something was strong in me lul… managed to defend it well and built up some wraiths for the clean off… Annoying part was, we playd vs Terran with Air ( BCS etc.) , spawning and insta yamatos Tanks etc.

I Think that was the hardest Race to play against and combination as Defender. Was kinda Challenging to play “solo”. The Problem was , i thought he is able to do anything :smiley:

but it was fun for me, finally i had a little challenge , Brutal +6 etc. is already boring me.

It is interesting that you struggled on this mutation but find Brutal+6 boring.


zerg bling is worse, bling right on your forces

i can tell you why, because i playd solo , without the knowledge that i have to play solo. I’ve never said that i struggled, i just said it was more challenging that i thought. I never struggle in Co op.

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I envy you, I struggle so much in co-op :C


How do we get as good as you, oh master of the zeratul cannons.

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Swann has the best defense here and can hold for every commander. The easiest comp I found is H&H (mass air strikes + ravens sieged in base for extra damage to Swann’s turrets/tanks) + Swann (turrets + tanks & Drill mastery).