Dank's suggested patch!

That’s your contradiction, not mine. You are the one claiming the enemy protoss can be in all 3 locations at once.

There’s 2 Probes and it only takes a split second for the wall to go down. So no, it’s YOUR contradiction because as per usual, you didn’t think things through. Stop crap posting mate.

Yet there is only 1 ramp into your base.

Are you suggesting you should full wall your ramp? Why state this since the wall goes down before your gateway completes?

Again, you’re not thinking things through here and are giving cursory answers that are so low effort that I suspect you know you’re just being a turd.

This is, once again, your contradiction. You’re the one who can’t keep track of 2 probes that both must enter through 1 point in your base. BuT mUh ThReE CaNnNoN lOcAtIoNs

You never answered the question and then you accused me of something without any basis?

Get outta here you turd lol.

Fixed that for you :thinking:

I think your charge change works.

Thors outrange all air units because they are slow, and clunky and have no real way to get out of an upcoming battle with air units. Even at current range, with the tempest-thor interaction there is still some kiteability because you can have all tempests firing on a thor and kiting back and due to certain positions on the map (cliffs, hills, dead space) etc only a small number of thors are firing back. They certainly need to outrange brood lords or Terran is dead in the late game vs zerg. I have no issue with the thor overall as a unit.

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Give mules an auto attack to piss off batz


The reason why overlord pillars are needed is because of marine and stalker first openers. Both of these can almost kill the overlord before it reaches the tower on most maps. And being able to deny scouting with a unit you were planning to build anyway is not a fair investment cost for denying all of zergs scouting in the early game. If its gasless marine rush or a 4 gate stalker all in zerg needs to be able to confirm this.

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So let map hack spot map alive you said

I’ll give up the overlord pillar if in exchange we get no more wallable with 3 buildings low ground naturals.
Standarize that. Its unfair that the natural can be walled so easily because it is a feature that hurts zerg the most, so I want it out on the same premise.

You are trying to insult our fellow MyOhMind. Calling someone “stupid” is a direct insult.

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Way to miss out on how we always do this little dance, we both know the other isn’t even remotely serious - this is called banter and it’s an important part of social interaction.


That buffs the ever living hell out of Zerg cheese in ZvP. 12 pool would be nigh impossible to defend without taking so much damage that there’s no point in trying without a 3 building low ground wall at the nat. The only way this would work is if maps were so big that 12pools were just a really, really bad idea.

Queen health reduction would be a massive nerf to Zergs ability to deal with a battlecuiser opening and hellbat all ins which would give Terran a good favor.

Viper is quite balanced at the moment. The unit is meant to displace and disable units at a steep gas cost of 200. Granted they do their job very well at dealing with turtle armies, they still lose to feedbacks and emps.

Swarm host is again quite balanced at the moment. Most people complain that free units are bad for the game, however Swarm Host are meant to slow down Terran mech and Protoss from getting their full armies. Though a speed nerf to flying locust is all they need to be balanced as more time flying means more time to prepare and the closer the Swarm Host need to be.

Ultralisk needs the buff.


Tempest should be reduced to 3 supply.

Disruptor should honestly become a siege unit. Make the damage 200, but decrease the speed and increase the duration of travel. They are meant to counter lurkers and tanks, but they do not.

Collosi should definitely get a buff. Make extended thermal lance increase the damage to 17 versus all unit types.

Zealot should get charge damage back.


Thors are crazy right now and really do need a nerf. 9 range is a great idea.

Battlecruisers are weird and I have no opinion on the change.

Nerf Ghost emp to 50 damage versus shield and enhanced shockwave should get rid of 75 shields.

Protoss is struggling right now and buffs are really needed. Terran mech is quite dominate and trading slower locust for a Thor range nerf seems reasonable.

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While I disagree with the 1st 2 points, to a certain extent (Queens with 300 LY range+getting faster spores will still handle BCs, Vipers imo are insanely busted and while I am totally okay with them having super powerful, hard counter spells, if those exist in their current form then they need their ability to replenish energy nerfed to prevent such obnoxious spam of hard counter spells) I agree with most of your other points and think your changes are an excellent alternative that should be tested in tandem with my changes, taking the best of both worlds.

I’ll meet you half way, why not make feedback have a cast range of 10 to deal with vipers better?

Woo, i’m chocked you propose to nerf Terran/Zerg, and buff Protoss (the race you play). Who would have guessed ?

Because Vipers in ZvP aren’t really an issue, Terran are the ones that get screwed over by Vipers spaming hard counter spells to a degree I think is unfair.