Coop Kerrigan Achievement Bug

I cannot progress in the “Walking Dead” and “In the Name of Love” achievements. I’m pretty sure i do everything right. I play on atleast hard, sometimes brutal difficulty, and use immobilization wave frequently in enemy bases. For the Walking Dead, i played dead of night on hard a few times, while focusing on kerrigan micro with leaping striek, but it doesn’t show any progress in the menu while ingame.


Same problem for me also

This has been a known bug since patch 5.0.0 XD, we’ll just have to wait until they fix it.

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me pasa lo mismo en mi caso la progresion la tengo atascada en 2831 aver si lo arreglan de una vez

Same problem here… they need to fix it ! :o

Hi everyone!
In the Latam forums there´s also some players reporting this bug. I’ll report this issue again with the Blizzard team.

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