Well first off, there was more than one game there that illustrated my point. So nice try again. Did you also realize that is is possible for us both to be right? So stop acting like an idiot. Do your research better next time before you start labeling common tactics as not points made by clueless forum people because guess what? If I don’t know what I’m talking about…I don’t bother with posting because it’s a waste of my time. I have better things to do than type out forum posts that are not beneficial to people.
The whiners in this forum will never stop to amaze me. Strong on words, weak on playing isn’t it? I see that there are new forum members that also lack the basics of the game but still are arguing what is what. Epic!
Problem is that OP hasn’t played enough games. In actual games, you don’t have enough APM to actually care about the smallest details, because APM allocation is not infinite.
Terrans harass the mineral lines with Liberator, because you can queue their movements and pre-queue their attack mode to attack workers. But during their flight into enemy territory, terran players don’t generally look at their liberator. If you’re lucky, you can retreat and save your liberator. Even pros lose their liberator. OP is talking like Liberator will never die.
I wonder what OP’s APM is like. anything below 120 can be improved and you’ll see the game significantly different as opposed to your APM being below 60.