Comparing zerg to other races!



When Terran needs anti air defense he need to build engineering bay then he can place turrets.


When Protoss needs anti air defense he need to build forge then he can place turrets.


When zerg needs anti air he can place spore crawler without evolution chamber but still he doesn’t need to build evolution chamber because he has queen which is the always built core unit and base defense for both air and ground and is also required for zerg base to operate properly.



The best unit against air targets in Terran army is viking but you need to micro them (it’s not hard but it takes time and prevents you from doing other things).


Same as Terran needs certain units and micro them (especially focus fire).


A) build corruptors and go a-move (you can’t really micro them but they are still better than other races air units even when you don’t micro)

B) get 2-4 vipers cast parasitic bomb and watch how enemy splits but still dies to insane damage.



Terran has to split marines, constantly siege/unsiege mines, tanks, liberators (all separately), sometimes casts EMP and also using focus fire on stronger and tanky enemies like ultralisks.


Protoss has zealots frontline which is a bit easier but still some micro is required and have alot of spells to casts (mostly storm).


A-move because most of the zerg compositions are melee units and you can’t micro them. Occasionaly cast a spell like fungal.



Terran needs to harass enemy and make constant pressure then win the game as quick as possible - the best way to do it is with one big push in midgame.

Mech defensive style is viable only when enemy doesn’t make swarm hosts against you (they always do).


Protoss needs to harass enemy and make constant pressure in PvZ however in PvT early game harass into defensive style also might work.


Turtle until late game (early game indestructible due to queens), need to care only about one strong midgame push, then a-move in late game for victory (remax whole army in up to 30 seconds if necessary and go with the second attack while enemy is still weakened).

Some other quick facts: zerg is producing any kind of unit from one building, overlord “free” scout and is the only one race that has free units overall.


The hate for Zerg is real with you, 4-6 games lost in a row or ?

much written but see here many bias. That’s why you don’t have to go into your points.
When you see the text you see that you are a T player. Because you don’t explain all match ups. P similar to T. I don’t like Z.

Btw. Zerg needs fast remax in some points, because he is inefficient against T/P. T/P have 1/2 Or 1/4 of there army Zerg lost all.
Why Zerg goes into the late game. You win against the push of T, kill the Army. You want to end the game. T has rebuilt 1/4 -1/2 of his army and can keep the attack with his sieg untis and sometimes even get out more efficient.


The zerg hate is so real and biased.



  1. Zerg doesn’t have any form of detection until lair. That is why spores require no evo. That way you are not screwed if you miss the Dt’s or something. Terran has scan, and protoss opens either robo or stargate so they can easily chrono out detection.

2A. You realize corruptors are kind of trash by themselves unless you have a way huge majority. Corruptors are designed to outlive enemy units. They have okay damage and okay atk speed. But their main focus is to just out last. If your enemy can dish out DPS they can’t handle it. They need support.

2B.2-4 Vipers isn’t any different thatn the enemy getting thors. At least parasitic bomb you can mitigate the damage way more.

  1. You have bile. If you run into the enemy army with ling bane, the banes will explode on the units you don’t want them too aka archons. In addition Zerg has an intensive macro cycle that is less forgiving than other races. So they do have have army micro that you have to do, it’s less intensive than other races because their might comes from the reload if you have a good macro cycle.

  2. Have you not watched good zerg players? They use nydus, mutas, swarm host, runbyes to pick a part the enemy. Different meta’s have different versions of it, but serral does it all the time.

5A. Zerg has everything come from larva. You have to inject to actually make units. In addition, supply and workers take away from fighting units. So unlike other races, you can’t do all at the same time. You have to make them all from the same place. If you just made 10 drones, and didn’t scout the attack, you can’t just queue up 10 marines. you have to wait for your macro cycle to end.

5B. Free scouting you mean like scan?

5C. Zerg has Locust and Broodlings. That’s two. Technically terran has two as well the Mule and the Auto-Turret. Protoss technically has two has well the Archon and the stasis ward. So really they are kind of equal.

My question to you is…Do you play the game? Because your arguments, besides being absurd, have no understanding of the game. It seems you saw that the races are different and said, “Why don’t they all play the same?”


Nice to see how some of the biggest whiners in this forum are working on their reputation, so that even other whiners recognize, how absolute nonsense the opinion of a few guys is. This forum surprises me again and again.


Well you have to reconsider about your understanding of the game if you consider the archon and a stasis FREE FREAKING UNITS.

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I mean, marines and Thor’s both exist. And BCs hit up. Honestly Terran has the best anti-air in the game, even if skyzerg > virtually everything.


stasis wards are more like better / different versions of changelings
Both can only change a fight by “blocking” / traping

Broodlings aren’t free units as much as tank shots aren’t.

Locusts have a cool down attack and the same goes for disruptors or widow mines.

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good pointers mayb zergs r less bias now

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Yes if you forgot to say Thor have a trash aoe shot mod and they can be grab for energy, yes they are isn’t any different.

Broodling is the only free unit in the game but whatever.


Zerg players have to spend more time on macro

Terran macro is harder with addon swap and perfect timing produce. Zerg can stack inject if their miss some inject and can produce all unit from 1 building. The only one mechanic that is hard in zerg is tumor spread but they have the time to do it because their macro mechanic is so ez.

Plus zerg don’t need to back their camera at home for produce ovelord.

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like almost everytime, youre wrong.

inject doesnt stack (i guess this is something guys in this forum will never learn…" mule does stack. inject not. if youre forgetting 5 minutes to use mule - you can call like 20 at once (THAT is stacking). if zerg forgets 5 minutes to inject - these larva doesnt come back. its so ironic, that you whine about something, that only terran has, while you wanted to whine about zerg…

if you wanna play perfect as zerg, you have to circle through EVERY base like every 16 sec. how often do you look at your bases?

same reason why this is bs. you have to inject every ~16 sec, so you have to switch through every base every 16 sec…

can you please stop posting in this forum? 85 posts and i never saw any post, which is atleast a little bit realistic. tbh, i would have to search really hard to find even a single post of you, which isnt about how op and ez zerg is.


But blizzard allow zerg to a+click and win their fight without looking their army so it’s not a problem. You can see in lot of tournament Zerg inject during fight and win fight. Watch POV if you want a proof.


Queens need a HP nerf or a cost increase or remove transfuse


So youre admitting that you were wrong?

Zerg still have “free units”.
Zerg have “healing units” that doesn’t cost any gas, and you can obtain them in early game.
Zerg can obtain map control super early.
Hatcheries only cost 300 minerals, can expand early, thus dictates pace of the game.

Make queens cost like 150/25.
Make creep tumors spread creep a bit slower. (or completely remove vision of Creep Tumors, and just leave creep + speed bonus. Creep tumor is literally the most OP tool for zerg, and it costs nothing.)
Decrease speed bonus buff.
Make Swarm Hosts use Energy than just have cooldown. The idea of Cooldown is just too dumb in SC2. It should be either energy based or Health penalty based like Stim.