Community Update - July 1, 2019

Looking forward to the long awaited return of the indefensible stim timing. Party like it’s 2010.

Other than that everything else seems pretty reasonable.

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man avilo would be so happy to read this, I hope he got wlan in jail

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     Strategic Recall is stupid doesnt matter if cooldown is being nerfed it will only make Toss turtle more in the late game and make it more harder for them to defend late game mass nydus and which is stupid idea honestly if it was really meant for all ins or early harassment nerf what they should have done is make Strategic Recall an upgrade to the nexus like overlords with upgraded droplords that is visible to the enemy  "Im not even toss or zerg to figure that out how did they come up with this change?"  If a terran makes proxy rax vs a proxy gate toss gets punished by it in the early stages of the game and not be countered by a default skill by nexus . 

Every Strategic attack needs an upgrade lings need upgrade for mass lings all in and a baneling nest or a roach to bust toss on the other hand just need early gate pressure and gets away with it with a default strategic attack skill CALLED RECALL? even terran needs concussive shell if proxy marauders for a strategic attack .

Why would u nerf infestors and buff Carrier at the same time lol you forgot you designed the infested terrans that way because of SkyToss in the 1st place . What you guys should do is Remove Vipers Consume Skill its a dumb mechanic that basically not been in an RTS UNLIMITED mana CASTER that snipes key units and clumped up air units not the infestors im not even Zerg or Toss. If Viper didnt have consume they would be punished for not making it earlier .

Compare the Raven Auto Turret to Infested Terran skill . ?!

Bring back Seeker Missile that only damages static defense or just for Buildings only than spamming nukes in the late game which is stupid to kill static defense that basically repositions itself Like spores for example Nydus Christ Sake.

If you guys want to slightly nerf the zerg late game if zerg has hive spores cant reposition themselves. And queens should require mana to control spores to reposition themselves. Where do i get this logic because i need units to defend a nydus it cost supply a zerg should defend a liberator sieged with a queen and a spore even terran needs to supply with turret and scv get my point? Static defense should not move but cost minerals or something like supply example queen and its energy . Ever heard of Cannons teleporting way back in beta ? And for every nydus a queen full of energy should be consumed.

Your memory leaves much to be desired. Queens were buffed in early LoTV to deal with Liberators before Liberators got hit with a series of nerfs. The 2-1-1 didn’t become popular until long after Queens were buffed.

Queens only kept that range because Warp Prism harass became common.



All in B2 or Late Game?
–> Buff Steam!!!
All in B2 or Late Game?
late game boring --> Go for All in B2

I can agree with that

i really enjoy those falling protoss tears, and for the players who write, I AM A PROTOSS SINCE 3243243244 years and i STOP PLAYING now, yeah maybe then its time to go back and try some need for speed or some legoland crap, the time when protoss got master 1 with 1 bo and without any skill is over fellas, time to l2p or even search another game, gg toss, i hope you enjoyed the past its time to loose some mmr :*


please momma dont change the swarmhost i cant play anything else please dont take my one and only opportunity to win a game


What I don’t like is the stim change.

Bio don’t need a buff. What the TvP match up needs is a bit more unpredictability from the Terran side.

Which means that other openings should be buffed instead of buffing the already main opening.

TvP should be like TvT and TvZ when it comes to bio and mech games. Meaning both playstyles frequently seen and are viable.

I think it’s very possible to do and I have some great changes to make it more viable without breaking TvT and ZvT.

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I mainly play Terran and I love when Protoss tries to Cannon rush me in 1v1. I scout it, I pull SCV’s off the line and shut it down, and then I’m ahead. The second I see the Pylon for a Cannon rush I just get giddy.

Cannon rush in 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 can be rather obnoxious though because many teammates do not scout the surroundings of their base or don’t even pay attention to what comes in & out of their base and next thing you know you have already lost the game before it has even really started. That’s the nature of team play though :man_shrugging:

Please stop replying to me.

(I played Brood War for 10 years so I had scouting drilled in my head during that time period)

Cannon Rush is not an issue. The skill of scouting & then not over reacting is all that is needed to end this rush and then you are ahead. The reason many people despise Cannon rush is because they either haven’t learned the skill of scouting OR they are skilled enough but CHOOSE to go for full on greed play and don’t scout and then lose because they decided one extra worker of minerals was more important.


The warp prism is too strong in early game, an easy known way to climb grand master nowadays is the timed attack: 9 adept - warp prism at minute 4 followed by proxy immortals. Try it and see.

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Couldn’t agree more that is why i basically suggest nerfing the hallucinated phoenix from the game. Meaning no Stargate no hallucinated phoenix but a Hallucinated Prism in early stages of the game if he had a Robo.

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Sure, the race that took ten years to figure out a build that wasn’t a variation of MMM+Support units definitely has a leg to stand on with that argument.


new bio stim timing will not break tvz due to the medivacs appearance. 16 marine stim attack depends on 2 medivacs and cant be commited without them

Sounds like they just want to increase timing window for all-in in TvP.

Ghost change won’t help dealing with Disruptor-Storm-Tempest deathball because of this deathball ridiculous range and burst damage output.

Overall, seems to be band-aids instead of fixes of the root causes of the problems.

PS. Also missed Interference Matrix energy cost increase in patch notes. Is a single viable opener in TvT (double Raven) that fun from Blizzard’s point of view?

How do you expect this to balance the game? The stim change is bad It will also be a problem in PvT how Ghost buffs. Terran already has too many All in’s giving them stronger all in’s will not help the balance of the match. Terran is already strong the raven spell are too strong. As a protoss this is game breaking it’s fun to play vs terran when they have SO many way to win the game and mobility, tanks buff they are too strong vs gateway units. Nerfing the Warp Prism is only a bad idea it don’t help anything Just hurts protoss again the 5 nerf in a row as the other races get buffs. It’s not fair or right to just listen to a bunch of terran’s whining everytime They don’t see things from Protoss perspective. They are ruining the game and it’s overall balance Protoss has no early game now, terran way to strong late game, zerg is Way to strong early game, and late game in PvZ. What are you doing for Protoss Blizzard? Curious cause limiting our ways to win and pigeon holing us into 1 build is NOT going to help the race or game. It will damage the game’s skill.


This is actually incorrect. With the 2 1 1 build the piece that took the longest is actually stim. You can delay your factory until 3:30 and still hit on time, but with this change stim will be done 21 seconds sooner, meaning if u go straight to factory/starport your timing is sped up quite a bit.

Source: am masters terran

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