Proceeds to point out the most recent cannon rush attempt was a loss.
Idk why you’re so upset about cannon rushing. There are a million ways to counter it. Just learn them. I wouldn’t have a problem requiring gateway before forge. But I also don’t think cannon rushing is nearly the super powered, easy win strat you seem to think it is.
I was playing at nearly 6k MMR on EU and I’m facing cannon rush left and right. Non stop. I’m new to playing on EU. It’s not like, oh, there’s playa, guy who hates cannon rush and sucks vs it, let’s do it to him!
No, these guys do it every game. I’m tired of clowns who have a career high of Diamond league acting like there’s a million counters to everything in the game. Yeah, every GM just cannon rushes, non stop, because it’s so freaking easy to stop that antisora would never lose to it.
Give me a break. You’re playing in a league where cannon rushers can’t even remember to make a forge. I check these guy’s profile after every match and can verify you guys are full of it. Every single one of them just destroys P vs P. It’s a flat out joke.
Played a guy the other day that was 70% in P vs P and 40% in every other mu. He wasn’t 44% or w/e. VS Terran and Zerg, exactly 40%. Lots of games played. All one needs to know.
I just wanted to say thank you all for your time and dedication with these changes. It really means a lot to have such a responsive team communicate their goals and intent so openly and i think the game is better because of yall.
The warp prism nerf is awful. Blizzard revert back to 2016 multiplayer version. That version was much more fun to play and watch.
Nowadays Protoss rely on all-in strats more and more because Protoss simply do not have the ability to fight an end game Terran or Zerg army. No protoss combination can. If Protoss players do not end the game on 3 bases via all-in then the game is over and Protoss will slowly bleed to death in endgame. The correct response is buffing Protoss endgame units and make them comparable to Vipers+Infestors+Corruptors+Brood Lords or Mass BCs. Nerfing Warp Prisms is killing protoss.
Zerg need a serious nerf. Its casters are just way too powerful. Parasitic Bomb was an abomination the day it was created: no race in multiplayer should possess such a strong AA splash damage ability in SC2, and thus it should be removed. Protoss, on the other hand, have very limited AA splash (storms only) and can be easily dodged. If parasitic bomb is to be kept, then Tempests should have AA splash attacks as a counter. Tuning down infested marine dmg is not a nerf as it is still way OP than it supposed to be. Zerg should have inferior army as Zerg tend to have better economy and production than Protoss or Terran.
As of the Terran changes, EMP research is a welcoming sight. The stimpack buff is questionable since it should not be necessary.
I am not going to comment on the Zerg and Protoss changes, but the Terran changes are great overall!
I am not sure how to feel about this as it can strengthen Terran 1 base cheeses and 2 base all ins. However, the main benefit from this is the earlier stim would benefit Terrans when it comes to surviving early and mid game cheeses and all ins from both Zerg and Protoss. It will also allow Terran mid game pushes to hit sooner and cause more damage, which is beneficial.
I absolutely love this change. Restoring the EMP radius back to WoL levels from 1.5 to 2 even after an upgrade is a huge late game buff. It will help Terran tremendously in the late game and the ultra late game in TvP with both Bio and Mech.
Bio/lib/ghost/viking will become more powerful and Ghost/Mech will be strengthened as well, improving the viability of Mech in TvP as well as a boon. I advocated buffing EMP in the past and if you are going to buff it, this proposal will be the way to do it.
It will be smaller, but not how it should work. Fungal can be casted on any terran units, yet EMP is used specifically to counter infestors. Hence it is supposed to be stronger than fungal, not outranged by it.
It will be smaller, but not how it should work. Fungal can be casted on any terran units, yet EMP is used specifically to counter infestors. Hence it is supposed to be stronger than fungal, not outranged by it.
Why don’t they just make Fungal’s radius 2 again?. That way it would be more of a fungal vs emp zoning dynamic on more even terms in TvZ late game.