Community Update - July 1, 2019

High templar has an ability called feedback.

2 comments. One in response to you, one to MSK. One comment I deleted because it didn’t reply to you like it should have. Even mentioning this is a waste of space lol.

Hating a strategy is not the same as a strategy being overpowered.

This is your first decent argument in favor of nerfing cannon rushes. “No one likes them” is almost certainly true. “They’re overpowered and everyone does them” is almost certainly false.

It is extremely unlikely you know for certain they’re cannon rushing every game. It is much more likely you’re falling victim to confirmation bias. Allowing your hate of cannon rushes to assume they’re used more often and performed more successfully than they actually are.

More useless dick measuring. If you can’t even bother to look at how often I’ve played 1v1 in the last 2 years, why would I trust you to recognize an overpowered strat?

Do you have a link to her complaining? A quick search didn’t find anything. Again, congrats on actually presenting something of substance to your argument. That’s twice in one comment now. Good for you.

Oh hey look, more exaggeration. You do realize that this ridiculous exaggeration of what I said only weakens your argument, right? If you have to exaggerate what I say in order to respond, it suggests you have no response to what I actually said. It makes your argument worse not better.

Hey look more dick measuring. You really can’t get over this insatiable need to measure your dick. I don’t care what league you’re in. In terms of our skill level, your opinion is almost as worthless as mine. Present some real data (I’ve asked for this 3 times now) or don’t bother responding. The only thing that matters is what the data says. Not what you think, not what I think. If you can prove cannon rushes have high win rates, you’re right, they should be nerfed. If you can’t prove that, you need to re-evaluate your opinion.

Feedback has taken nerf into the damage and needs to focus fire on the unit being hit, and this ability has range 9 while Infestors Fungal and Emp Ghosts has range 10. It’s much easier to hit an Emp and Fungal than to hit a feedback before them cast the spell on the Hts, plus the feedback in 1s only deactivates one unit at a time, while in this same time period the Fungal and Emp incorporates several Hts and troops.

I’ve been top 10 on ladder. You’re in Platinum league. I’m pretty sure I’ve done more to give credence to cannon rushing be imbalanced than you have done otherwise. I don’t even think there’s a strategy in the game where I’d be like “oh yeah, there’s a dozen counters to that.”

Around half of the people who play the game have a claim of being more knowledgeable than you. Your claim? “Didn’t see you in GSL, dough.” I wonder who the burden should be on. Yet, you’re less interested in proving your theories.

If only you held yourself to the same standards, you might figure out why you’re not going up in ranks despite thinking that things GMs lose to are easy to beat. If my opinion isn’t worth anything, then yours isn’t even worth typing.

Feel free to play me. You have counters to everything. It’s all easy. Who could lose to someone who thinks cannon rushing is imbalanced? Maybe you’re not as big of a clown as you come off as and GMs could learn a thing or two. Only one way to know for sure…

Oh, just skimmed… you haven’t played much in the past 2 years, yet your conviction is this high/warranted about what’s weak/strong. Man… oh man… so happy to be enlightened by someone who doesn’t play the game. Maybe I should go post on forums on games I don’t play and just take the opposite stance as the highest ranked players. Real smart.

In HotS I was doing the “maxpax” every game, just so I could get an idea of if a guy would be proxy factoring me. Every other game, was a guy trying to lift a factory in your main and make widow mines. Could you have detection out then? No. Not even close. It would be like being able to make dts that have blink 2 minutes before a guy can even have detection.

There’s always strategies in this game that absolutely make SC 2 look more like a clown fiesta than a strategy game. “Wow… this guy chose a strategy that allows him to win games before his opponent can even make units. What a genius! Next level!”

If it looks like a clown fiesta, feels like a clown fiesta, and you hear clown music… then is that really the strategy we need to defend being in the game, like the Alamo? No… just be a reasonable person with some brain cells.

And that is why pros keep their HT in prisms to avoid emp. You don’t see any raven use in mid game TvP because they get insta feedback. I am with you on the infestors because there is no way a protoss can dodge fungal or feedback infestors. But the problem is with the range of fungal not HTs.

Ah, the old “omG PLaY mE noOb!” Comeback. Classic man.

My conviction? What conviction? I’ve asked you for evidence that cannon rushing is:

1-the most common strat at high level

2-Consistently at an extremely high win rate

Your response, across the board, has been “I’m higher rank than you therefore I’m right.”

You could be right. Maybe cannon rushing is too strong! Maybe its too common! Maybe. All I’m asking for is empirical evidence of your claim. The burden of proof is on you because you’re the only one making the claim.

Interestingly, you keep saying I think cannon rushes aren’t too strong. That I must think they’re easy. That I think they’re not overpowered. I have never said that. I have only said that there are ways to counter them (there are) and asked for evidence of your claims.

If you provide that evidence I’ll gladly agree with you. I’m willing to bet you wouldn’t be able to say the same if the evidence disagreed with you. Thats why its called confirmation bias. You don’t care about the evidence, you just want to be right.

I’ll wait for that empirical (not anecdotal) evidence now.

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You need to understand. My life doesn’t revolve around proving something to someone that no one cares about/knows. Anyone who actually plays the game knows what I’m talking about. Maybe you should try playing the game, instead of asking me to prove a murder to you.

Canon rushing is frequent enough that I’ve stopped playing due to it. I don’t need to be lectured by someone who doesn’t even play the game or is in a league that took me a few days of playing SC 2 to escape.

If someone lacks that kind of common sense, it’s kinda like… they might not be capable of realizing facts, no matter how many are put in front of their face.

If you think it’s easy, play a lot more. You’d already be one of the best Toss players. You’re not changing my opinion, otherwise, and I don’t care what you think. I’m not getting paid to prove the obvious.

Stop replying. Stop.

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You need to understand, no one cares about your opinion any more than they care about mine. You want anything to change, you provide some evidence. No evidence? No one cares.

If you lack that kind of common sense, you might not be capable of realizing facts, no matter how many are put in front of your face.

You need to get a brain. “No one cares about a high GM’s opinion more than a plat level guy who says he has hardly played the game in the past 2 years.” You need to worry more about completing a connect the 4 dots puzzle than educating others on what strats are easy to beat.

I’ve already explained how I’ve long known that cannon rushing is imbalanced. For years. Anyone who is getting paid to balance the game can do the same freaking thing. Look at their profiles. It’s not rocket science. Ask GM players. Listen to Scarlett.

I dunno… do anything in the world but listen to antisora. Not rocket science. Heck… maybe even learn how to play SC 2, to any degree… That’s all that is required, after all.

one thing I think is powerful in TvZ is the combo of parasitic bomb + fungal, it’s ridiculous against vikings, if it was just an area damage, but there are 2 grouping, protoss use storms to deal with vikings, but it’s just a type of damage in area, but you can escape or split them, or hit emp and let the vikings hit the colossus, since the fungal is different, it is very difficult to hit vipers with ghosts and they suck energy from the structures and the zerg army can protect well the infestadores against emp, perhaps this emp with greater radius helps.
One problem of lategame against zerg in PvZ is that everything is countered by a composition of hydras + gglord + infestor + viper + corruptor. Mothership vipers pull, gglords kill ground units ez, hydras dps kill interceptors ez, corruptor kill tempests and carriers ez, infestors use fungal in Hts, interceptors and void rays, infested terran with high air damage and costs only 25 energy, and neural taking the carriers or own mothership, zerg has perfect tools to win in lategame in an easy way. I like to play against Zergs, but against Terrans (I think it’s a bit annoying because of the harass, but that’s my particularity), but the disadvantage is perceptible from low to pro, no Protoss withstand the Zergs, it’s easier a Terran to win a Protoss that a Protoss win a Zerg.

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You need to get empirical evidence.

I’ve already explained the difference between anecdotal and empirical evidence.

Do you play the exact same strat every single game? No? Why assume they do? This is called confirmation bias…again…

No its not. Its super simple. Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. Empirical evidence is the only thing that matters. Your personal experience is irrelevant to everyone except you.

Maybe learn how to properly evaluate evidence free from your own personal biases lol. Your ability to play SC2 is meaningless to whether or not cannon rushes are overpowered.

Bro. Shut your mouth man. What is wrong with you??? I’m not playing in Bronze league like you bro. Get something through your head for once. Be quiet. You know jack about anything. You couldn’t grasp a sentence if your life depended on it.

Yeah, I do, do the same build every game. Welcome to SC 2. When you’re not in Bronze league and you’ve played SC 2 for years, you play the same people over and over. You kinda know who does the same strategy every game. Guys who cannon rush every P vs P who play on NA GM: Printf, Ninja and this Grimreaper guy (learned about EU guy like a month ago). I’ve played numerous masters who do the same thing, too

Guys who do it every game on EU: hawk, kingcobra (usually insta leaves), grimreaper, and milka has done so to me every game.

I’m new to EU, so I’m sure there’s far more, given everyone in EU GM is Toss and, like I said… there’s no better strategy. I’ve yet to play everyone on EU, yet… I already know several people who do it every game. Why wouldn’t you?

I looked at guy’s stream to see if he ever looked at race stats, just so I could see updated numbers. Everyone in GM knows this guy is going to cannon rush and this is the result more times than not, and he’s like the worst cannon rusher on NA, out of those who do it every game.

How to beat top 50 GMs in under 2 minutes and 50 seconds, despite them knowing your strat. “Oh, they’re just really skilled.” Cannon rusher after game: “I have absolutely no idea how to play macro P vs P. It’s too hard. I just do what’s really easy.”

Like the non idiot said prior… cheese is supposed to largely depend on whether someone scouts it/knows you’re going to or not. So, you can’t even call cannon rushing a cheese. It’s just legit the best freaking build in the matchup. Period. You gotta be a monkey to do it and a genius to stop it.

Who can watch this and be like yeah… man… that’s how SC 2 was meant to be played. That guy made a gateway in his base instead of a forge first. He done goofed man. What a noob.

Try to respond with a forge, which I’m sure is one of your 50 counters for cannon rushing, and the guy gasp out cannons you since he didn’t spend minerals on anything else. Give it a rest. You haven’t even been playing the game, the past few years. What does it matter to you, clown. Jesus christ.

Congratulations…you found one guy that does the same strat over and over…

If you do the same strat over and over honestly I don’t even know why you’re proud of being in GM. Or that your skill level is sufficiently high to make sweeping statements like “cannon rush is overpowered.” You’re no better than the cannon rushers if all you do is play one strat every game. (here’s food for though, maybe the reason you personally struggle with cannon rushing is because you just play the same strat every game).

Here’s the reality. You have no evidence. No data suggesting cannon rushing wins more than any other strat. Nothing. You have your opinion. That is it.

Your insults mean nothing. Your personal experience means nothing. Your desire for me to stop responding means nothing. Its all a meaningless waste of time because you have no evidence. Period.

I’m done talking to you. You’re the biggest clown going. Like the guy said before, dunning kruger on full display. When the worst student in the class is somehow also the number 1 tutor/teacher. Go play dungeons and dragons with your kind. I don’t need your make believe or your GSL platinum experience.

Couldn’t prove there is a sun to someone as dense as you. Grats on “winning” arguments by being too dense for anything to sink in.

Hey look, more insults. You are good at insults. If I ever care about your insults, I’ll let you know.

Still no evidence though. Pity. One day maybe you’ll recognize the difference between your personal experiences and real evidence. I’m not holding out hope though.

O wow, wonder why you got insulted. Hmm. Forgot to praise the platinum cannon rush stopper, that has mastered a dozen counters, yet has none to offer. Sorry I forgot to bow, clown.

Go ahead and practice what you preach. Tell us what the GM in the vod linked should have done differently. Ez pz. Dozens of ways to pwn.

I don’t wonder why I got insulted. I don’t care why I got insulted. I don’t give a crap what you think of me. You’re a random dude on the internet. Why would I care about your opinion of me? That would be ridiculous.

I care about evidence of your claim. You provided 2 data points. Your own personal experience (hardly a data point because of that magical phrase “confirmation bias” which you clearly don’t know the meaning of). And one video of one game…

Thats it…

Thousands of games played a day at the highest level, and you come with 2 data points.

That you think thats sufficient evidence is laughable.

The fact that you’re not in Bronze league is more than proof to me that Toss needs to be nerfed, across the board. I almost want to change races. This is worse than when your race wins every GSL. I apologize for playing this race.

No one would hate facing cannon rushing if it were as easy to stop as you believe it is. So… do the world a favor… tell us how to do it. You got this. No one would ever insult you again. But, no… let’s just talk about Playa.

Meaningless insult

meaningless insult

meaningless insult

Evidence of your claim.