Just finished watching the vid, and yeah it’s just that broken…
The issue with balancing this kind of unit is that either they’re broken or they’re useless, there’s no in between, it’s the same thing that happened with mecha infestors for coop, they used to be the most broken unit in the entire history of SC2, and now after its 2nd nerf it’s barely not viable anymore.
And yeah, tho doing that to the settings is pretty much unlock the potential of doing a perfect spell micro for a spellcaster (which is usually what an AI can always do without issues), i just wish this would work for everyone instead of needing a specific keyboard for things to work properly.
Also I see now why you wanted a building for vipers… i feel like a good way to add another building just for them would be to make a lair tech building that takes as long to finish as it takes a lair to morph into a hive.
About the cannon rush, i feel like they could easily fix this issue with a simple nerf to pylon’s build time.
Simply: if pylons are more than 4 pylon-energy range away from a finished nexus or more than 2 pylon-energy range away from any other finished protoss structure other than an assimilator the pylon takes double the time to finish building.
This could make cannon rushes completely obsolete and very easy to counter.
And well while infestors aren’t nerfed, all i can do is try and think on a way to maybe defeat a Zerg that goes for mass infestors.
It seems clear that one just can’t defeat this kind of comp by going for a normal late game meta build for protoss, so the only thing i can think that maybe could work is going for a crazy out of the meta build.
The builds i saw in that video mostly relies in infestors, corruptors, broodlords, vipers and some hydras, and the thing about those builds is that they’re rly not all that mobile. They do great against the late game builds for protoss because they’re equally slow, so once you see the zerg transitioning into it try going for stalkers, phoenixes and oracles, so instead of beating this army try and fight away from them and pick out zerg’s bases, pretty much playing protoss as if it was zerg (that but also keeping some tempests and void rays around the main path to prevent creep spread). If you manage to get map control like that, try getting as many bases as you can and keep the pressure on. If you get to a point where u’re starting to outmine the zerg and their infestors start to spread between their bases, try to slowly make late game units and then start atking bases with lower def with them, if they big army gets close recall ur army and send more stalkers into another base.
Idk if this kind of strategy would work, but well if you know the normal build won’t work, maybe doing something different could work.