I agree, there is a very strong strategy in PvP
Neeb is second in the wcs circuit.
How did u miss that?
What does that have to do with micro’ing better than Puck? I also watched Neeb lose to a cannon rush to someone with over 1k less MMR than him and comment about how facing that strat causes him to lose brain cells.
not only professional protoss, all leagues this is perceptible, it is almost impossible to beat a zerg, lurkers, gglords, infestors (fungal), corruptors (imba), viper (bye mothership), hydra (nice unit amovelisk), all together at the end of the game, out that zerg is the race that requires less micro. Out cheeses with nydus, roach all in, ravager ling all in and roach into muta = kill robo opening. have you noticed that the protoss are having difficulty in midgame and lategame against zerg? So everyone I know is chewing all in prism and immortal, if this patch comes in if the protoss reach 30% victory in PvZ’s it will be too much, except that the zerg lategame is unbalanced against Terran also because of the viper + infestor combo.
Stop complaining about stim its not that HUGE BUFF
Going bio terran mostly suicide and takes more skill to control and split units than sending banelings by F2+a or using storms on high templar!
nerf zealots, immortals and storms abit, wtf? stupid balance.
I didn’t say it was a fun strat to play against. I just pointed out that neeb is better than puck.
I can’t stand cannon rush either
Being a better player/higher rank doesn’t mean your micro is better. I mean, forever, Neeb was known as the guy who always find a way to lose his warp prism, despite being “the best NA player.”
Youtube is just puck micro highlight after puck micro highlight. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a neeb micro highlight on reddit. I think Neeb is amazing, in all facets. It just seems weird to reply to me as if I made some kinda crazy gaffe.
SERIOUSLY? Are you people out of your friggin mind? Last “balance” patch, you took well over 50% of recall’s area of effect, under the premise of “but cooldown will be reduced, so you can recall small army chunks more frequently”.
Now you go "oh but the cooldown is too short, so we’re going to increase it because Protoss can reposition 25% of their army too frequently. So basically in two “balance” patches, you neutered Protoss’ ability to reposition armies, a race where losing ONE high tier unit can cost you the game. Bra-vo
It was bad enough, when you took away the pylon’s warp speed, but now prism too? It was supposed to reward players with effective placing and control, so what’s next? Prism comes out as just a transport unit, and you have to research warping field, then warping accelerators in the robo bay?
I mean seriously, you yourselves acknowledge that you have insufficient evidence of Protoss being strong, and even some pointing to a bit of a weakness, yet you decide to take away all of their advantages anyway. IDK how much “balance” team makes, but they’re being paid way too much.
The warp speed comes with the WP speed upgrade. You can just read the notes over again.
Now that I think about it, ya kinda true
Yes kind of dumb right the recal area of effect nerf was to punish big balls of army and punish a toss army from late game enggagment position and composition wise. Its like if a toss decided to snipe bases and teleports his whole army for a defending enggagement he cant teleport his whole army that was the logic of it , This new proposed nerf to the cooldown doesn't serve a purpose but basically nerf them defending late game mass nydus or basicaly mid game nydus all in. Well kinds of great for a terran player like me is because i can get their late game air composition out position more with a BC . Im still beginning to question why they decided to nerf the recall for late game purpose. If they decided so that terran can harass more with BC in the late game fine but against zerg that is a big question!
Buffing Carrier with no specific reason is a big question to me.
Late game Basically has no change in terms of prism the only thing that change is if toss decides to all in in early stages of the game to mid game they have to upgrade their WPrism gives more commitment to them. by that stage of the game its kind of stupid if you dont have a viking or a turrets by that point.
The actual downside to this is if a Toss player decided to counter a failed mass lings or roach ravager zerg opener he basically has to upgrade that prism 1st. Snowballing effect of toss is heavily nerfed which is fine if it is early game and against terran why because Terran has no Nydus ? See my point here?
Do you have any replays of these pros losing to cannon rush?
Not a replay (though the Puck vs Printf series reps are on a site), but I just watched this earlier today: The Dirtiest Cannon Rush - Starcraft 2: Neeb vs Puck - YouTube Puck vs Neeb.
This really isn’t even that good of a build, in regards to difficulty of just stopping a normal cannon rush.
The only real Korean pro that “anyone cares about” that does cannon rushes is parting, but he’s always playing on a barcode and so are his opponents, so hard to really find replays. Then ones you did find probably wouldn’t work (patches).
I have to agree about the Toss recall time, it’s not easy to defend a huge base when your army is slow and the enemy is both much more mobile and can atk from every angle at the same time, nerfing this is a mistake.
And on top of all, this is a “defense mobility” for protoss, it’s not like they’re able to use any of that agressively.
Protoss’s only mobile units are phoenixes and oracles, which aren’t simply able to counter everything thrown at them, meanwhile Terrans have hellions, cyclones, medivacs (aka entire infantry mobility, not to talk about stim) and battlecruisers (altho slow, they can just teleport anywhere on the map) and Zergs have lings, banes, mutas and nydus.
Moreover, it’s not just an “out of position thing.” As someone who plays late game vs Zerg, all the time, you CAN’T attack Zerg without having recall available. Zerg is just too strong and have too many game breaking spells/abilities to ever attack them without having a “get out of a jail card” in your back pocket.
Lame or not, if Toss is to be more inclined to play late game now, then Protoss is just going to be turtling in their base for “45 seconds” longer each time. I’d say that’s almost a bigger deal than anything. You can only give Zerg so much time to do w/e they want late game before the game is over. Kinda boned, either way.
Making mech viable in TvP is very possible, I know some great changes on how to do it without making Mech OP in TvZ and TvT.
i’d say protoss is more stronger then zerg is because of the units that protoss has is way more stronger then zerg is atm, i can see the infestor and corruptor being strong but that’s about it.
Well, I was talking about late game. Outside of the nydus, I have no complaints about Zerg before the late game. Well, besides maybe the queen having way too much range. But, eh…
what i said applies to late game as well, toss has a lot more mobility then zerg late game outside of nydus.