Co-Op Mutation #404: Shared Pain

Moebius Corps’ experimental implosive plating warps the space in its immediate vicinity and drags anything into the vacuum left, forcing armies to break formation and collide among themselves. Ensure that your forces are firmly set in order to minimize damage.

Diffusion - Damage dealt to enemies is split evenly across all nearby units, including your own.
Fatal Attraction - When enemy units and structures die, any of your nearby units are pulled to their location.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG (Stukov)] Piky (Artanis)
[CtG (Alarak)] Endarthe (Tychus)
[CtG (Nova)] Ancalagon (Vorazun)
[CtG (Abathur)] Iswald (Dehaka)
[CtG (Karax)] Endarthe (Fenix)
[CtG (Raynor)] Iswald (Han and Horner)
[CtG (Zeratul)] [Hunter (Zagara)]
[CtG (Stetmann)] [Hunter (Kerrigan)]

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Fatal attraction pulls all units within 9 range of any unit and infested killed. Any unit pulled is stunned for the duration of the pull.
  • Diffusion affects units within 5 range of the enemy damaged.
  • Diffiusion affects your buildings also.
  • Fatal attraction stops workers from mining. The top expansion base is particularly susceptible to this.
  • 0 or 1 supply unit = 0.2 second pull
    1 supply = 0.4 second pull
    4 supply = 0.6 second pull
  • Static defense and sieged/burrowed units do not get pulled in.

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Weekly Mutation Database
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CTG’s videos on the mutation.


Mutation overlap 220 this week 2nd

1st clear Nova P3+Stukov P3

Mutation (Shared Pain) play list

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My top recommended commanders for this mutation are as follows:

  1. Dehaka P2. Strategy: Mass creeper hosts. Use locusts for enemy waves. Use pack leaders to clear important stuff. Glevig for boss fights and the trains. Spinkle in some Primal Wurms.

  2. Zagara P2. Focus objectives with mass abberations. Wipe out enemy waves with banelings and scourge. Trigger CDs on enemy waves, pushes and objectives. P1 can also work, but will struggle with objectives and boss fights more.

  3. Nova P2 and Swann P3: Strategy: Mass siege tanks with frequent teleportation of the tanks to new positions. For Nova make use of defensive drone to prevent damage from diffusion. Spread mines. For swann bring lots of science vessels. Stukov P1 is also pretty good since his tanks can teleport, but he doesn’t have the same healing options. Tanks are good here since rooted units aren’t affected by fatal attraction.

  4. Karax and Zeratul. Strategy mass cannons:

Zeratul can warp his cannons which can be very useful. However Karax has all kinds of buffs associated with his cannons and he can heal them. Zeratul also has that defensive structure which can stun stuff.

  1. Egon Stetmann p1 or p2. Strategy: Mass banelings and/or lurkers. I recommend maximizing stetzone bonuses for this one to outheal the diffusion. He may struggle a bit with air, but the healing can carry him in many situations.

Mengsk with earthsplitter ordinance seems like it could be useful here too.

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This mutation requires sustainability and sacrifice, fatal attraction and diffusion may be too difficult. Recommended commanders:

  • Zagara P2
  • Stetmann P1
  • Mengsk P1-P3
  • Stukov P1/P3
  • Tychus P2/P3
  • Abathur P2
  • Zeratul P3
  • Karax P3

#220 Shared Pain – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Diffusion, Fatal Attraction

Camp the boss fight locations in advance if your commander has good static D. Not difficult, just annoying. If you lose because the boss hybrid summons units, don’t feel bad. It’s just bad luck.

https: //

https: // (easy solo - Dehaka p2)

For duos: Karax and Nova

For solo queue: Dehaka, Zeratul

Successes [and key points]

Abathur (p1) [ravagers and guardians]

Abathur (p2) [all swarm hosts]

Abathur (p3)

Alarak (p3) [ascendants]

Artanis (p3) [tempests]

Dehaka (p2) [got both bonuses]

Dehaka (p3) [mass wurms, no pack leaders]

Fenix (p2) [the usual despite diffusion]

HH (p3)

Karax (p3) [top bar and obs]

Kerrigan (p3) [broodlords and spore crawlers]

Mengsk (p1) [camp boss fights with bunkers]

Nova (p1)

Nova (p1) [mass ravens]

Raynor (p3) [hyperion takes out anti air, BCs go in afterwards]

Stetmann (p2) [infestors]

Stukov (p1) [mass tanks, marines from barracks to fight air (Aleksander steals the ones on the map)]

Swann (p2) [factory fleet, static D camping, and wraiths]

Tychus (p1)

Vorazun (p3)

Zagara (p2) [aberrations heal quickly]

Zeratul (p2) [cannons]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Some runs will be uploaded tomorrow or the day after.

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Joke Strategy Idea with Zagara P1:
Make your banelings and scourges like usual, but then rediscover a long lost feature of the game: the MOVE command (without “attack”).
Just “move” your explosives in the middle of the enemies, then trigger the self-destruction.

Well it’s a joke strategy, easier on paper (or forum) than in practice, especially at higher difficulties.

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As I expected, Mengsk P3 worked. But it was tough.
As usual, I massed Troopers/Laborers for crazy mandate boost. Fortunately, Trooper’s attack range is just enough to not get caught by Diffusion. Unfortunately, this only works against buildings, because in clashes with enemy units Fatal Attraction reduces all attack range to “Yes”.

My ally was Dehaka P2, who played his cards just right with all the Pack Leaders and Creeper Hosts — exactly as RayoftheSun recommended above.

Two main problems with these mutators are:

  1. Your units will die a lot, especially if the enemy is Zerg. Due to my playstyle of “mass recruitment-mobilization-meatgrinder” I lacked resources and definitely could’ve used a 3rd base, if allowed to.
  2. Big enemy units become tough nuts to crack. This especially escalates for the bonus trains. We both threw everything we had to kill the 2nd one, and just barely managed to derail it when it almost left the map.

So yeah, it’s certainly better than what was the last week, but still not enjoyable.


hope you get it back soon but thanks for your efforts.

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I have a thread up about it here since this forum has custom support. A blue will likely be able to tell me what I need to do to get it back. Since I haven’t gotten in any trouble I most likely am just lacking some of the requirements. Like the read count maybe.

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cant play the mod cuz of server-issues (many people seems to have that problem) ._.
we can play normal but not mutation…
it might be software related and fixable, searching for solutions rn

basically scroll through the entire history of sc2 forums?

Yea. Its a rather tedious process, but I am trying to do it. However since the loss of trust level 3 is not do to a forum suspension or something like that I should be able to get it back as soon as I grind the read requirements.

I missed the last 3 weeks, but IIRC we were dealing with two B+4’s, and one B+1, so not a bad time to get back it seems.

Ditto. Even though I frequent here, I guess I need to post at least few times per week, if not more to maintain TL3? I wonder if it’s on a subforum level, or across ALL of these forums. However, Sc2 Coop is really the only thing I’ve been interested (and can see myself going to Diablo 3 if I ever get back to it)

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Its forum specific. In the link thread someone said that what usually gets people is the read requirements. You have to have read 20000 within the last 100 days and you can’t just quickly scroll through threads to do it. However I am doing some power grinding today. Hopefully that will get me where I need to be.

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All the forums of given franchise, so all forums under SC2 for example.


I played with someone who recommended Artanis. Does Guardian Shell make them immune to Fatal Attraction and Diffusion when that’s in effect? If so, I may forgo P3 for that

Hey. I just completed the read requirements and the thread has been updated with images and links. For next week Ill try to find a way to get polls updated so people can vote on stuff. Unless anyone has any other ideas? Open to suggestions.

Mutation 404: Will to play it not found.

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Gonna see if I can make an update poll for everyone to use for next week’s thread. Open to suggestions as well.I will be including CTG’s new videos in the updated thread for easy access to his video and discussion purposes.