Co-Op Mutation #374: Equivalent Exchange

Your enemies are painful to kill. They literally deal damage to everything near whenever you damage them, and they come back to life. Make sure they don’t take you down with them.

Diffusion - Damage dealt to enemies is split evenly across all nearby units, including your own.
Just Die! - Enemy units are automatically revived upon death.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Wing Commanders] KaGe Chief Engineer
[CtG Mother of Constructs] [Twotuuu Desolate Queen]
[CtG Artificer of Souls] Nostrebor Lone Puppy
[CtG Toxic Tyrant] 엠제이 Best Buddy

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • This is the FIRST mutation on Void Thrashing in 45 weeks.
  • Diffusion affects units within 5 range of the enemy damaged.
  • Only damage dealt to Amon’s forces or the rocks [instead of to your own forces] is reflected.
  • Diffiusion affects your buildings also.
  • Just Die! revives enemies after their death animation. They respawn with full health AND full energy and cooldowns.
  • The first kill does not yield biomass nor essence.
  • Mind controlling enemy units takes away from the enemy’s “damage sharing” pool by virtue of transferring them to you.

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The amount of times I forget rocks have diffusion as I do my normal opening build, only to look over and realize everything I sent over to my expansion is dead.

I know there’s ways to deal with it, I just always forget the first time, lol.


Diffusion and Just Die are the most of my concerns, this mutation requires survivability. Recommended Commanders:

  • Zagara P2
  • Swann P1
  • Alarak P1
  • Kerrigan P3
  • Vorazun P2
  • Stetmann P2

Artanis with shield overcharge mastery should work wonders. The dragoon is also 6 range unupgraded so you can expand safely. Tempest with disintegrate can deal great damage to defensive positions because the damage is shared and it is range 15. Overall good if you don’t use too many zealots.

Edit: I rate this brutation “extremely difficult” if the enemy is zerg.

Lost first try Artanis P0 random, ally was swan, enemy with speedlings we just don’t have enough units. The thrashers also have double life so we run out of time. I should had got zealots to kill the lings as the ally didn’t made hellbats.
Won second try Artanis P0 random, ally was Mengsk. Enemy protoss air I massed dragoon and a few zealots, rushing upgrades with triple forge it was fine. He tried to cheese it with artillery but it was kind of slow so I attack them directly with dragoons kiting and deal with the waves using solar bombardment. Didn’t try the bonus due to lack of time but the fortress had more than half life remaining.

Mutation overlap 188 this week 2nd

1st clear Mengsk P1+Karax P1

Mutation (Equivalent Exchange) play list.

This is surprisingly tricky. Grinding through each base is a real chore. I’ve run out time on all attempts (granted, I’m trying to do with a level 8 Tychus).

That said.

Wow, there’s a lot of bad players using bad strategies. Idk if it’s the time of day or something, but it’s painful. I’ve allied with more swann and karax’s than any, and those commanders are just entirely too slow. This mission is a race against time.

Stukov P1 with diamond back army is decent, as you can deal with both ground, air and keep your distance from the aoe damage affix.

#188 Equivalent Exchange – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Diffusion, Just Die

(Note: No Easy Solo for this one because I still haven’t received any submissions for Medieval Times)

This mutator combo slows pushing to a crawl. Attacking from the sides is better because clearing the enemies along the paths to the thrashers takes a lot of time.

Zerg has the weakest anti-air defenses at each encampment (aside from the vipers).

Thrashers have two lives. When one life goes down, they will get a brief moment of invulnerability. Sometimes your units might move forward during that time and then get hurt by diffusion.

Successes [and key points]

Breeze (easy)

Alarak (p1) [mass wrathwalkers]

Artanis (p3) [mass tempests]

Dehaka (p2) [creeper hosts and guardians]

Karax (p3) [stall thrashers with 1-2 mirages]

Mengsk (p3) [the usual]

Nova (p1) [the usual]

Stetmann (p2) [mass hydras; corruptors work as well]

Stukov (p1) [Aleksander steals all the air units; banshees take out the stuff on the ground]

Challenge (medium)

Abathur (p0) [leviathans and guardians]

Fenix (p1) [no kaldalis]

HH (p2) [mass BCs]

Raynor (p3) [hyperion takes out anti-air; mass vikings vs thrashers]

Swann (p0) [concentrated beams take out vipers]

Tychus (p0) [the usual]

Vorazun (p3) [void rays; forward nexus before time stop for quick revival]

Zagara (p2) [mass corruptors; bile launchers for the last set]

Zeratul (p1) [mass enforcers]

Torture (difficult)

Kerrigan (p0) [have you ever seen a VT map reach the 29 minute mark?]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Some runs will be uploaded in the upcoming days.


You can still use Mirages and drill laser to snipe objectives, as long as you have enough lead time, no?

So I went into this mutation thinking it was on Mist Opportunities as a P3 Karax, I got paired with a P3 Artanis that was massing tempests to snipe the shards. I just made sure we didn’t have to worry about attack waves by making defenses on the mid and sides, then cooked up a bunch of carriers by the last push to support their tempests with more healing as well as spending my entire hoard of SoA energy doing pew-pews. Happy to say it was a 1 take mutation for me.

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Thank you captain obvious.


Played several times so I can chime in on myself… time was what did us in. You need to kill obj. fast indeed. Doing it twice at the usual rate means the next batch spawns and attacks while you’re dealing with the current one (may not be for group #2, but group #3 for sure). You may be able to stall, but 2 groups at a time is a hard sell.

Karax Mirages are nice for strafing objectives at least. As long as they’re sort of attacking, void thr. will cease their long term bombardment, which buys you some time. However, you need to make to take down objectives as swiftly as possible. Unless you’re on the last group, the next one is the main concern!

That said, your units need to stay alive so you don’t starve yourself of resources to get the job done. For Zagara P1, Lings die quickly and are practically considered Banalings. I ended up trying to make Corruptors and Abs. They did fine for a bit. Corruptors were better, but hard to coordinate taking out AA towers (at least with Karax, I can just OS them to keep my Mirages safe. And they don’t get the “Just Die” benefit).

ONE TIP IS TO RECOGNIZE THE KEY PLAYERS! If a group is buying you time, then support them! Oddly enough, Abby P2 SW bypassed the void thr right in front of them, and were instead attacking enemy Locusts, doing nothing! (didn’t even stall the Void Thr.!)

To add to this, i think raynor p1 especially can help a lot with stalling. If you clear 2nd and 3rd areas of other units, a few marines supported by a single healer is a cheap and good way to hold thrashers busy and not fire at the fortress.
In general anyone with reliable healing and cheap high dps units that could compliment well more medium, tanky and longer ranged ones (read protoss) is a good combo.
That’s not even considering raynor’s ability to go vikings/banshees with most any prestige.

It took about 4-6 Yamatos to take out 1 battlecruiser. Fun times …

I can confirm that Diffusion and Just Die are the two most troublesome mutations for this week. Keep an eye out for Void Thrashers as well!

Why not use overlords to stall thrashers? Wouldn’t it make for a decent mineral dump?

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I thought you have to attack them to stop firing at the fortress

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Well, mutatively…6 Yamatos are killing a bunch of units surrounding the target.

On the plus side, you get to maximize the full damage of the burst. Asuuming you own units aren’t near the target, oc. :slight_smile:

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Did you use the Aleksander cooldown reduction mastery for this one?
Edit: and Mech Attack Speed as well, I suspect?

What does Dark Archon Confusion do?

Yes diffusion is annoying but it’s one of the rare mutations that let’s you overkill without actually overkilling.
Multiple siege tanks firing on the same units is fine especially vs zerg. Diffusion allows vikings to indirectly damage ground units and banshees to indirectly damage air units. As long as you have high enough dps and some sustain it’s fine. Raynor is great for this, iff he gets through the early game

On that note. How about Swann P1 Factory spam with a Herc Tank support unit.