Co-Op Mutation #374: Equivalent Exchange

Finished it with Fenix P2 on the 3rd try. Just wondering, how come it was difficult to damage the rocks?

i almost always use Aleksander CD and always mech attack speed for p1

overlords don’t have fast regen like mutalisks do

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Because diffusion applies to rocks too

Just use Abathur P2 mass Swarm host spam - it’s all you need to carry this brutation.
Abathur P2 doesn’t even need the expansion - just take your gases as early as possible.

Memed on it with Zagara P1 (Scourge Queen) while my ally went Vanilla Artanis. We had Skyterran as an opponent. The hardest part was clearing the expansion. After saturating both bases and making 4 more macrohatches I Just made unkillable zerglings due to guardian shell and mass scourge to eliminate the waves (by the time your army gets eliminated after guardian shell times out, you are remaxed on lings and scourge by 6 hatches with free banes as an extra). My ally went mass goons. I produced 2443 units…

Fun one but not very hard.

Is Stukov P3 too slow for this week? I’ve gotten a few of those allies, and it just seems to be too late to reach any sort of critical mass

Yes, especially if you focus only on heavy bunker rush. Some bunkers are ok, as they’re always are, but it’s all about the banshees this week, p1 stukov imo

That leads me to my next inquiry… I haven’t tried his P1 yet, but would Diamondbacks be better, if not the same as Banshees? Why Banshees?

Better to fly around and dodge the waves and preplaced stuff. Any one with decent flying units can pull it off.

Only thing that’s been annoying here are not taking out Missile Turrets or Spore Crawlers. As Karax P2, I can at least blast them with Orbital Strike. Do wish allies would notice that :\

Karax with mechanical flyer allies or even a mirage or two of his own is decent for clearing anti air and delaying the thrashers a bit. This is a mutation that strongly incentivizes aoe, consistent and high burst.
Storms, siege tanks, disruptors, tychus grenades, p1 zagara cleaning the waves.
Any thing you got is good.
Alternatively an air force that is mobile and strong enough to clear the thrashers while you def and slowly clear the inside parts

WIN with Stukov P1 + Kerrigan P3 vs. T Classic Infantry (MM Tank Ghost) comp
1944hp left on fortress, @20:53 of gameplay time

Starting off, ally leaned heavily with Kerrigan starting off (as typical with any Kerrigan prestige, or “prestige” at P0). Bonus resource for Assim. Aura was nice. I made Rax and a Bunker for early defense, and then a few Db’s to assault

Later on, leaned HEAVILY on db’s. Ally got in BL, and later on Mutas (unless he forgot to mutate those into BL).


Failed attempts include but not limited to…
Karax P3 — As mentioned in my previous post, this was too slow to push. Cannons were nice to break exp. rocks without retaliation FWIW. The only nice thing with this was I could’ve used cannon/Mono push for the later void T, but never even got to that point

Karax P2 — this was nicer since losing towers is totally worth it to have cheap units. Sentinels are throwaway units, but in hindsight, I should’ve made Immortals since they can attack while being outside the range of Diffusion

Mirages were nice to draw fire and keep void T’s from firing on S. Hammer’s base

Zagara P1 — I couldn’t do enough damage on my own to take down objectives :frowning:
Zagara P2 — nice to have sturdier units. Corruptors enabled sustained attacking, from a safe distance.

With Zagara, did you try to Bile Launch into the areas to soften them up?

No. I take it we should make proxy Hatcheries to get them within range?

Yes, that is correct.

Zagara can spawn queens to make creep tumors. But hatcheries are also fine.

Probably do Hatcheries, since I’m thinking this mutation requires speed. If you don’t get set up fast, you’re toast.

a queen or two can do that way faster but hatcheries provide more permanent creep true
though with enhanced energy regen that shouldnt even be an issue with any prestige outside of p1
did this with raynor p3 and dehaka p2 ally
ally ofc rockslapped vs diffusion but at least he deffed ground while my mass vikings cleared the matriatch fleet and the objectives

Don’t forget that Queens are long ranged and can also heal units since others will be damaged a lot.