Co-Op Mutation #371: Never Say Die

The terrazine mists energize the Enemy’s forces, and increase their vitality. They get up and resume fighting even when struck with a mortal blow, and damage they deal to your forces emboldens them further. Throw everything you have at them to ensure they stay down.

Barrier - Enemy units gain a temporary shield upon the first time they take damage.
Just Die! - Enemy units are automatically revived upon death.
Life Leech - Enemy units steal life or shields whenever they do damage.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Folly of Man] Dehakaburger Devouring One
[CtG Soldier of Fortune] Baumanmarketing Knowledge Seeker
[CtG Arkship Commandant] [Twotuuu Rough Rider]
[CtG Best Buddy] Chiquita Evolution Master

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • This mutation is a rerun of week 141: Temple of Rebirth
  • Just Die! revives enemies after their death animation. They respawn with full health AND full energy and cooldowns.
  • The first kill does not yield biomass nor essence.
  • Barrier gives a 100 health shield to units that don’t get killed in 1 hit.
  • A high damage output is important to make sure life leech won’t keep the enemy constantly fed on your units.
  • Mind controlling units will make them lose all their mutator buffs.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Never Say Die] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty: CtG - YouTube
Do you like this mutation? CtG - YouTube

Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


Mutation overlap 185 this week 2nd

1st clear Tychus P2+H&H P1

Mutation (Never Say Die) play list.

This mutation requires countering these three mutations to prevail. Recommended commanders:

  • Kerrigan P2
  • Alarak P3
  • Raynor P3
  • Zagara P1
  • Vorazun P2
  • Swann P1
  • Fenix P3

Zagara p1???
Raynor p3? Rather than the rest who can add bio better if enemy comp is hard vs air?

#185 Never Say Die – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Just Die, Life Leech, Barrier

We’ve seen this combination before on TotP. High burst damage is great because it gives the enemy fewer chances to life leech. The early game is the most difficult (namely the first wave at 3:00 and the 2nd set of bots at 8:20). Enemies only have one barrier, so you can trigger it, then run back and engage again after the barrier expires.

The 15:30 wave is especially strong because of Just Die, which could slow down clearing of the next area. And build buildings in the center to stall the 28:00 wave. You can let the last bot die if no bots have died yet.

Successes [and key points]

Breeze (easy)

Dehaka (p2) [pack leaders do almost everything]

Fenix (p2) [the usual]

Nova (p1) [the usual]

Stetmann (p2) [the usual]

Tychus (p2) [the usual]

Zeratul (p1) [the usual]

Challenge (medium)

Abathur (p2) [a few hosts before leviathans]

Alarak (p3) [I need to get better at using ascendants]

HH (p1) [top bar takes out one life and barrier, then reapers fly and fight]

Karax (p1) [push with monoliths and purifier beam]

Kerrigan (p1) [lurkers vs terran]

Mengsk (p3) [sim city vs lings]

Raynor (p1) [the usual]

Stukov (p1) [dbacks vs lings]

Swann (p1) [static D early on, add wraiths later]

Vorazun (p3) [time stop, snipe detectors in encampments]

Torture (difficult)

Abathur (p3) [1 bruta at 8 min (hardest part of the map)]

Artanis (p1) [storm all the waves]

Zagara (p3) [bile launchers in the center]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Some of the runs will be uploaded later this week.

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If someone does use stukov for the love of god dont use p3
had a stukov p3 as raynor p1, didnt go well (vs raiding party, ghosts, and the fact the boosted animal went to do the first bonus when I repeatedly said no, the 15min wave killed us)
ended up with the same guy as artanis p3, he went vorazun p0, went a lot better, though we got a pretty good matchup this time (fleet of the matriarch)

It’s because he’s a troll. Rubbish advice every week and completly missing the easiest commanders like Stetmann & Zeratul.

honestly wish we could ban him for a couple of days at the start of each week lmao
he has been doing this for years apparently

Karax P3 + Zeratul… FAIL
It’s too slow (at least for me) to get set up towards the beginning. Worst is we got a comp that tears through towers (Immortals + Reavers)

Karax P2 + Kerrigan P2… FAIL
We got Scourge and Banaling. The perfect kamikaze storm :frowning:

Karax P2 + Stetmann P2… WIN
Super Gary++'s high DPS counted for a lot. As soon as we reached midgame, it was smooth sailing. This vs. Marine, Medic, and Tank comp.

I was able to put pylons out on the field for quick Sentinel reinforcements, and Shield Batteries. Transitioned to Colossi ASAP, added Immortals for burst damage vs. hybrids. Added Mirages for lifting disability, and Carriers b/c why not?

if you want to go generic protoss army it’s probably fenix with some prestige
I confess that I got lucky that we got a decent match up for my artanis and his vorazun
fenix is probably the best and most reliable in terms of generic protoss army that can handle all amon comps

Yeah. I wonder if we could ask that Leviathan mod to silence this guy. It’s either he’s trolling or does mutations in casual.

Oh this might be P2 Fenix’s time to shine.

A fairly fun and reasonably challenging mutation to play. A long map with essentially just more and stronger enemies, no weird annoying mutator bs.

Zerg are super annoying this time without dedicated aoe

Zera P0 with a Kerrigan P0.

Went pretty good. Made some extra shieldguards help keep my units topped off. I was torn between Telbrus and Serdath legions. Telbrus could trigger barrier in clumped units, Serdath could mind control the big stuff. I went with Tebrus. It worked out nice because we got a terran comp made mostly of clumpy infantry and tanks.

I saved enough minerals to use Telbrus on the first attack wave and to clear the early harvest locations. My ally and I pretty much stuck together except when we had to split up for bot defense. Telbrus and Zeratu’s shadow cleave made it easy to pre-trigger barrier. Kerrigan went ultralisks with some fodder in the front. They used nydus worms to delay attackers and used immobilization wave often (which was helpful).

It ended similar to TwoTuuu’s Dehaka vid where we threw ourselves at the last waves (which wiped us) just to delay them while the last bot made it home. We got the 2nd bonus.

Managed with Zagara P1 and ally Tychus P0 (lower than 90th level ascension). We got the air zerg enemy, wasn’t that hard. Early was the usual, then slowly transitioned to more and more scourge. Late game was like 60-70 zerglings and banelings, the rest was scourge. We ignored bonus, just to save on some time and resources, mainly gas by my side.

Most zergs are annoying but getting devouring scourge with tychus and zagara even if p1 is super good luck

Well I got to clear it with P2 Fenix. Got carried by my Tychus ally though coz the champions just get melted because each wave was so tanky (was against Terran Mech comp so tanky thors and siege tanks) they were nice enough to get a Nikara so I constantly had to stick by them to get topped off. I think a commander with lots of self sustain like P1 Raynor, P1 Kerrigan, or Dehaka would’ve been better (not to mention obvious good choices like Stetmann and Tychus)

P1 raynor is more fragile early than one might think, though i am not a Great player by any means. I used the calldowns perhaps a bit too aggressively and suffered too many losses

Yeah, Zagara will have a much trickier time against vipers/infestors with double spells and insta-cast.