Co-Op Mutation #371: Never Say Die

Had a second run with Zagara P1 and ally Swann P1. Enemy was protoss with robo units and 3-4 High Templars included in each attack wave. We did fine, but failed at the very last bots wave. The storms melted both of us and when HTs revive they have max energy again and spam the storms.

I think Zagara is a fine pick for this mutation, banes and scourge really don’t care about enemy shields, revive, etc. But will struggle against mass of enemy spellcasters.

Yes, exactly, it’s mainly the spellcasters with mass bane/scourge. Though Zagara has a really strong start but doesn’t scale in power much, so high hp late waves can be tricky if you’re not hitting them early enough to have time to remax. You may also run of out resources with P1 doing a solo on this brutation.

Won brutation first try random queue artanis p0 with nova ally, we completed all objectives, destroyed all bases and without losing a bot. Both of us had max supply before the final bot rollout.

I get zealot dragoon, rush 3/3/3 with triple forge and get few reaver/immortal to support, finally adding HT for calldown storm/archons. Blasted everything with minimal losses.

It is quite important to rush 3/3/3 for zealot templar because shield regen greatly increase sustain on the zealots if they have full upgrade (regenerating 1 shield blocks 8 damage for the next attack, supported with storm shield regen they just don’t die)

I don’t think this is an easy mutation, but with two good players you completely smash it if you know your commander well.

Speaking about spellcasters, i had a game against Bio where i had 6 or 8 HTs at the end of first double bot wave, and lost all of them because reviving Ghosts carpet EMPed everything i had. One moment i laugh at Marines dying to Zealots and Storms, next moment i have nothing. Zealots, HTs, all gone. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Yeah ghosts suck if you don’t have detection or ways to feedback them asap
Same with banshees

And why is it not alarak? Ascendants burst completely bypasses barrier and life leech, even against ultras and BCs. Against lings alaraks destruction wave 1-shots entire waves, and late game 5-10 chaos orbs wipe entire waves without them fireing a single shot. Too much micro?

But what do I know…

Sure, post your Alarak solo if you think he’s a breeze.

Why do you keep asking for solos? Is that your metric for „good“? If so, where is your Stetman and Zeratul solo mate?

TwoTuu provided them above and ranked Alarak as medium/challenge. Since you disagree with him why don’t you prove it? Simply because you can’t.

I didn’t experience this. I had an enemy comp that was mostly clumped infantry with tanks. As Zera, I’d blink into the middle of marines, cleave and blink out. The cleave normally one-shots marines, but it just activated barrier everytime instead.

I’ll have to look at the replay to make sure I wasn’t imagining it.

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Much to learn you still have…


First try, P3, pure ascendants, including bonus, 2:1 kill ratio @140 apm and >300 during high supply fights. And I even messed up big time cause I the probe to build twilight bugged out or something and i didn’t notice. Had like 1-2 minutes delayed ascendants.

ht tps://
ht tps://

Oh and btw.: i don’t have DSL internet at the moment, so all i can do is play using my smartphone as a wifi hotspot… very bad ping.

Read what TwoTuuu wrote before you make arguments based on that:

TwoTuuu is right. You should get good with playing a style before you make judgement that it’s not that great.

Alarak P3 was MADE FOR THAT PLAYSTYLE… not pitiful destroyers… my little sisters punch hurts more than those tickle beams.

Ascendants baby! Life leech… barrier… doesn’t matter. You burn through waves like a light sabre through cotton candy.

You know what the hardest part of this mutation is for ascendants? It’s not life leech! It’s not barrier! It’s not even the revive… they are easy as pie.
The worst part is the 1.5s invulnerability between death and revive. That is the one thing that slows ascendant kill speed the most.

So now show me that you can micro Ascendants just as well and i will consider your opinion not total garbage any more. Promise!

But i assume you wont…

Its 2s alt or a creepy stalker, all they do is push their videos and solo play (in a coop mode), just ignore

Nah… I think he just mad at me for telling him he’s wrong too much.

So… sorry Caffeine. I just think you don’t consider higher APM playstyles when making claims. And i get upset too easily… but I DO KNOW THIS F-ING GAME!!!

I have 10800 games from 09.2020 to today. That’s significantly over 3500 per year. Or 10 per day on average. And it was pretty much the same on my computer before that. And the same on the computer before.

On 20. May i had 34 games. 21.May i had 44. then 9, 1, 0, 3, 5, 17, 16, 25 (monday was no work), and today 1… the one I made, just for you… cause you telling me i dont know what i do know. I KNOW THIS F-ING GAME!!!

And if you don’t take my word for it, here is my entire 3 year replay folder:

ht tps://
Little hint: its 1.4GB even with 7z @ultra compression.

Well obviously you can do it with the help of an ally. :man_facepalming:

Try actually reading that TwoTuu, and others, did it solo. You’re completely unable to match him, yet you still say he’s wrong. And that’s only one person better than you who disagrees with you. I’ve linked a few already and you’ve said you just won’t watch them.

Of course I consider higher APM playstyles. If you actually read & understood my messages you would have grasped that.

Maybe you are…

Solo P3, pure ascendant, both bonuses, on second try… and 183 apm… thank you, thats a personal best :slight_smile:

ht tps://

Now bow to your God, bronze league mortal !

Confirmed, partially. The cleave both kills the marines AND activates barrier. So essentially, it’s the respawned units that have the barrier. I suspect that even though Barrier alone can be bypassed with a one-shot, when Just Die is added in it can’t be bypassed.

About to Blink in:

The cleave. Can see the red respawn effect under the marines:

After the cleave. Respawned units have the barrier:

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Huh… Forgot you can embed videos and images! I’m guessing this takes TL3? (Trust Level)

Yep! T3 for any embeds and URLs. TL2 will give the ability for a select few that are trusted.

Swann P1 is good vs. Zerg.
Changing targets with the Drill activates most of the shields (works well with Tanktories ahead), Ground and Air AoE Turrets, Irradiate, Shielding and Irradiating Hellbats (or ally front untis).

I think Vorazun P2 is pretty fun as well. AoE to trigger shields as well as make them kill themselves. Just dump cannons and zealots with some oracle traps around. This mutation actually makes it easy to get 200+ supply using enemy units.