Co-Op Mutation 274: Blast from the Past

Your enemies intend to seize your defenses and use them against you, reconstructing them under Amon’s control after they are destroyed by the hybrid’s nukes. Do not allow that to occur.

Eminent Domain - Enemies gain control of your structures after destroying them.
Mutually Assured Destruction - Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Desolate Queen] Aommaster Apex Predator
[CtG Shadow of Death] [Punisher Best Buddy]
[CtG Rebel Raider] [Nostrebor Devouring One]
[CtG Frightful Fleshwelder] TSK Best Buddy

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Mutually Assured Destruction detonates nukes after the Hybrids’ death animation, which is almost instantaneously, and deals the same damage as a regular nuke, depending on the size of the Hybrid.
  • Amon does produce units out of production buildings, apparently.
  • The unit that kills off a player’s building needs to have a ground pathing to the Temple for the mutator to activate. If there is no ground path, the buildings will not respawn.
  • The enemy units will not destroy a wall made of their own buildings.
  • Eminent Domain no longer works on Abathur’s Toxic Nests.

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this week 1st clear Artanis P3+Nova P1

Mutation (Blast from the Past) play list

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Seems like an easy one. Just keep your distance against hybrids or use disposable units.

#39 Blast from the Past – SOLO ALL CLEAR (and then some)

Mutators: Eminent Domain, Mutually Assured Destruction

I decided to try something new. For easier mutations, I’ll try to showcase different playstyles even for the same commander. For example, I did both Raynor p0 (bio) and p2 (mech), Stukov p1 (mech) and p3 (infested), Alarak p1 (mech) and p3 (ascendants), and even Nova p1 (air) and p1 (bio). Hopefully this will be helpful for people who prefer a certain style of play.

For this mutation, luck plays a pretty big role in determining how much trouble you’ll face. The reason is simple: the hybrids. It’s much much much easier to fight against hybrid destroyers than hybrid reavers. Hybrid destroyers produce smaller explosions and have a ranged attack, so they keep their distance from your army, whereas hybrid reavers have more hp and have get close to your army to fight. Also, it’s much easier to fight against pattern A (drop pods) than pattern B (extra thrasher). Hybrid nemesis produce big explosions, but they give you more time to run away. Pattern B has one more big hybrid (behemoth or dominator) compared to pattern A.

Pattern A: First attack wave at 3:15. Hybrid at 6:00 is a ground hybrid. Three double waves starting from 9:00.

Pattern B: First attack wave at 3:10. Hybrid at 6:00 is an air hybrid. Single double single waves starting from 9:00.

In addition, for pattern A, the hybrid you face depends on the enemy race (for pattern B, you’ll face hybrid nemesis + a big hybrid). VS zerg: destroyer. VS protoss: reaver. VS terran: 50% destroyer 50% reaver. The type of big hybrid doesn’t matter too much. They’re both dangerous.

Eminent domain is actually not a big deal in this mutation (except for commanders who rely on static D like swann and karax). In the late game (18 min and 23:30 waves), you can use buildings to stall the enemies. Normally, the buildings will just die, but with eminent domain, they’ll help body block Amon’s units. You don’t have to create a full wall; you can just funnel the enemies towards your bases instead of the temple. You really only need this for the last waves.

Key timings (for pattern A): [Note that most calldowns have a 4-6 minute cooldown, which means you can use one during each of these key timings. I suggest writing out your plans on a piece of paper and putting it in front of you.]

6:00: hybrid from SW

10:00: double wave with hybrids (SE is stronger)

12:30: hybrid from SW

15:00, 15:20: air hybrid from NE

18:00: double wave with hybrids (NW is stronger)

23:30: double wave with hybrids (NW is stronger)

Successes [and key points]

Raynor (p0) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Raynor Solo (p0) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [bio + a few tanks; snipe air hybrid with hyperion]

Raynor (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Raynor Solo (p2) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [vultures, tanks, vikings; snipe hybrid with hyperion]

Kerrigan (p3) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Kerrigan Solo (p3) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [broodlords first, add ultras later to tank the big hybrids]

Artanis (p0) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Artanis Solo (p0) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [storm for enemy armies, goons for hybrid]

Swann (p0) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Swann Solo (p0) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [turrets to kill waves, wraiths and tanks to kill hybrid]

Zagara (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Zagara Solo (p3) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [bile launchers for late game]

Vorazun (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Vorazun Solo (p3) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [make extra nexus close to the ramps for faster reinforcement]

Karax (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Karax Solo (p2) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [immortals’ shadow cannon is really good]

Abathur (p0) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Abathur Solo (p0) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [toxic nests kill hybrids]

Alarak (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Alarak Solo (p3) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [ascendants snipe hybrids]

Alarak (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Alarak Solo (p1) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [wrathwalkers kite hybrids]

Nova (p1 air) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Nova Solo (p1 air) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [liberators vs ground hybrids, nova snipe vs air hybrids]

Nova (p1 bio) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Nova Solo (p1 bio) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [ghosts go pew pew]

Stukov (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Stukov Solo (p3) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [free infested don’t care about nukes; be sure to add tanks]

Stukov (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Stukov Solo (p1) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [diamondbacks can hit and run; be sure to add tanks]

Fenix (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Fenix Solo (p1) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [army on one side, Fenix on the other]

Dehaka (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Dehaka Solo (p2) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [creeper hosts and guardians]

HH (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Han and Horner Solo (p1) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [strike fighters and mag mines weaken hybrids, reapers and galleons finish them off]

Tychus (p0) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Tychus Solo (p0) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [Sam stuns the hybrid]

Zeratul (p0) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Zeratul Solo (p0) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [DTs hold hybrid in place, snipe with ambushers]

Stetmann (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Stetmann Solo (p1) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [turn on blue light to run away]

Mengsk (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #39: Blast from the Past - Mengsk Solo (p3) [=Brutal+1] - YouTube [use a few explosive troopers to finish off hybrid]

Easiest (among these runs): Fenix, Tychus, Vorazun

Best against random AI: Abathur, Nova, Tychus

Proudest: Raynor p2, Nova bio

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.


I do give props to whomever named this one. Reference on point. :+1:


Pretty easy. Tychus P1 and Stetmann P2. The mutator practically does not differ from the normal mission.

A quick question for the Dehaka pros - if you swallow a hybrid, does it explode in Dehaka?

This one is fun. Nice big map to run away from the Nuclear bomb.

easy one, did it with abby p1 and with zag p3 so far. will do kerri p3 next.

edit: did with kerri p3 and also stetmann p2, stetmann was much easier.

Might as well try P2 Vora here.

Warning: With Sirius in Tychus P2, the enemy can turn Sirius turrets against you, with full Lone Wolf buff not removed from them :fearful: :fearful:

edit: By the way, a good news though, is that when reborn under Amon control, they still have a timed life, so they disappear eventually.

I usually have fun with towers on TotP, but Eminent Domain will have a field day with that. I ended up getting Karax P2 with DoN. This’ll be another fun scenario to go with that!

I’m assuming Stetalites cannot be commandeered by ED?

What does that 5-digit number mean? (or is it 2 numbers separated by a comma?). For that matter, the entire thing mean?

Those are the same weekly mutations and the original numbers they appeared by week. So 39th week and 108th, and now this week.

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Karax P2 with Abathur creeper host prestige ally made short work of this mutation, got all the bonuses. Mass immortals with shadow cannon for the win.

Unity Barrier works very well on this mission.

I am 90% sure they blow up from the space they were grabbed from. Devour seems to insta-kill the target on the spot, and them being dragged towards Dehaka is only animation. The unit is already dead.

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One Mengsk ally overdid it on the Supply Bunkers as defense. They kept getting converted :frowning:

Managed to do HARDtation with a good Kerrigan ally. Stetmann on P3 wasn’t too shabby. His blue zone facilitates getting the dodge out of town when a hybrid’s about to go thermonuclear.

Yep, so don’t eat a hybrid from the middle of your or your ally’s army. The result shan’t be pretty.

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the unit is mou shindeiru.

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Try being optimistic, maybe he was going for

and then earthsplit what is stuck next to the wall?
There remains the issue of air units though, but at least Mengsk bunkers don’t attack on their own, and Amon probably can’t populate them either even with Terran units.

ESOs would destroy the wall as the buildings will have been converted to enemy.