Co-Op Mutation 274: Blast from the Past

But there’d be no need to even destroy the ground units as long as they’re stopped far enough, right? Just earthsplit the thrasher when he spawns and have rocket troopers handle the air hybrids that fly over the wall. I never tried it, but am curious, i’ll give it a shot sometime this week

I’d like to try that, bunker wall, siege tanks on medivacs for air and ESO for trashers.

Done as Alarak P3 with a Karax P0 ally.

Enemy comp was Zerg with Infestors, Mutalisks and stuff. Fungal Growth & Nuke caught me off guard in the last one or two minutes. Whoops. Went for Ascendants, and just a few Wrathwalkers near the end, for those shots while moving.

The Mothership, 10+ Destroyers and a War Prism/Havoc were a separate group and moved on their own. Karax blocked the middle and right entrance, so I had to use them to get to the Thrashers and the last Zenith Stone. At least he left the top left entrance open for my Alarak group.

When the Death Fleet went for the bottom Thrasher, he used Solar Beam and Lances. As soon as it was down I had to Mass Teleport away, since there were a lot of incoming Hybrid. There’s no way you can avoid the Nukes without the Wave (knockback) or Mind Blasts (huge range). It looked pretty atmospheric to be honest.

The defenses on the right side looked pretty bad near the end, too bad I didn’t see exactly how Eminent Domain played out for that Karax, I was too distracted.

He used his Spear of Adun well. Splitting forces and more micro than usual was fun.

Sidenote: I saw one of those Viper Abduct memes a while ago. Like “flying protoss city goes woosh”. I felt the same way when I saw the Mothership being affected by Fungal Growth…

yep, that’s right. i’ve seen such strats being successfully used on TotP with imminent domain. just make a mobile air army to snipe thrashers, hybrid nemesis, and deal with the northern drops. in mengsk’s case ESOs should also work for thrashers.

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For a Brutal +1, been pretty hard with pubbies this week. A lot of bad players about.
Artanis P0, Alarak P0/P3 (Ascendant Build), Stetmann P2 (Infestors), and Mengsk P3 (Troopers only) are the easiest time.

And stukov p3 too. Just bunker and tank is good enough

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well, I tried to mass brood lords as Kerrigan’s P3 lvl 8, worked decently well, at least I held my weight.

My ally was P3 Stukov, he took care of the drop-pods and the left lane, and we each got the bonus’ respectfully. had to face off against ground hybrid, so that the broodlings would aggro them, was getting pushed back when we won.

we had air hybrid on our first run…let’s just say, I should’ve just went hydras

This isn’t even fun with the amount of scrub teamates you get. Just gonna teamkill now.

Don’t be that guy. It’s not cool.


Took two tries. The issue the first time was the nemesis hybrids floating straight to the temple and was unable to get them away before dying. Temple just took too many hits that way.

Second time, beat it with perfect health.

Yeah, I find that to be a major problem. Hybrid Nemeses do not leash to ground units like the rest of the fliers in the game. I’ve had one game where multiple detonated on the Temple, immediately ending the run.

Oh yeah, that was fun… had a few panic shadow cannon spam moments when I noticed those flying hybrids drifting straight towards the temple.

Wall off against ground compostion, but be aware, sometimes they will drop Hybrids with theyr dropships :sweat_smile:

Right isn’t the one you can wall off on? Because they won’t kill their own buildings correct?

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I tried this once and found it to not really work that well. Might’ve not been doing it right, but Eminent Domain didn’t want to work. Not a reliable strategy, IMO.

I did it all the time agains ground with Tychus and once they dont dropped Hybrid. But on the other side of wall was hundreds of units :sweat_smile: With Tychus you can also drop behind wall and kill Trasher.

Funny thing, I tried to wall off enemies with Kerrigan’s Omega worms.
I thought it would work really well because of enemies would have to break 1000hp structure again after taking it over but sometimes enemy destroy the worm outright and turned Omega Worms only have 7hp which the enemy can destroy it with one blow.

Yes, with Kerri is better I think Overlord creep spread and evochamber block and pull ovi away. On left site are 3 needed, on right 4.

There is like 0 purpose in using that strategy.

  1. It doesn’t really block enough for at least half the compositions.
  2. You still have to deal with the later/further Thrashers.
  3. Blocking off isn’t as easy to pull off as it sounds.

So unless you’re so good you can clear very far ahead to spawn block near the spawn points on each lane, then this strategy would make it quite a bit harder (if you left them all sitting there blocked).

And the issue all accumulates to “if you’re already that good to optimize this cheese, then it is likely more work to do the cheese than to simply play the map”. MAD was a problem when it was first introduced on MO (if I’m recalling correctly), but since then it isn’t difficult at all (between CO releases and prestiges).

Got through this Brutation as Karax P2, and Kerrigan ally. No towers to convert is nice, but forgot that Shield Batteries become theirs as well. At least they don’t shoot back at you.

When his Supply Bunkers got captured through Eminent Domain, the troopers INSIDE were also converted to Amon’s side. So you have to destroy the supply bunker, to get to the Troopers, who will fire on any of his or your ally’s stuff. And they were set up for any blocking purposes. Only for tower defender.