Co-Op Mutation #268: Rumble in the Jungle

Sigh. I think you should save that particular brand of nonsense for a thread in which you haven’t just been trying to say that Artanis’s prestiges are trash. Kind of hard to juxtapose “I don’t understand one of favourite commanders” with “I am above you, mere mortal, bow to my superior knowledge”, y’know?

On a totally different note, on the subject of not understanding one of one’s favourite commanders, I spent the last few days saying “I’ll go P1 Factory Nova in case it’s Explosive Threats so I can ring myself in mines” so much that when I rolled Disruptive Artillery I still went Factory Nova when I really should’ve gone Starport. Oh well. I hate losing Nova units but it’s kind of nice how much the hero can do by herself. We stabilised and pulled through. (Played with a friend playing P2 H&H who had the good sense to stick with air forces. Thank god someone wasn’t playing like an idiot.)


So what evidence do you have to show that P0 beats P3 in solo clears?


If Artanis were here, I’d dare you to tell him to shut his bleepin’ pie-hole.


P1 Artanny was fine here. And waited to come off ban to tell the guy he has no idea what he is talking about. Arty’s prestiges are good. Nexus Legate used to be the best prestige in the game, frankly.

Anyway, I assume this guy is one of those MOBA abusers that has tychus and all the other a-move/no skill ones which is why he thinks Artanny is bad. Sad. Sad indeed.

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Done as P3 Alarak with a P0 Zagara ally. Enemy comp was Zerg air, including Scourge.
Pretty fun and interesting mutation. Not too different, but still a nice breeze of fresh air without anything frustrating or hindering.

The Zagara luckily read the mutators, and had Overseers up pretty soon. They were wiped out by Scourge though, so I made sure a Havoc always followed her. She later bulked up on Overseers and had better air defenses later on. Still heard a few ‘Zagara respawn’ callouts. But since she’s Zagara, she just dealt with it, and kept reinforcing her army. Rolled over the top base without me and overall had good reaction, was fun to play with.

Had to change my early game build order, which was a small, but nice change. I usually go for the expansion rocks immediately and summon the Mothership for the first wave. However, this time I needed a Cannon and Overcharge for the first wave and also preferred Havoc tech over the Mothership.

After that it played out as usual, more or less. Ascendants went brrrrrrrr. I usually place cannons at the final bottom right location anyway, guarded by the Mothership and Destroyers. They could deal with the regular waves and the reinforcements just fine, aided by Overcharge, while Alarak moved around with the main forces.

Edit: My very first ally was a Mastery 8 P0 Artanis. Sadly though he didn’t read anything, didn’t build cannons for defense, didn’t rush Observers, held his tiny army back in his base, causing invisible reinforcements to spawn right there… you can imagine how that played out for him.

Of course I didn’t expect him to play the same way as a XXX Ascension Artanis player, but I hoped he would at least read the mutators.

The extra waves always drop near your units. If you have no units, it will drop in your base.

Needs to be pointed out WORKERS COUNT. And this BS mutation will choose them over your army every time.

This isn’t actually true at all, but there are some reasons you might have got that impression.

Firstly, a valid unit to target for Aggressive Deployment has to have a supply cost and a weapon. A free hero doesn’t count; an Overseer doesn’t count; Nikara doesn’t count. If there’s no valid unit, the drop will target your base, which will look like targeting workers (but isn’t).

Secondly, because the drops are cloaked and there’s a brief delay between them targeting a unit and them dropping, if the unit is moving and you’re not watching, you can actually ‘miss’ the drop (or rather they miss you). When this happens they’ll go attack your base.

I had the second thing in my game, and had to kill Nova to redeploy her back at base to handle it.


Yeah, not really.

Here’s how it actually works (per

  • It has a weapon (ie. can deal damage).
  • It costs more than 0 supply.
  • It is not a queen

The drop will spawn 7 units away from the potential target. If no potential target is found, the drop will spawn between 25 and 40 units away from the player’s base.

So not only does it never choose workers over your army/hero, you also have to keep in mind that you need to stay away far enough so they don’t just ‘drop, not aggro’d, and then head towards base’… because you’re so close to your own base. Staying too close to the base, it’ll break the 25-40 rule for non-target found… cuz it found a target.

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Congrats you have a design doc I have actual proof that it does this. 2 games in a row of it dropping in the center of my mineral line. I had vision on the area the whole time due to turrets.

So NO! It does do this!

Then provide the replays. No need to take such a bad attitude. It’s hard to just believe you at your word when the trigger is written that way.

It’s like you say your blood flows backward, but somehow everyone else doesn’t. So a bit of closer examination is needed, ya know?

But it’s cool, if you feel you know better. It really doesn’t hurt nobody else but you lol…

Sounds like you had an eligible unit near your mineral line. Not to mention everyone whos ever played this game has seen the drops land near their army way out in the map. So this notion of “this BS mutation will choose them over your army every time” is simply delusional.

Last time a knowitall try to spew nonsense like yours, someone provided video proof that they were wrong. So if youre so confident, you better post that replay before the same happens to you.

A question for the trigger savvy folks. Workers can do damage, they cost supply (and are not queens), which would qualify them under the 3 criteria. Is there more in the triggers that excludes them?

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I went to check in the editor for details (and maybe more recent version of how it work).
Here are the steps:

  • Init a “targetCandidates” list for player targeted by drop pods, with “any unit” in “entire map”, notably excluding “structures” and “workers”.
  • Remove from that list units meeting one of those criteria:
    – Number of weapons of current unit is 0
    – Current unit use 0 or less supply
    – A function named CC_UnitIsInternal return true for that unit (may be for calldown invisible units or hero revival point maybe?)
    – Current unit is a queen or a burrowed queen
    – Current unit is within a distance of 15 from the start location of player 1 or player 2
  • If the list became empty, it make up to 1000 attempts at:
    – picking a random point within a distance of 40 of the start location of the player targeted by drop pods
    – keep that point unless it meet one of those conditions:
    — pathing type at that location is not “ground”
    — that location is not “passable”
    — that location and the start location used to make it are not connected by pathing
    — that location is within a distance of 25 of the start location of player 1 or 2
    — there’s at least 1 mineral field in a range of 4 of that location
    — there’s a cliff within a distance of 3 of that location
  • If the list didn’t become empty earlier, a random unit is picked from the list to get a location, then it make up to 1000 attempts at:
    – setting a location at an offset of 7 by a random angle from the unit location
    – keep that point unless it meet one of those conditions:
    — pathing type at that location is not “ground”
    — that location is not “passable”
    — that location and the start location used to make it are not connected by pathing
    — there’s a cliff within a distance of 3 of that location
  • If the 1000 attempts earlier were unsuccessful, the system will try again after 10 seconds, otherwise it assemble the drop pod, but we don’t care about that part here

Ah, there it is.

Thanks for double checking Undead :smiley:.

And to nobody but Musica’s surprise… it doesn’t target workers at all. I’m still waiting for those replays though.

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Upload the replays please. It’s always cool to see the emergently weird stuff that happens sometimes with the AI. What we’re saying is 99–100% true, but sure, odd stuff can happen on occasion and be easy to misinterpret.

I once somehow confused Roaches defending the second Hybrid on CoA into burrowing, chasing my retreating army without my seeing, then going for Ji’nara, changing their mind and then heading to my idly ally’s base and wrecking it. Felt like an invisible attack wave at the time!

(My favourite weirdness is still in unmodded Skyrim. Broke out the front gate of Cidhna Mine by detonating Storm Atronachs near the gate until it glitched itself open. Never could replicate that.)

And to boot:

Yet it wont if…


… so it wont drop directly on mineral lines.


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4 range is a very short distance and this is the location of the center of the drop, and some drops can take a lot of space, this rule does not make expo mineral line safe.

Anyway some players can confuse where a wave spawned with where they first see the wave, specially for those who can’t check a replay before angrily complaining in a forum, a wave can spawn half way across the map but since they only noticed it when it started attacking the base then the wave must have spawned right there.


Isee. I dont hav a good idea of ui distances. Would 15 from the start location keep the drops away from the mineral line?