Co-Op Mutation #262: Explosive Results

Amon is determined to destroy Sgt. Hammer’s Fortress at all costs. Explosions rock the compound as nukes rain from above and Amon’s minions detonate themselves upon death. Do what you can to mitigate your own casualties as you take out the Void Thrashers.

Going Nuclear - Nukes are launched at random throughout the map.
Mutually Assured Destruction - Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death.
Self Destruction - Enemy units explode and deal damage to friendly player units upon death.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Primal Contender] [Ziemson Heavy Weapons Specialist]
[CtG Valorous Inspirator] Punisher Best Buddy
[CtG Renegade Commander] Aommaster Keeper of Shadows

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Mutually Assured Destruction detonates nukes after the Hybrids’ death animation, which is almost instantaneously, and deals the same damage as a regular nuke, depending on the size of the Hybrid.
  • The warning spot for nukes is the large targeting area. However, you only have 5 Blizzard seconds of warning before the nuke hits.
  • There is no indication on the minimap, nor is there a “Nuclear Launch Detected” sound, so babysitting your units is advisable.
  • The nuclear strikes begin at the very start of the map. They seem to be placed randomly, but there are only about 1 or 2 nuclear strikes at a time, even on Brutal.
  • The nukes CAN hit the side of your expansion.
  • A red circle will appear where Self-Destruction will occur.
  • Self-destruction damages air units.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Explosive results] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty:
Do you like this mutation? CtG - YouTube

Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


This is Brutal+4, compared to last week’s Brutal+1…

This doesn’t bode well for my Brutation run :frowning: Will get HARDtation, and try a few times for Brutation

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This week’s mutation is directed by Michael Bay.


27,96 … this week 3rd…
this week 1st clear Tychus P2+Raynor

Mutation (Explosive Results) play list.

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1st clear. Tychus P0 and Abathur P0.

did it twice so far, with nova p3 and with stetmann p2. it’s definitely an annoying one but nothing too crazy in terms of difficulty :thinking:

Isn’t this week easier than last week? It seems? I mean I hate nukes because you have to babysit all game.

But the hybrids are fun like this. Oh self destruction. Right. That might make it harder.

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Amon: Hahahaha your banelings exploded around my troops!
Zagara: Your point is…?

Pretty much what I did. I pulled a Zap Brannigan and sent wave after wave of my own troops in.

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P2 Fenix. Can probably beat it consistently before the 15 minute mark without ever moving your camera.

Uhm… If you have Swann P2 or Karax P1 last week should be a joke. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This week is even more of a joke if you play Artanis mass dragoon. :pregnant_woman:

Got it on first try on both NA and EU accounts.

Just pay attention to your army so it doesn’t get :radioactive: nuked :radioactive: and simply dance your goons around the big red circles and this brutation is super easy, barely an inconvenience. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So you can sit in the base and turtle for no reason while your ally moves out and does all the work?

“I def” on VT is a new one…

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What part of “LAST WEEK” you failed to recognize? Which was on the Temple, btw. :thinking:

Person I was talking to complained about previous week being Brutal+1 and this week being Brutal+4 and how hard the previous mutation was. This week is much easier with Mass Dragoon Artanis and previous was trivial with Swann P2. Any further questions? :peach: :eggplant: :peach: :eggplant: :peach: :eggplant:

First clear with P3 Zagare and P1 Tychus, including Bonus Objective.

I just massing Banelings and scourages to kill the Trashers while my ally opens the path for me.

Not hard, just annoying due to Going Nuke.

First try with bonus as Mengsk P3 + Dehaka.
ESO cheeeeeeesssseeeeee!

If this week isn’t really quite B+4, I wouldn’t know as I haven’t played it yet.

Mass Artanis P0 dragoon and cakewalk. :slight_smile:

One reason I’m leaving Artanis last for Prestiging… I can usually fall back on him for these types of Mutations!

Ended up using Karax P2 for this… got it on the second try because on the first try I had a level 2 Alarak ally with a grand total of 39 kills. He built mostly supplicants and a few havocs and stalkers, then got that all nuked by not dodging the red circles. As hard as I tried I could not solo it, came close… but couldn’t do it.

Second try I had a P0 Tychus, and that run went a lot smoother, even though my build was less optimal that run. Got the bonus too. Unity barrier shined this game.

damn bro y u so salty