Beat the mission in 1st attempt with p0 Artanis, ally is P1 Zagara. Go with tempest, ally have more kills, but I did more damage to shards. As usual, ignore bonus objective on mutation mission.
Although is brutal+4, same as last week mutation, feel like way more easy compare to last week, it took me 6-7 attempts on last week mutation.
Pretty dang easy one this time, me as P3 Nova and friend as P2 Dehaka. Easy first try, took the bonus as well.
First try. P3 Nova and P3 Stukov ally. Pretty easy, I took care of most of the shards and ally took objectives slowly but surely.
As mentioned a few times, the approximate “Brutal+4” rating etc is misleading, because some mutations have incredible synergy. Just now I did a Brutal+1 on Temple of the Past as Mengsk with a Zagara ally, and had to face Diffusion, Twister and Evasive Manoeuvres. Twister wasn’t a major problem, but we faced Ling/Bling/Scourge, and Evasive Manoeuvres meant that the enemy units jumped right on top of my own, where Diffusion ensured the damage would spread and units would kill each other (banelings, both allied and enemy, were the worst!) - we ended up losing as a result when Aberrations got into the mineral line.
Another time, I was Tychus with a Karax ally on Temple of the Past (why is it always that map?!) where we had to deal with Eminent DomaIn, Double-Edged and Power Overwhelming (this was before Brutal+1 was changed so Power Overwhelming wouldn’t appear in it). All things considered, Power Overwhelming was the least of my concerns… Double-Edged and Eminent Domain ensured that Tychus committed suicide whenever he threw a grenade, and Karax’ Photon Cannons and Khaydarin Monoliths quickly turned into enemy structures, by which time the enemy units that they were formerly attacking would attack and steal the Pylon, powering up the defensive structures against us!
Another nasty pair is Alien Incubation and either Self Destruction or Scorched Earth on Dead of Night. Sunrise is no longer a welcome sight!
But of course, with Brutal+1 and above, it’s the luck of the draw. The weekly mutations tend to have selections that synergise well, or just have a theme going.
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So 1 gas per trip instead of 4, vs. 1 instead of 5 mins? I’m not so sure.
Exceptions that come to mine are Vorazun and Nova who can just plant gas buildings. Zeratul needs to pay 400 for an Ancient Nexus, but the extra Chrono Boost may come in handy. If Swann’s in play, then gas drones will DEFINITELY be fruitful.
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It’s 1 per everything. But it’s still worth it to take all 4 gases because it does add up.
Or just go Super Dooper Gary and you won’t need any income after the first objective.
Almost feels like cheating on this brutation.
Some of us don’t have StetLag TM.
Well, this called for Mengsk. First time I cheesed this. Done with a lvl 12 Dehaka ally. He did the first bonus. I built some Sky Furies with speed upgrade for the 2nd pirate ship. One occasion where they were really good.
Don’t need Stetmann to do it without the extra base, pretty much any hero commander can pull it off just as easily.
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But how will I survive and win without my 110gas/min going onto 25min on RtK. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about!
I don’t have any hero commanders, i refuse to support moba co op. Save for alarak. Being as protoss is my best race.
Mainly to abuse his obnoxiously broken overcharge that he has. I mean this is back when you could abuse overcharge on ladder too.
That was so fun. Nothing like firing off 4 well placed pylons with a full energy MSC.
Never said you needed to, simply pointing out a fact. Literally everyone who plays the game has a hero commander.
However, I am amused that you take the moba shot again, when Tychus is the least suited to not taking the gas out of the hero commanders.
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Only got alarak because i was bored and my brother had happened to send me some money that week. Otherwise i would stay true to having no hero commanders.
Hero commanders ruined co op just like heroes ruined WC3. Again, it was mainly to abuse overcharge. Which, looking back, makes sense. Blizzard completely annihilated overcharge and MSC from the game. So only alarak has it now.
I was talking about Kerrigan, she’s a hero commander too.
Personal taste is personal taste, but it’s been a part of the mode since the start, and there are those that prefer that style as well.
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Yes but she comes with it. I won’t buy any of them. Monk did far too much damage, and couldn’t even add one new map.
Eh like I said, you do you, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I was just continuing the discussion for the strategy on the mutation.
I will say though, don’t attribute all of the issues of the mode to just Monk. Abathur and Dehaka did just as much damage to the balance before the guy was even part of Blizzard.
Give this up already… You don’t even know what MOBA is and after explained to you, you’re still at it. Go troll somewhere else.
Is this Andreasap’s alternative account or something? Or is he the successor, what the actual F…
And what does any of this have to do with this topic? What does any of this have anything to do with coop, in today’s context? Will Mr. Uther rise up and fix it all? No? Then stop whining…
As well as Nova. That’s when i first started seeing too much MOBA influence, way back with her.
Pardon? I said i don’t play moba’s. When have i said i don’t know what they are? All mobas came from WC3, from what i’ve been told. Smart people know WC2 was better than WC3 exactly because of no hero units.