Augustgrad is in dire straits. Resources have been scattered throughout the streets, and in order to gather them, your forces will have to brave the mines that Amon’s forces have deployed across the city. Fight through the Fear and shatter the Void Shards.
Mag-Nificent - Mag Mines are deployed throughout the map at the start of the mission. Fear - Player units will occasionally stop attacking and run around in fear upon taking damage. Slim Pickings - Player worker units gather resources at a reduced rate, but resource pickups spawn throughout the map.
Arcturus players: Claim your bounty points using this strategy
Running a few units first to trigger the Mag Mines in an enemy base will make it safer for the rest of your units and buildings, especially when being inflicted with fear and therefore being unable to dodge mines.
Units with Guardian Shell will not trigger the Mag Mines. However, this will give them ample time to move into position.
Mag Mines do not respawn upon detonation.
Damage from AOE spells, and Mutalisk bouncing glaves also has a chance to put Fear on your units.
Workers gather 1 resource per trip on Brutal difficulty.
While the expansion technically pays for itself after 15 mins, it might be worthwhile to consider the investment required to get it in the early game might be better spent trying to get forces out instead. If you plan a shorter game, the expansion will definitely not be worth.
You know seeing there is the word ‘Miner’ in the mutation name, I thought this would be happening on “Miner” Evacuation.
Which I am thankful because Mag-Mines kill Evac shuttles and makes the mutation very annoying.
It’s just me but playing Dehaka only but this feels like +1~+2 Brutal to me.
I guess this Brutation gets drastically easier when you play Hero Solo like P2 Kerrigan, P2 Stetmann and Any Dehaka.
I guess P3 Stu Stu counts as one.
Very easy to cheese as Mengsk. I did it with P3 (Merchant of Death), using Earthsplitter Ordnance in the North of the map to hit all the Void Shard spawn points, and using Sky Furies and my Karax ally to get the first bonus objective, and Sky Furies and my nuclear calldown for the second one.
(P3 is best as you can get cheap and powerful units in Supply Bunkers to handle the first few attack waves)
Fear, so individuals with a lot of life like Abathur will be relatively resistant to it. Slim Pickings so the second base is useless. Nova P3 + Liberators, Stiukov P3, Artanis mass Tempests are also working.
Theoretically it looked straight Tychus in fact I lost Tychus coming right out of the bar twice because of Vultores. There was nothing I could do. Taken as Nova P3 and Siukov P3.
I haven’t tried the mutation yet, so didn’t have the mutator file to check the details, but from generic coop data in the map editor, it seems Difficulty would make no difference.
edit: having played the map don’t provide additional triggers to check for difficulty tampering, so I guess it really doesn’t have an effect.
Did it on the first try with a P3 Stukov and a P3 Nova ally. I did all of the attack wave interception and both bonuses. Whenever I wasn’t doing those two things I helped Nova by running interference for her. Nova mostly moved around and blew things up.
The only sticky part was the 1st attack wave of all zerglings. After that we never had another problem again. Wasn’t too bad at all.
Did this one first try. Was debating who to use for this and decided to take Zeratul P3 for a spin. I ended up having a level 4 P0 Artanis ally who called me a nublet at the beginning of the game. (I got 300 kills to his 200) I also got both bonuses and dealt with almost all attack waves myself.
It is always the brutations that I meet the most interesting people.
Won with the usual Zagara P1 and an ally…I don’t remember the commander, but he was on Hard.
Didn’t matter much, as with Zagara, while seeing units dance around in Fear is annoying, that little won’t stop the destruction.
Not easy getting the bonus though, no money for corruptors mean waiting for enough scourge to spawn, and microing them to avoid the aoe, but that’s just a slowdown.
I love that soooo friendly mines mutator, displaying mines on the minimap and all, and they’re not much of a threat, back from when Brutalists had not forced Blizzard to go crazy on difficulty with invisible mixed spider and magnetic mines doing nuke damages.