Amon’s forces have been altered by the terrazine on Bel’shir in unexpected ways. Increased adrenaline triggers unpredictable transformations and each new death unleshes new hostile forms. The most powerful of them have even developed nuclear capabilities.
Transmutation - Enemy units have a chance to transform into more powerful units whenever they deal damage. Mutually Assured Destruction - Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death. Alien Incubation - All enemy units spawn Broodlings upon death.
Enemies have a chance of transforming when it deals damage. When an enemy kills one of your units it’s a guaranteed transform. Avoid losing ANYTHING whenever possible.
Enemies transform into tiers based on the supply of the units they kill. An enemy that kills a Zealot (2 supply) will level two tiers.
Units have a chance to transform into Hybrid. And those ALSO detonate nukes.
Hybrid nukes detonate after the death animation.
Alien Incubation spawns a number of broodlings proportionate to the slain unit’s supply cost.
Spawned broodlings can transform into units.
Enemy units, upon transforming, return to full health. Make sure to focus the strong ones before they become Hybrid.
The enemy is really effective at clearing out spider mines now. If you want to use them, make sure to place them at the exact spawn points, rather than the pathing. Alternatively, add ranged units to draw aggro away from the mines.
The broodlings sometimes wander into your expansions and transform up to hybrid as they kill workers. It’s a good idea to have some form of static defense or have insanely fast reactions to avoid losing workers.
A bit more difficult than I expected, maybe because we hit only zerg. A fiasco with Zeratul P3 they swarm him. Tychus P0 and Alarak P3 versus protoss and the win came without problems.
Cleared with P2 Kerrigan and P1 Stukov ally. Cleared all side-objectives. Lost one vessel in the end due to the final wave where it has a lot of hybrids.
Not a clean victory here.
Maybe will attempt it again tomorrow for a cleaner win.
Did it in Normal with Zagara P1 and a Stukov P3 ally.
Took me a little time to realize I needed several Hatcheries, but then, the game of “how many time can I be told I require more minerals in a single game” started as I was constantly rebuilding my troops (sometimes I tried to make them pull out when the Hybrid died, but it’s not that easy.
Would have been easier if Transmutation could not make Hybrids, or if MAD nukes could also damage Amon forces (many mutations would be more funny with that addition)
edit: Oh right, cleared the objectives and destroyed the top base, though it’s because my ally was there and the bots were somewhat safe.
Dang, I don’t have P1 Stukov, which would’ve been nice. I guess I could try this with P0 Artanis.
I gotta agree with what CtG said in his recent video… Vertigo was annoying, but you can at least compensate for it. Here, you truly need to deal with it.
Done as P3 Alarak with a Scourge Queen Zagara ally. Enemy comp was Zerg Lurker Hydra Ultra.
Lost one bot at the 2nd last location.
I chose Wrathwalkers over Ascendants, since they can snipe Hybrids from a safe range and while moving. I also researched Telekinesis quite fast, which I don’t for most regular maps.
Nonetheless there were some nukes close to my army and I’ve lost multiple units to nukes over the duration of the map. For example a Mass Teleport to 3’o’clock during the last wave, directly into evolving units caused me to lose several Wrathwalkers and Destroyers. Whoops.
Zagara just facetanked everything, as expected. We were a good team. Overall a fun and engaging mutation.
First try as P1 Alarak, managed both optionals and almost cleared the enemy base, just my teammate was focused on defense as a Lone Wolf Tychus which he played very well.
Buffed Wrathwalkers is a good answer for this mutation, can just keep a ball of Wrathwalkers and Supplicants out of nuke range and let Alarak eat everything thrown at him
Victory in the first game with Stetmann P1 and ally Tychus P2. Mission completed with both side missions and losing a robot in the 3rd wave. I went with zerglin, baneling, hydra and ultras (Solo 2) against airzerg (Guardian, devourer, mutates). I was mainly a support for my ally who spread his outlaws everywhere.
Had a few fails as Vorazun P1. Black Hole is nice but need early firepower to kill transmutated units.
Finally did it as Kerri P0, with Dehaka ally. Lost a bot in 3rd wave but managed to save all of the last wave. Hybrids dying near the bots…aaargh! Skipped the bonuses.
Considering the synergy of all 3 mutators, this is more of B+5, almost +6:
Broodling from dead unit (Alien Incubation) eventually Transmutates to Hybrid and Nukes upon death
PSA: Transmutated units head straight to your bases if they’ve got nothing else to attack. Unlike regular units just hanging around, which go back to their positions once you withdraw. So don’t harass the enemy strongholds in the bot paths unless you plan to clear them.
one short fail game: had a marine near the 1st geyser turn into a zealot and attack my first DP at 2 mins. I insta-quit.