Co-Op Mutation #254: Flipping Out

I’m experiencing technical difficulties with my computer, so in a way, I’m glad it’s a mutator I won’t regret no doing.

For this mutation, you need the old type of square monitor. So that the view frame box don’t distort too much!

Running it in a smaller window can do wonders to help too.

I’m surprised some of you bothered with the bonuses.

I couldn’t focus at all with the constant rotations and wanted to get the mission down asap.

Would have preferred a constantly moving/shifting in random directions camera than a camera which changes perspective every 20 secs. I think most of the people who weren’t bothered by Vertigo just got used to it. (I mean wrt gameplay; not the headache, headspin this causes for some.)

It’s doubly annoying when you’re placing a structure somewhere or giving your army an attack/move command at a location on the screen and right before the click, the camera changes perspective and you have to re-scroll & click or whatever, to have the command executed correctly.

Darkness effectively does that. The workaround is having units out of the map, structures, observers, etc. But an interesting idea - no map markers, attack wave indicators, flashing in the minimap when base or off-screen army is being attacked; no icon for where Ji’nara is unless you look.

TBH, considering how long it took me to use the minimap effectively (still not consistent), and seeing how many players don’t notice an attack wave or their base being overrun, “no minimap” wouldn’t actually be a mutator for many players :rofl:

Once the first hybrid or the 7-minute attack wave has been dealt with, it was easier to take it slow and deal with the remaining periodic attack waves than to rush the mission. The bonus got dealt with as a side effect of “we’re not busy doing anything else right now” or waiting to macro up, recover losses, etc.

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This is a mutation where you really get punished for having a big screen, I play on my TV and it felt like my eyes were getting attacked.
Did it with Stukov though so at least I could spend most of the time just looking and clicking on the minimap.
Had something so rare as a good Raynor ally first game so we comfortably cleared the whole map.

Being my first Vertigo, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. We only had one sticky moment when an attack wave made it to our mains. But we cleaned it up without much loss and never had any issues after that. Got the bonuses.

P3 Stukov and a level 9 Nova. Nova used her nukes off cooldown on everything that was going to be a hassle.

Great practice for learning to rely on the minimap.

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did this with P0 Stukov, because I don’t have P3 yet, and massed bunkers. Had Guardians the first time, lost, and had roaches the 2nd time, and won, it helps when the enemy can’t outrange the bunkers. However in hindsight, should’ve massed barracks.

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Sooo… next week I’m thinking Stukov P3 FTW! Totally the opposite of what we should be using, but could be pretty funny. What do you think @CtG?

I second this idea :wink: .

Sorry to dissapoint, that works normally for transmutation but not when the hybrids explode.

The nukes just make it more fun! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :smiling_imp:
Yeah, not P0, but has anyone tried with P3 Stukov?

I thought this was sarcasm the whole time lol.

Game will end at 2nd wave coz the infested are food to guarantee Transmutation and everything turns into top-tier units and hybrids. Your ally could carry but how many hybrids can they handle that early in the game?

Yup :wink:

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What’s the next mutation?

transmutation, incubation, mutually assured destruction on mist opp

commanders with high burst damage like vorazun will do well here (CC is a bonus).

For those wondering, CC here is “crowd control”, not Command Center :wink:

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