Co-Op Mutation #254: Flipping Out

Greg Black created the Vertigo mutator


Oh I remember this crap. This is a HARD pass from me dude. I have no interest in subjecting myself to this mutation a second time.

Well Greg, I hope you always stub your little toe on furniture!


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Stukov or Abathur. Abathur, due to the high amount of health of the units, the chance of being scared is very small.

Wait, time out… I thought they removed this Mutator from the list? Was that not true, or is it back now?

On the plus side, another mellow Mutation

Did it with Fenix since he’s a strong F2 A commander. Didn’t have to move the camera from the main base except to take the expo.

This is an extremely chill mutation so you can just play anyone and it doesn’t really matter.

If I remember right, it’s not included in the B+'s. But it’s in the weekly and custom games.

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Nah, they never removed the mutator from the list. It’s just that last time they were cycling through all the mutations they stopped just short of this one for some new mutations. Now we’re cycling from the beginning again after a short detour.


i feel a bit dizzy after finishing that one up not gonna lie

Oh, then it looks like I misread that part some years back then. Ugh… again, it’s B+1

I beat it as Tychus P3 with a Zeratul P0 ally. Got both bonuses. I feel strange now. Did have a close call with the third super pusher wave though, as the enemy was a siege tank comp, and all the siege tanks kept triggering the fear debuff and pushed Jinara a dangerous ways back.

Edit: I actually feel really dizzy now, glad I got that on my first try.

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I beat it in the second attempt. First attempt we lose at the hybrid push because jinara was really close to the pit, my partner had a difficult time helping me pushing jinara (I’d venture a guess of the vertigo mutator). We cleared the hybrid just in time but a random wave came super fast and barely lost.

Second attempt and I got a Mengsk lvl 1 ally who confessed he attempted the reset trick but failed miserably. Ended up carrying him as Stukov, but my neck still hurts not gonna lie.

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Annoying mutator. It made me dizzy for the whole night after playing it.

Cleared it with P1 Kerrigan and P3 Stukov ally. We kinda letting the infested that powered up by P1 Kerrigan to clear the mission for us.

Also Vertigo duration should be at least1 minute, not 20 seconds.

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P3 Stukov with random P3 Alarak ally, wasn’t hard at all just annoying obviously and I felt bad for my ally who lost their fleet fighting the elemental by themself while I was pushing.

Besides P3 Stukov, which commander will have a “fun” time on this mutator?

Zagara P1 use minimap to play most of the time f2 a move time to time and win

Seriously, if the minimap also changed with the main map, there would be hell to pay.

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Maybe a mutator that hides the minimap?

Continuing the discussion from Co-Op Mutation #254: Flipping Out:

I think I will play this one only once since I felt drunk for 2 hours after I finished Brutation. To be positive I think it can be therapeutic for AA-members who want to kick off but kinda crave the same feeling

For ultimate effect I would suggest combining the vertigo-mutator with propagators and boom bots/ shortsighted to increase the fun feeling even more.:stuck_out_tongue: (kappa).

I think I’m one of the few who was not bothered by Vertigo when he left years ago.

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… 10ish minutes of brutal queue before finding someone to play this with and it was someone playing in normal making it a complete bore.
trully, this mutation attract players.

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