Co-Op Mutation #254: Flipping Out

Chaos reigns over the ritual of Rak’Shir. Enemies are not where they first appear to be, and your forces find themselves overcome this fear. Even your own perspective is warped and twisted. Maintain focus long enough for Ji’nara to win the challenge.

Vertigo - Your camera randomly changes positions.
Evasive Maneuvers - Enemy units teleport a short distance away upon taking damage.
Fear - Player units will occasionally stop attacking and run around in fear upon taking damage.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Legendary Outlaw] SonofSakurai Mother of Constructs
[CtG Folly of Man] Arcturus Arkship Commandant
[CtG Keeper of Shadows] Arcturus Merchant of Death
[CtG Primal Pack Leader] Paul Swarm Broodmother
[Lowko Infested Admiral] CtG Legendary Outlaw

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Vertigo [TILTS and ROTATES your camera position] every 20 Blizzard seconds on Brutal in awkward ways. However, it does not change the location. This may be extremely disorienting for building placements.
  • Using the minimap for attack and move commands will ensure your units are going in the right direction.
  • Units inflicted with Fear cannot be controlled in any way for ten Blizzard seconds.
  • Damage from AOE spells, and Mutalisk bouncing glaves also have a chance to put Fear on your units.
  • Evasive maneuvers will be most annoying when using melee units against enemy ranged units.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Flipping Out] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty:
Do you like this mutation?

Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


Called it! And you all thought I was crazy for saying Vertigo would be coming back! NOW WHO’S GOT THE LAST LAUGH?!
No one, cause Vertigo is bad


Well, if you want a better challenge on Chain of Ascension, come on down to the 2v1 Chain of Ascension Map! We’ve Got:

Custom mutators!
Rebalanced heroes!
Gehenna Cruisers!
Attack wave trickery!
High templars feedbacking fenix!
A challenge even on normal!
Duplication and Empowerment!(Dehaka hates that last one)

So come on down some time!

Now all those who didn’t get to have this gem get to enjoy it lol. Have fun!


its dizzy,
#19, #88 and this week… 3rd…
this week 1st clear Zagara P1+Tychus P1
Mutation (Flipping Out) play list.

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And Next week’s Commander of the Week is…


again, seriously this mutation screams Lord of the Horde prestige


Vertigo? What the flip :upside_down_face:

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I have read horror stories about this one… can the mighty Odin Prevail? Only one way to find out…

I been doing all the mutations since the reset…I am skipping this one. I hate it so much.


Boooooooo, get him off stage!

As mentioned, just Lord of the Horde it, then you don’t need migraine pills.

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Luckily the accompanying mutations are not too difficult to deal with.

Stukov, Lord of the horde!


I still want to know who was the GENIUS behind Vertigo. :clap: :clap: :clap: I mean to be universally hated is quite the achievement - added to Feat. of Strength.

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Will give a try, hope not getting puke​:face_vomiting::face_vomiting:. Usually I can’t last 5 minutes playing FPS game, will feel dizzy​:dizzy_face::dizzy_face:. That’s why play RTS game, never know have to face this in RTS game.:sweat:

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Same. I also have that issue and can no longer play fps. Even watching COD gameplay on youtube gave me migraine after 30 mins. I also switched to RTS for the same reason. I prefer game that is medium to slow pace and have little micro-requirement such as SupCom for i can’t keep up with the insane pace of scenery changing.

First time for me!

I think the constant bunker building and relocation is going to be a bear. I think I’ll just do Zeratul with his small base and virtually non existent macro.

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Petition for Blizz to quickly add another mutation that we can call “Dyslexia” with the mutators Vertigo and Boom Bots. Make it on Malwarfare, too.


Stukov can issue attacks with the minimap tho

This mutation may be a little more tolerable to do with ally leaving. Pause the game and break when you get dizzy. Ally units don’t get feared.

its been so long since ive played vertigo, for a long time I thought it was a dream until I saw it in the custom mutators or maybe it was online that I saw it.

Is that even feasible to select the Doom Bots while Vertigo is active? I’d try… but you know… no thanks xD.

If anyone has knowledge of it would be appreciate it.