Co-Op Mutation #249: Dark Ritual

Amon has siphoned the temple’s energy in order to grant his minions incredible power. Brimming with psionic potential, his supercharged armies sprint across the battlefield and channel their wrath into myriad abilities. Withstand the onslaught until the temple is secure once more.

Power Overwhelming - All enemy units have energy and use random abilities.
Speed Freaks - Enemy units have double their normal movement speed.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Dominion Ghost] Galle Highlord of the Tal’darim
[CtG Purifier Executor] Galle Swarm Broodmother
[CtG Primal Pack Leader] Galle Chief Engineer
[CtG Queen of Blades] Arcturus Merchant of Death

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • Abilities used by the enemy include Abduct, Black Hole, Defensive Matrix, Disabling Cloud, Disruption Web, Force Field, Fungal Growth, Guardian Shield, Graviton Beam, [Hybrid Structure Disable Thing], Irradiate, Parasitic Bomb, Point Defense Drone, Psionic Orb, Psionic Storm, Seeker Missile, Snipe, Time Warp.
  • Temple of the Past spawn timings:
  • Most difficult comp is probably Zerglings/Banelings/Scourge, just for the sheer number of units, plus the Scourge deal enormous damage to the Temple when they rush it.
  • There is no means to determine what spells each enemy unit has until they actually use it. They do not use spells on the rocks either.
  • As is usual with Temple of the Past, the most difficult waves are the first Hybrid ones, since that is when your defences are least prepared. Coordinate with your ally to alternate calldowns as you power up your economy and production.
  • With the absence of weather effects, this one is actually more fun than annoying!
  • Although the enemy does not target-fire Artosis Pylons, they will sometimes cast disabling spells on them.

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#14, #83 and this week… 3rd…
1st clear Mengsk P3+Karax P1
Mutation (Dark Ritual) play list.


It seems Artosis is the name of a Caster, but I have no idea why it’s mentioned here.

It’s the name given to using a single pylon to power many structures. Since a max level Artanis doesn’t need pylons for supply, the player can build a single one to power their entire base (up to 16 structures).

In this context, if the Artosis pylon is disabled by an enemy unit, it will completely disable all the player’s structures for the duration of the spell. Essentially, it’s a warning to Artanis players.


Good to know that. But I am not good on placing the structures, usually need 2 pylon at least.

Abilities used by the enemy include Abduct, Black Hole, Defensive Matrix, Disabling Cloud, Disruption Web, Force Field, Fungal Growth, Guardian Shield, Graviton Beam, [Hybrid Structure Disable Thing], Irradiate, Parasitic Bomb, Point Defense Drone, Psionic Orb, Psionic Storm, Seeker Missile, Snipe, Time Warp.

Disabling cloud, force field, parasitic bomb and snipe are not part of the mutator spells.

Cleared it with P1 Karax and P3 Stukov Ally.

Cleared all side-objectives as well.

Not that difficult. I just built all cannons and monoliths at the Void Trasher spawn point and wait.

As usual, with no stuff like Double Edged or Black Death present, I’m going in with Alarak P3.

First match: P0 Karax ally. No combat units, only defense at his right and our main entrance. Nothing at top middle except a few cannons from me, when reinforcements started warping in. He also completely blocked the right path for my ground units. After I stated he’s a genius for blocking me and destroying like three cannons, so Alarak can pass, he just left. Fine, I didn’t feel like destroying all Thrashers myself anyway.

2nd match: Same Karax, I left at the strt.

3rd match: Different P0 Karax with higher ascension level than the other one (348 vs 80). Terran Raider comp. He defended way better than the last one and also didn’t block my units. Was pretty fun. I only had static def at my right entrance, where Karax later also helped with Monoliths. Unity Barrier and Repair Beam was invaluable for my Death Fleet and all mechanical units. There were quite a few Raven rockets. Had five pumped-up Ascendants, which I mainly used for Psionic Orbs. Mass Teleport also had a lot of moments where it shined. I just love Shadow of Death.

To sort of clarify my first match, I don’t expect Karax P0 to build units. The first Karax was just irritating because he didn’t have much defense, nor any combat units. The second Karax had a LOT of defense, and I know that you can’t have huge defense at every entrance, and a fleet of Carriers at the same time.

I feel like most relevant pylons in coop are Artosis pylons, just generally goes unpunished 99% of the time.

The most frequent type is Karax static players. And they generally don’t know to use Energizer either. Sadly comical. Outside of that, most players do build pylons (as Fenix, Alarak, Vorazun, etc.) but their structures generally centred around 1-few Artosis Pylon haha. And I too am no exception :stuck_out_tongue:.

He lost a game because his opponent killed the one pylon that was powering all his structures, with units building and close to being completed.

Wasn’t too bad. The triple-pronged attack at the end was a bit messy, but we held long enough to win it without too much trouble.

It’s the name given to using a single pylon to power many structures

FALSE: “Artosis” is the slang term for Protossian bad breath that was eradicated when they evolved past the need for mouths.
Otherwise known as “Halartosis”


Had a low level p3 Raynor ally who I think made his first unit, a Viking, after the last wave was completed. Didn’t make Bunkers or anything.

I essentially soloed it with p2 Karax (was doing random commander).

Or is it just a slang word for a pirate that bumped his toe?

“Arrr toeses”


Well, I won the first time with a Fenix ​​P1 and, as an ally, a Tychus P0 full mastery. To tell the truth, I feel like Fenix ​​P0 would have done a better job; but at least it was achieved. Side missions included.

Used my usual Tychus P3 with my favorite machine. Had a P1 Karax who blocked off the ramps, so it is a good thing I had medivacs. Other than the ramp blocking the defense was solid. Got the bonuses as well.

Ai was acting strangely though… there were times they ignored what was in front of them and beelined for the temple, if it was a scourge comp… there might have been issues… thankfully only a ground zerg comp.

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Is it possible they had a full surround on your units? Melee units can switch to an alternate target when blocked.

I did Nova P1 with a Kerrigan P3 ally against a zerg ground comp. I went barracks for snipes but suffered a little to AoE. Kerrigan did more work than I did and without the bonus resources I would have struggled. In the end though we got all bonuses (I sent a single Lib that I had to finish the last monolith) and I was only slightly behind on kills.

Best benefit for me was the XP from the quest pushed my level 1 Tactical Dispatcher straight to level 6.

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Well my Karax ally did block the ramps, perhaps that changed their aggro priority to destroy photons and then go for the temple?

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Artanny P3 did really good here. Was maxed out at the end, got all the bonuses. The green archons go to town on this one when needed.