Co-Op Mutation #236: Train of the Dead

The infested terrans on Tarsonis are everywhere. They’re in the ground. They’re on the trains. Before long, they’ll be in your base. And you may never see them coming.

Walking Infested - Enemy units spawn Infested Terran upon death in numbers according to the unit’s life.
Outbreak - Enemy Infested Terrans spawn continuously around the map.
Darkness - Previously explored areas remain blacked out on the minimap while outside of player vision.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Shadow of Death]
[CtG Dark Prelate] [Hunter Khalai Phasesmith]
[CtG Chief Engineer] [Hunter Swarm Broodmother]
[CtG Frightful Fleshwelder] Galle Renegade Commander

[Reddit Post Link]


  • This is the fourth repeat of Train of the Dead.
  • The train and enemy waves are not revealed on the map, however you do get to see the part of the tracks that you have vision on.
  • Infested spawn from the buildings continuously. Aberrations start spawning at 20 mins.
  • Destroying all buildings will prevent the infested from spawning.
  • The attack waves and trains are not marked on the minimap until you have vision of them, or the tracks where the trains go through.
  • The trains spawn a lot of infested.

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Is it confirmed it will start over to cycle the weekly mutation list (I think this one was the first, 4 years ago) ?

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we’ll find out after a few more weeks.

Also dedgamememe

very easy to last week

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5th … ha.ha.ha…
this week 1st clear Swann P2+Alarak
Mutation (Train of the Dead) play list.

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Well, even if they do not any new mutations, the list of ones they did add is so long it will still be new for many people, including me.


Swann going to be the best option.

Wow, full final circle. Unsurprised but still…


Mobius Corpse trains!


Starcraft 2 maintenance is expected in 27th.
Best to grab that weekly rewards early just in case!
I still have unprestiged commanders, gonna use that Mastery reset bug hahaha.
@Fearrwhalins, this is its 5th cycle man pretty neat huh?


Well, Zeratul will unironically be a valuable ally here, in having his Observers free of PSI cost. :3

Also, pardon my double post, but what do you mean by Mastery bug? That ought of prove useful, given the pain-staking Prestige grind lol. :3

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Queue up mission with the character you’re about to prestige. In the 3 second span between the mission countdown starting and the mission itself starting, actually engage the prestige.

If you successfully do so, you’ll still be your “max level” character (with all masteries, etc.) during the mission, but you’ll be “level 1” at the end of it, and all the XP will spike your character a level or 3…


brutal + with more XP

That’s one way of putting it :stuck_out_tongue:

So, hypothetically, say they don’t add new mutations in and we roll from the start again, what do we say the odds of them having actually removed everyone’s favourite nausea simulator from the list?

aha. Bet they’ll change it to fright night, or whatever the halloween mutation is called…if they’re planning on changing/put new mutations in. I’m content if they just continue the weekly mutation like this, tbh. Although I prefer the halloween mutation to this one.


As SilvrPaladin said.
Here is a quick demonstration.
Link: Starcraft 2 prestige reset bug (Highly useful!) - YouTube

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Actually its Battle Net maintenance, Heroes of the Storm is down at the same time (not saying a patch/mutation update isn’t happening, just we shouldn’t count on it)


Cleared with P1 Kerrigan (me) + P3 Stukov.

Prestige made this mutation a bigger joke than usual.