Co-Op Mutation #236: Train of the Dead

P1 Kerrigan/Stukov seemed good

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Hardly, now with prestiges being available, and more commanders. I’m going for ESO Mengsk.

Done as P3 Alarak with a Vorazun ally. Zerg comp with Brood Lords.

Death Fleet went brrr, as there weren’t a lot of Vipers. FPS weren’t too good, though. Plowing through trains and their protectors with a 50 second Empower Me is so satisfying.

I chilled and didn’t go for bases. Didn’t feel necessary. Instead, I built some defenses near the rails between expansion and main base, since I had a lot of minerals anyway, and left a few Destroyers there.

My ally had a Dark Pylon defense for his ramp and went for classic DT/Corsair spam.

I beat it, had a nasty toss air comp enemy. I was zeratul p3, ally was Han and Horner. Lot of enemy void rays and carriers.

Ended up missing one of the bonus trains, but the ally strangely enough did not take their expansion despite me clearing it and putting down static to hold it.

That put extra pressure on me to hold the base because allied force was smaller.

Karax P1 with pew-pew monoliths was funny.

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I was so glad to finally get an “easy” mutation (at least compared to some recent horrors) that I played in Normal instead of Casual, and despite my ally being in Hard, it went well.
210k exp I think, I don’t get that every day…Oops writing this made me realize I forgot to allocate mastery points after leveling up, I hope I will remember about it tomorrow.

I was playing Zagara, luckily got a quite ground-based composition, and I don’t remember about my ally (maybe Dehaka, unless it was another game I played today).


This mutation is so easy, it is free exp
i think most brutal plus is even harder
Should use this week to level commander


Free as hell. Mengsk P1 + Abathur P0. Who needs to see anything when you can just bomb the planet?

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Pretty easy so this is a good chance to use mastery reset trick if you want to level up fast.

it’s a little tricky, managed to beat it on normal with Abathur’s P3, ally went mass battlecruiser, and just barley unlocked a mastery point. If it doesn’t change tomorrow after maintenance, then I’ll beat it on hard, with the same commander.

my brutal one, I was Nova, used the mastery trick, ally was P3 Alatak, and carried me through the mission, lol.

Very easy muta. I played p2 tychus and have activated p3 tychus bug, but my ally had to leave the game before first attack wave. Managed to do it solo with double economy. Although forgot about second bonus train cause darkness

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Is there any low level (non level 15) commander that can do this muta? The exp bonus only benefit me to level up prestige currently.

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you will need to be more specific. there is a pretty big gap between levels and commanders

somewhere below 10 levels.

Loads of them can, but it will depend on your and your ally’s skill levels. Easiest is probably Mengsk with ESO, but there’s loads more.

Edit: Are you saying all of your commanders are below L10?

a lot of them can. I’d say most of them, assuming an equally competent partner, although you might need to split up the task and skip bonus where needed.

The infested that spawn just aren’t that big of a threat, and Darkness doesn’t do much even if you don’t have train spawns or waves memorized. At worst you just need to stay in your base so you don’t get caught completely out of position, after each wave.

Hardtationed this last night with my son - Me and my P2 Swann and him with a P1 (Mech first) Nova - both masteried…

Honestly, P2 Swann can do a number on this mission with just the L11 E-bay upgrades “near maxxing” out his turrets. We had SkyTerran as an opponent, and I think I lost only 5 missile turrets from yamato blasts into my “south defense” all run - I build up the area at the base of P2 offramp in a width a little wider than the bonus train’s tracks. 2 rows of missile turrets where the waves come, flamers behind them (and a couple to the left of the 3rd rail) then regular guns filling up the rest of the area (well, except where the 4 Nova Sieges parked themselves to help blast the stuff to kingdom come).

With well timed chronowaves, prodigal energizer support, and/or a lot more replacements, P1 Karax with his forge upgrades should be able to do what Swann did as well with maybe swarmy zerg as an issue (too many things for the overkill cannons to kill).

Didn’t we have this mutation twice this year already? (and once in 2017 and in 2016) :open_mouth: Anyway, for me it’s a nice change of pace after all those Brutal+ 4-6 we had recently :upside_down_face:

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this thing is also a lot more difficult if you have a potato computer like I do.

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a few colossi will help vs swarmy. i consider them the “missing link” in karax’s static defense