Co-Op Mutation #235: Fire in the Hole

Next time you could do something with “dearest Helena”.

Also, calling swann and stukov for this one.

When the infested isn’t enough lag, let’s add missile command. And when the Nukes from missile command isn’t enough, add boombots.

great going CtG you’ve made Subsourian furious

If you remove all structures… No Boom Bots.

1st clear Alarak+Stetmann

#235 Mutation (Fire in the Hole) play list.


very good to remember

if there’s going to be more new weekly mutations, I’m all for it! (This is the last new mutation, btw) The least they can do is recycle the old mutations, even though they’re, well, old, and we’ve already played them before, plus we get XP for them. I don’t want them to stop the weekly mutation completely!
with that said, I think I’ll cheese this mutation with Abathur, thanks CtG for showing me how, although I need to unlock Abathur’s Vipers first, on his P3. Thanks CtG for all these mutation videos and forum posts!!

How do we know if it’s the last mutation? Maybe Ctg didn’t find out the next ones yet (I don’t know how he find the 10 mutations before they were revealed)

For the cycle, it would be fun for me, because except since august, I missed most of the 4 years of mutation, just played around 10 and only at casual or normal difficulty later. I just started in august to play all and mostly in brutal. That would give me a chance to play all the ones I didn’t have the chance to try or I did, but on a too easy difficulty for me now.

(But I would like some logic for the event mutations like the halloween mutation with candys to still happen every halloween and not in 7 months).

But maybe we will get new mutations too, but CtG didn’t find it yet :open_mouth: .


Oh, and I don’t think they would stop it completly, it would make all mutation achievement impossible, wich would be lame, when they said they would still keep the game alive. They have to keep everything working, even if they don’t add new stuff.

(Well, seem we will have to wait until 2021 for Kerrigan Achievement bug to be fixed… :frowning: )

Each patch comes with a list of new weekly mutations that will be pushed out over the coming weeks; if there is none (or if they botch the release) they go back to the beginning of the list of all weekly mutations (ie. unless a patch comes out this week, Train of the Dead, the first weekly mutation, will be next week’s mutation - it could be that, like the last few times they botch things, they could do Train of the Dead for part of next week, then release the patch, then switch to a new mutation introduced in that patch mid-week).

The list of future mutations can be found from the map editor if you know where to look; this is where all of the data and analysis comes from, and slowly trickles out over time. The ones that are especially interesting or annoying get the most attention, of course.

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Oh ok, thank you. So no new patch means no new weekly mutations and auto cycling the weekly mutations?

If you’re not cheesing, Kerrigan’s nydus worms make excelling distractions for the Boom Bots and missiles.

Tried this on Custom with a Swann partner. He defended the ships while my Kerrigan cleared the buildings on the map.

Disclaimer: we had voice chat on Discord though so Boom Bots wasn’t really ever a problem.

Few tips

  1. Stetmann’s zerglings with shield easily survive some Booms (and mines and falling nukes and nuking hybrids etc), which makes them ideal for clearing the map of buildings
  2. Zerg towers are generally bad vs rockets bc PD’s spits on them. Same with Hydralisks.
  3. Same with Photon cannons.
  4. Best to use defences without any kind of missiles. Terran bunkers are great.
  5. Second best are defences with multiple missiles. Again - terran missile turrets.
  6. Tychus’ towers are scan-hit, hence they spit on PDs.

Just clear ASAP and do vision for bots in meanwhile. After that it’s just dumb missiles

That was a SAVAGE intro @CtG. But loved it.
“I see what you did there” :smiley:

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huh. didn’t think about that XD.

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Ignore missiles or be minimalist and have like 1-2 turrets per base and focus on clearing out all the buildings since Boombots can wipe you more easily.

Nukes don’t come until after 20 minutes or something and if both commanders are aggressive enough you should be done with the mission before nukes are either there, or is close to killing you.

However, if this isn’t possible for your team, one person focusing more on turrets and providing vision is also fine. In this case just be very coordinated in picking a side to clear so Boombots come from more predictable locations.

Cleared it with P2 Kerrigan (me) and P2 Swann ally.

My ally defends all the infested and missiles, while I am going to clear all the buildings (with mass mutalisk) and I also helping to detect the boom bot’s codes and give my ally a vision so he can enter the codes.

Only able to clear 1 side objective though.

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You guys got me a bit worried now, they won’t just shut down the weekly mutation, right? I mean, this would be kinda ridiculous as it would just void the possibility to get a handful of achievements.

145/150 atm…

I mean they shouldn’t but, until next Sunday, or a new patch with new mutations comes, we won’t know for sure. According to kelvSYC, in a previous reply on this post, they should have mutation#1 next week, Train of The Dead, and if they don’t release another patch, it should automatically have mutation#2 in 2 weeks, #3 in 3 weeks, etc, etc. At least that’s what I’m understanding…

that’s what they did for patch 5.0, if I remember correctly…put the first mutation as a placeholder mutation, then update to 5.0, which had the new mutations, the first of which was, “Beggars Can’t be Choosers.”

Did it as P2 Swann (never tried it before, so why not) with a p3 zeratul. My ally spent the game cleaning bases and giving vision of bots, while I covered the ships and the map with turrets and bettys. We stayed at 1 base and was quite easy. Missiles were a non factor until the very end, but with the sheer amount of turrets and the laser, it was easier than last week.

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