Try as you might, the infestation seems all but impossible to kill off. The only hope for the colony now is to wipe out the infestation directly from the source. Destroy the infested structures to cleanse the colony.
Just Die! - Enemy units are automatically revived upon death.
Void Reanimators - Void Reanimators wander the battlefield, bringing your enemies back to life.
The revived infested still burn out during day time.
A [Void Reanimator] is a ground unit that walks around the map and instantly revives a single random unit every few seconds.
The Void Reanimator has 200HP and 200 shields, runs around without any minimap indicator, and cares not whether you killed an enemy a minute or an hour ago. He will revive it.
If at any point in the game, you get a seemingly endless stream of enemies, try searching up their attack path. There are probably 2-3 Void Reanimators there.
Up to four [4] Void Reanimators can be active on the map at any given time. If you lock them away somewhere, they will not be able to revive any more units.
Swann + H&H is the way to go. Did it on the first try with this combo, me H&H P0 ally Swann P2.
I have to say though Swann P0 is superior than P2 for this mutation because of cheaper siege tanks. Turrets are mostly just buffer, they don’t kill the bigger things fast enough. We were overrun fairly quick, but I snuck out a Galleon and used it to snipe the last building. My first try was with P0 Swann and ally P0 Stukov and we lasted for a very long time. It’s just that my ally wasn’t very effective at clearing the buildings (I mean diamondback stukov? come on) so we were slowly wore down as the resources ran out.
This is exactly why P2 Swann is weak. The turrets might be the unique feature of Swann, but the workhorse of his defense are tanks. The turrets are just to protect the tanks.
Maguro’s overlay really opened my eyes on this one. Tanks are always 50%+ of my total damage on DoN, while turrets will rarely break 10%.
The turrets are still going to be more of a barrier than a damage dealer. Their importance is keeping units away from the tanks so the tanks can do their thing.
From what I have heard, DoN is possibly one of the easier missions to have Void Reanimators on, since the reanimators early on would be focused on reanimating normal infested anyways. It probably holds less true later on due to the way the mutator works (according to my understanding of it), as the later the mission goes on, the greater the chance that void reanimators will be reviving units that cost 2 or more supply (ie. not regular infested).
For those of you unaware, the game has a cache of 500 possible units that a void reanimator can revive; this cache is filled as you kill them, which means that early on, most of them would be regular infested. After the cache is full, only units that cost 2 or more supply will be added to the cache (ie. not regular infested), and it does so by randomly removing an existing entry from the cache.
It doesn’t really mean much for the overall strategy other than to put more emphasis on clearing the map fast. The Void Reanimator cage trick can work but is situational at best (and Abathur is probably the best at pulling it off, but it’s probably unnecessary for Abathur anyways, as Abathur arguably has better use of full biomass vipers), as is the traditional DoN cheeses.
As an aside, this seems like this is one of the few times where you P2 Stukov could be viable, though arguably still outclassed by P0 or P3. Any thoughts?
Fair enough. But splash damage is splash damage, and 8 tanks cause a whole lotta hurt. My point is simply that if Swann could build the turret, but the turrets couldn’t attack, he’d still be able to mount a credible defense using siege tank damage alone (with a turret wall in front of them). Take away the siege tanks though and the turrets would struggle against anything but mass light units.
Blaster Billie turrets have higher dps, but a blast from a siege tank makes sure that that unit won’t get to fire back. Upfront damage is still an amazing thing.
Also, all the other versions of Swann can have 2 flaming Betty’s and 3 siege tanks defending the entrance before the 1st night even starts. And they’re a great way to kill the chokers and kaboomers that your turrets would otherwise struggle with. By the time the first night is done, you can already have a Herc ready to go and start going right on the offensive.
Did it as Zeratul (P0) with a HannNHorner (P1) partner. I basically concentrated on defense and he used the Striker Platforms and wraiths to take out the infested structures. We finished in the middle of night 3, but missed the bonus.
This mutation is the worst lag fest I’ve ever had.
At 7th or 8th night the computer goes 0.5 fps, I felt the mutation harming my computer far more than the commanders.
Blizzard really should test any possible lag-fest mutations before submitting into the mutation data.
Oh BTW, I used that Prestige reset bug to gain +5 level on Karax Cha-Ching!
8th night?? Definitely not saying there’s a right way to do this mission, but out of a pure curiosity, why was the game still going at night 8? That’s long enough it must have been intentional.
5th or 6th I don’t really remember but it was a several nights.
I was defending while my Dehaka partner was breaking the base but when the lag got worse I had to deploy all of my units to demolish the base. The lag was truly messy.
Ah there is a prestige bug where you can start a level with full mastery after resetting your prestige.
So after mission countdown rolls (while in your mastery state) you can quickly reset your prestige.
Instead of starting you off with level 1 like it normally does, you start the map with full mastery. After that map you level up from level 1.
Using this tactic is quite useful in starting the prestige and using this on the mutation was quite a haul.
So I played the brutation with my full mastery state but as soon as it was over my level was reset 1 (due to prestige reset) but gained 239,000 XP.
So I took advantage of a bug but I assure you I did not cheat or hack in that mutation.