The vortex of swirling energies around the Void Slivers eat away at anything that isn’t in a building, and jams your reconnaisance systems. When hybrid die, they explode in an enormous blast that disables all your weapons. Only destroying the slivers will restore order to the area.
Black Death - Some enemy units carry a plague that deals damage over time and spreads to other nearby units. The plague spreads to your units when the enemy unit is killed.
Darkness - Previously explored areas remain blacked out on the minimap while outside of player vision.
Moment of Silence - When a Heroic enemy unit dies all player units around it will reflect on their sins, unable to attack or use their abilities.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
[Reddit Post Link]
- Any enemy unit has 33% to carry black death on Brutal.
- Players units that carry this plague will lose 2% of their max HP per second on Brutal until they die.
- When any infected unit dies [player’s or Amon’s], it will spread to 3 random players’ units within 5 range.
- Stukov’s Bunkers, Karax’s Repair Beam, 100-biomass Abathur units, and being in Kerrigan’s Omega Worms all out-heal the plague.
- Stetmann’s green zone can outheal the Black Plague for a lot of the units with Stetzone bonuses mastery.
- Moment of Silence [has 8 range]. Units affected can move, but not attack.
- Buildings are IMMUNE to Moment of Silence.
- The Void Sliver locations are visible through the darkness, but attack waves are not.
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I always use scourge Zagara for SoA. Too bad she is half way through leveling prestige.
Hello (Darkness) My Old Friend, I came to talk to you again…
Sorry, had to do. Things that came in patch 5.0.0 are so sad.
Black Death, oh look stukov time
Mengks make this very easy you just need to clear the expo and start setup ESO around north expo and use nuke to clear the top left one after that just go i def and keep bombing the rest of void silver ezpz 14-15 minute can even get bonus if ally do it since mengsk can clear all silver alone
P2 zagara units should outheal black death as well.
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Laugh in Strettman Infestor.
Wouldn’t P1 Stet and P1 Zagara do a good job? Short o using cheese strategies I mean.
I think some of her masteries are still broken so she might not have worked 100% anyway.
breezed through it with zagara p1. It’s insane how many banes and scourge you can get out in very little time, my mengsk ally had only just started mass building his ESOs by the time we won.
I tried it with kerri p1 as well, didn’t quite work the way I imagined. still won though.
that’s because black death does % damage while M.Creep regens a fixed +2 HP/s. It can outheal Black Death, but only with low HP ground units like marines, zerglings, etc…
Stetman makes this mutation trivial. No cheesing or any particular strategy needed.
Just turn on green field and never turn it off.
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Gah, I don’t have any commanders fully leveled that are good at this. Maybe Karax P3.
Nevermind. It’s really easy with Karax P3, at least if you ignore the bonuses.
Did it with P2 Stukov but it is really bad since banshees are super slow moving and unloading. Too bad since such mutation would have been good for that otherwise useless (that is, too micro-intensive for the reward you get) prestige.
Done as Mengsk with a Stukov ally. Enemy comp was Terran Marines & Siege Tanks.
Used P2 for getting Royal Tanks for defense faster, also their increased experience gain helps a lot with Mandate. 30/30 Terrible Damage made sure all Slivers fell.
No bonus. Nuked top left Sliver first. Top middle was a combination of 100 Mandate Zergs and Stukov’s Apocalisk or Aleksander. Far left one was nuked. The one above our base was again Zergs and Stukov stuff. The final one, at the expansion, was almost brought down with Infested and some Bunker calldowns, but an attack wave denied that. So we waited one minute for the final nuke.
In the very first game with a Nova ally, I got wiped out due to not paying attention to the Plague, which then spread into my mineral line. Oof. In the second game, only a tank had it, which was just constantly repaired by workers.