Co-Op Mutation #209: Scary Scavengers

Your resources run thin as the outbreak continues to ravage the planet. You and your ally decide to end this once and for all. Destroy the enemy buildings to stop the infested.

Outbreak - Enemy Infested Terrans spawn continuously around the map.
Slim Pickings - Player worker units gather resources at a reduced rate, but resource pickups spawn throughout the map.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG (Han and Horner)] Iswald (Karax)
[CtG (Dehaka)] EmmaMagorobi (Stukov)
[CtG (Zeratul)] Ancalagon (Vorazun)
[CtG (Tychus)] Iswald (Abathur)
[CtG (Zagara)] Iswald (Swann)
[CtG (Alarak)] Ancalagon (Arcturus)

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Infested spawn from enemy buildings continuously. Aberrations start spawning at 20 mins.
  • Workers gather 1 resource per trip on Brutal difficulty.
  • Each pickup give 50 resources to both players [mineral or gas].
  • Air units do not pick up the resources.
  • Infested from Outbreak do not burn during day time.

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i hate Slim Pickings…

#209 Mutation (Scary Scavengers) play list.


No poops, so I’ll give it a shot. Looks like a pretty straight forward Aba map.


So H&H plus some def commander… Mengsk might be the ideal partner in that scenario, since he can defend very well and also make ESO to help with building destruction.

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I believe kerrigan has the toughest defense on this map with her lurkers and free-and-permanent 1000HP obstacles.


The best thing about Kerrigan on this muta might be her assimilation aura :wink:


Normally Slim Pickings are a skip for me, but not on Dead of Night they’re usually much more manageable here.

Think I’ll probably just run Han and Horner and hope I get a decent cost efficient defensive ally.

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With Karax, his Colossi are sure to shine, given Outbreak piles on a double heaping of infested walkers.

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Mengsk is probably your friend here because of how many free units he gets.

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What free units? …

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His bunker calldown? 6 free troopers and a free bunker.


Plus his unleashing of the Zerg.


Plus ESO which isn’t a free unit, but pretty much free damage… so better :slight_smile:

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Went in as Karax, got matched with a Han/Horner… … … aside from having to actively gather materials and put actual thought/consideration into my build order. Didn’t feel different from a normal run.


I see you saying Colossi and everything - you’ll be gas starved, you can’t reach critical mass of Colossi soon enough. Tried Karax (full defense) and Tychus : 28 buildings left, but 6 nights are too long and we got overwhelmed.

Then went on in a full FOR THE SWAAARM mode with Stukov (infested bunkers for defense & offense, calldowns) & Kerrigan on 3Hatch 3Queen mass zergling. Easy peasy. Just drop an immobilization wave on the more guarded locations and leave the zerg do their job.

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I don’t know what is up with Europe today. Went on USA cleared quick and easy but on EU keep getting people who think they’re great but can’t even do anything. I’m not good enough to solo.

Had a Vora who thought stalkers were great and didn’t collect pickups. :man_facepalming:

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LOL, just checked out my last matched ally. He plays Tychus with Nikara first. Saw he has a mission where he matched with Karax that lasted 38mins! Seems Karax did pure def while he managed to destroy only 65 buildings. :rofl:

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Easy mutation.

I use Kerrigan and my ally is using Swann. He defends the base and I raze the enemies base and pick some resources (if possible) at the same time.

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Why do you make so many workers on slim picking mutations? With 50 trips to just pay for itself, is it worth it?

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Sometimes, eventually saturating at least the gases is worth it. But at least for the first bit, sending out your workers to grab pickups is the priority (one mineral pickup, one new worker). That’s why CtG emphasizes that for Slim Pickings, the majority of your income (throughout, but more importantly, early) will be based on your scouting, and as such “gathering resources is manual”.

For this mission, if you safely clear out an area, you can even afford to keep your workers patrolling in the cleared area for passive resource gathering. Even though you really should be clearing the mission fast.

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