Co-Op Mutation #208: Aggressive Recruitment

No. ­­­­­


Tychus is only good when stopping the poops in the field; you’d seriously have to need your ally to def, but otherwise he (or rather, Crooked Sam) can stop them - in this case, you still need fixer support (Sirius may be too much of a liability if the turrets get pooped).

That said, it’s probably better to let the poops pass you this week and let the defenses handle the poops anyways; Tychus is just here for the offensive support and pushing the objectives.


Grav doesn’t work? Well, Blizzard can go get bent. I’m not finishing this brutation. It’s not worth the effort.

Just cleared the brutation as Zagara. Took me 11 losses to get 1 win. I’d say it’s an interestingly difficult week. Last week was too easy.


Pretty tough but doable with a good partner. With Abathur you just have to spam toxic nests in narrow corridors. Maximising the nest spawn mastery helps a lot. When props appear, you should let them pass your army. And if you can’t avoid them, spam blinding cloud like crazy. Having around 8 vipers is the right way to go. It gets really intense at the last stop.

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Playing brutations for nearly a year now and what can i say, this is the worst one for me so far. The past months I’ve been queueing with randoms and it always worked out sooner or later, but for this one? This is a monstrous mutator combo and I don’t think it’s doable without a fix partner. So, if anyone would like to team up for this brutation, hit me up. This seems really tough but I’d like to beat it.

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Got a link to your video of easy win?


Nah, we botched it at the very end. I’ll go again later and show. But it is effective, aba zera, but as always, one misstep with props and your army gets roflknifed


They should really do something on the indestructible buildings that can spawn Propagator, Void Renimator and etc.

Still EZ for those who exploit the Brutal +1 bug. Seriously, can I lobby for that bug to get fixed? It technically isn’t like the Oblivion express bug, but it keeps me from playing to properly get it done if only because I want to take pride in my achievements, and when the game recognizes something easier as the same thing, it takes a lot of the fun out of it for me, you know?

this is the most ridiculous mutation combination. omg! 1 sec mistake and you lose

Had about 50+ losses till I got a win. Some did really well and I made it all the way to the third terminal. Others were with a level 10 Kerrigan who didn’t read the mutation descriptions, others were Zeratuls who’d drop their Zoraya Legion right on top of the damn things… then a beautiful pro Abathur player rode in on a white horse, whispered in my ear to play Zag and make Banelings. He then crashed the mutation with no survivors.

#$%(#! THIS #$I(%@!#$ AND #$%(#* BLIZZ’S PROFANITY FILTER!


I understand why gravitron beam can’t target heroic units in coop (tychus already have huge problem vs chokers, if amon phoenixes work on them they may as well rage quit), but sadly that does make phoenix variants pretty worthless to make in coop unless you already master in manually using the beams for disruptor/reaver/lurker/swamhost etc.

It does not. Heroic units can no longer be lifted up. It was changed during a patch quite some time ago.

Yes, they are detectors.

Yes. They can interact with anything.

Would there be any value in leaving a few enemy structures intact? Does the not-so-RNG for which enemy structs spawn Propagators give higher weightage to, say Forges, Eng bays, Pylons, etc.? Or would that lead to more difficulty when attacking towers as enemy rebuilds?

Wondering if having poops spread across the map at spawn gives more time to handle them at the right expansion choke point. In that they’d arrive at different times, even if overlapping.

Why would the easy part matter? The reason it’s done is because it’s easier :-/
Or for some who want to avoid an annoying mutation, rather than difficulty - eg last week’s Tax Day. Brutal on that was easy enough to do even with level<15 Swann & Karax separately, on pure def. [ Swann needs Multi-SCV Construction from level 8, and optionally lvl11’s structure life & turret speed increases. Karax needs insta Pylons, etc. from level 11. ] Fewer units and structures to command nearly negates Micro Transactions.

Fair enough :+1:

Where can I find your knight in shining armor?

Any tips for playing in random queue?
Any comander is more suitable for carry?