Let me tell you how it will be: There’s one for you, nineteen for me. Your force trembles in the Tax Man’s wake, so keep orders low; make no mistake.

Fear - Player units will occasionally stop attacking and run around in fear upon taking damage.
Micro Transactions - Giving commands to your units costs resources based on the unit’s cost.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
[Reddit Post Link]
Other Notes:
- The cost to micro a unit is its supply count times 1 mineral and 1 gas. For units that cost only minerals, the cost to micro is the supply times 2.
- Buildings and top bars also cost resources to use.
- The fear effect will make your units run around and be completely uncontrollable or unrecallable for 10 Blizzard seconds.
- Static defenses are immune from Fear.
- A unit’s probability of getting struck with fear varies directly with its health. Higher health units are more resistant to fear.
Commander of the Week: https://www.strawpoll.me/19465869
Mutation difficulty: https://www.strawpoll.me/19465870
Do you like this mutation? https://www.strawpoll.me/19465872
Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List
This looks like a giant step down in difficulty. Yay. I might actually be able to do the brutation this week.
What the general feel on a good strategy for micro-transactions, small army of powerful units or large army of weak units? Obviously the more a-move the better, but how do people usually play this mutation?
Check out the videos for some examples. Basically you can hero solo with a small amount of army/calldown backup quite easily with a lot of commanders.
I haven’t tried yet, but you could even out-mine micro-trans with Raynor and go spider-mines+turrets.
Micro-Transactions are an instant skip for me. That mutation isn’t fun and I wish Blizzard would just get rid of it.
There are far worse mutations out there than micro transaction.
Micro transactions is easy, you just have to be more conservative with your input in the first 5 minutes. After that it’s barely noticeable.
Slim pickings is much worse.
Did this first try as Dehaka with Artanis as ally, this one was a cake walk compared to previous explosive hunt. Blizz makes this either overkill or an impossible mission, no in between.
I am wondering if how much does it cost stukov to change the rally point for infsted?
Went in as Karax, had a single probe do all my heavy lifting. I think my partner was an Abathur.
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Top bar actions cost 10 min+gas i believe
Zeratul tip aka “dodging the Tax Man” - Use Void Arrays for movement and pickup 
To load units into the Void Array, instead of selecting units and then selecting the array, do this: Select the Array and then use its ‘Load’ action (‘F’ key in grid layout) on each unit near it. It only costs 1 mineral per unit loaded in; most units are more expensive per command. Queue the loading with Shift to do it all nearby units. And drop them near the enemy force, so you don’t have to actually issue an Attack command. Build many arrays (3 pairs).
Dunno why CtG didn’t use it in his Zeratul brutation run. Anyway, once you’re at 10 mins or so, the cost for F2A is affordable, if you choose to. Zeratul’s micro is still expensive (10 mineral, 5 gas), so getting a fragment, costs at least:
- Activate prophetic vision
- Fast Travel/Jump to location
- Re-activate prophetic vision and hope you’re close by enough to reveal the fragment
- Walk to fragment to pick it up
So that’s 40 mineral, 20 gas at best. If you use waypoints to determine the vision location, that’s 1 mineral per building (nexus) each time to click on the minimap to try locating it.
Production structure waypoints and commands also cost - queuing a probe costs 1 mineral. Queuing a combat unit costs 1 mineral + 1 gas (if the building needed gas to be created).
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I watched some of CtG’s replays and it seems like he really hates saturating his minerals :-o Last week I would understand it, but this week it baffles me why he stays on 10 drones on minerals for so long. I would expect maxing income to be the top priority. Maybe even expand to Amon’s base(s) 
…those workers take up supply, and if you aren’t mineral starved, the worjer isn’t worth the supply.
Forgot to add: Dominated units also cost per command issued. I used Serdath on my Brutal run, and each command to a dominated Colossus cost 6 min+6 gas. I was glad when it died.
I assume the same would apply to Vorazun’s Dark Archons, Karax’s Energizers, and Vega (Tychus). I haven’t played any Zerg CO’s so don’t know if there’s Neural parasite in Co-op or if it allows for control/domination of enemy units.
I don’t think he was going for a large army strategy on this one, and gas is Zeratul’s limiting factor anyway.
Agreed but what I prefer to do is 20/21 on Main and 14/15 on the Expo. Towards the end I try to remember to kill off at least 10 probes for more combat units.
Though, on most missions, you could probably kill all 36 of your probes at the 17-18 minute mark, leave some resources banked to build more units in case you stand on a lava burst or under a nuke or PSI showers. For 100-supply cap commanders, that allows for a lot more units towards the end (except Tychus, coz you’re limited to 5 outlaws anyway).
got the roach comp playing Abathur, felt like I’m cheating, with that toxic nest mastery
In terms of difficulty yea sure, but Micro-Transactions does nothing except suck the fun out of macroing and force you to use less APM. That is totally not fun. That’s anti-thetical to fun.
That one stupid mutation that flips the map upside down, it’s also anti-fun for much the same reason, but even that is just a “get used to it with your eyes” and you’re fine.
This mutation just punishes you for being a fast Starcraft player. There’s nothing fun about the limitations it puts on you.
Econ nerf mutations two weeks running… sigh
As Spirit said, seems like it’s cannon play week, don’t think it’s a mutation I’m gonna bother playing more than once. It’s pretty much the anti micro mutation.